[But it’s just like what the weirdo Hei Ri said at the end. 】

【Human beings themselves are heroes. 】

[As long as you calm down your emotions a little, you can face the difficulties and sufferings in life on your own - this is the most amazing thing about human beings. 】

[The era of Nango Shinjo ends at this moment. 】

[But the story between you and her has not stopped yet. 】

Chapter 146. Nango Akane’s perfect magical smile (4000 words)

[The story between you and her has not ended yet. 】

[After the Nango Shinjo Tokusatsu Club ended, you made a special trip to find relevant people in the circle, paving the way for Nango's future. 】

[As for what happens next...]

[Then it is completely out of your consideration. 】

[After all, that’s all you can do for your daughter. Chasing her dreams is what she needs to do. 】

[And in the month when you announced your retirement, Rikka Takarata also held a press conference in time and decided to withdraw from the film and television industry. 】

[Your dreams have all come true at this moment. 】

[The following time is reserved for you. 】

[With your attention and concern, Nanxiang will graduate successfully in the future. 】

[Thanks to your paving the way and the fact that she has received various acting training since she was a child, as soon as she debuted, she officially established a foothold in the film and television industry with her outstanding acting skills and appearance. 】

[She started chasing her dreams, just like you did before. 】

[It is also in this process that you grow old day by day. 】

[But despite this, you and Akane Shinjo are still inseparable and have never been separated. 】

[For you, happiness is not so complicated. 】

[Sometimes, you can sit with her and look at old photo albums for an entire afternoon. 】

[Being together every day, sleeping looking at each other every day, and the first eyes you open every day are full of each other. Just such a simple act makes you feel indescribable joy and happiness. 】

[But the long river of time is very ruthless and powerful, so powerful that it can easily take you away from her. 】

[As time goes by, your body gradually cannot support it. 】

[But you are not afraid of the coming death. 】

[The high wall of death may separate you from her, but the love between you will never be severed. 】

[After your death, she did not feel lonely or alone. 】

[Because you left Nanxiang Mirai behind, and Rikka Takarata came to visit from time to time. 】

[The presence of the two of them made her feel so warm. 】

[In the photo album, you sit in the middle, and they are on both sides. Your smile is just as they remember it, never dim. 】

【Maybe this is happiness. 】

[Just like the sudden typhoon and heavy rainfall many years ago, which trapped her in your home. 】

[I also kept her by your side until today. 】

[Simulation ends. 】

"it's over."

Looking away from the simulation, Nanxiang felt an indescribable feeling of satisfaction.

It's like watching a very good movie.

Every time I complete a good ending, I will feel this way in Nanxiang.

And this time too.

Nanxiang was satisfied and at the same time looked forward to the next system rating.

I don’t know what the system score is this time.

He continued to look down.

[System score: 92 points. You have achieved a ‘happy ending’. 】

[System evaluation: The love of this life will never be forgotten. The bond called happiness and responsibility connects you to her and sends your love into the future. 】

[That sudden typhoon and heavy rainfall many years ago trapped her in your home and made her completely immersed in your charm. Her heart was originally barren and barren, but then once you walked through it, everything began to grow violently. 】

[Maybe it was just because of your outstanding appearance that she cared about you at first. But with your continuous influence and continuous efforts, she gradually realized the essence of you. It was precisely because of your first cooperation with her at the Ocha Festival that the timid girl was willing to take the first step. And this step is her first step in chasing her dreams and courage. 】

[This is how your love affair begins, and it seems to be a natural progression. 】

[In your youth, you respected her choice and faced the difficulties in life with her. During the days when you severed ties with the Shinjo family, your life was a little difficult, but just being with you, she seemed to have Have the courage to face these. 】

[You and she work hard together for your dreams. In college, you have achieved excellent results together that outsiders cannot ignore. Your relationship continues to heat up at this stage. Your experience of working hard with her will be in the future. You have a lifetime of beautiful memories, and this memory will eventually support you to continue on. 】

[As time goes by, you continue to pursue your dreams. For you, dreams are not just goals, but also the catalyst for your emotional experience. You founded the club, which is the starting point that gave birth to your dreams. 】

[Your career begins to take off at this stage, and your daily life with her is very busy, but no matter how busy you are, you and she will always find time to be together. 】

[The career of Nango Shinjo Club has gradually stabilized. Your work and career are not as busy as before, and you are also entering middle age during this period. 】

[Your dream has come true, and you have to start thinking about marriage. Under your arrangement, you will soon get married, and after the marriage, your wife gives birth to a daughter. You will be like a treasure. It's named 'Future'. 】

[Nanxiang will gradually grow up in the future, and you will gradually age, but time cannot take away the love between you and her, and the happiness between you and her. 】

[For you, being able to see each other when you wake up from a dream is an indescribable happiness in itself. 】

[But time is equal to everyone. The story always ends like this, two flowers bloom, separated by the sky. 】

[The long river of time will swallow you up and take you away, while she stands on the edge of the river bank, picking up every bit of you and her. 】

[She has never felt lonely or lonely, because the courage you gave her and the happiness you gave her were enough to get her through these difficult days. In the depths of the long river of memory, your figure has never been in her heart. Dissipate - she still loves you deeply until the end. 】

"92 points."

Nanxiang Shi took a look at this score.

This rating is one point lower than the simulations of Chisuke Nishiki and Takina Inoue, and the same as Kazuri Goto.

Nango thought that there might be Akane Shinjo's regret for Rikka Takarata's feelings, so some points were deducted.

"But if you think about it this way, if you want to get a hundred percent happy ending, you have to drag Rikka Takarata into the water?"

Nan Xiang was thinking about it in his heart.

He can also be regarded as a man who simulated three happy endings.

It can be said that he is familiar with this kind of thing.


"It's just an idea after all."

Nanxiang sighed.

No one can tell what will happen in the simulation.

Even if he chooses the so-called 'harem ending', maybe the final score will not be as high as the happy ending?

It's not impossible.

To put it bluntly, how could a character like Rikka Takarata agree to the so-called ‘harem ending’ route?

It's unlikely when you think about it.

Thinking of this, Nan Xiangshi threw away all the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind.

Nanxiang looked at the simulator.

He hasn't seen the system settlement this time.

[System settlement: You have obtained ‘Nango Akane’s perfect magical smile’, and you have obtained ‘Specialty Film and Television LV4’. 】


Nanxiang Shi looked at the contents of the system settlement and couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

Specializing in film and television LV4, he still understands what it means.

It should be the film and television editing and shooting skills he gained in this simulation as the 'God of Reiwa Tokusatsu'.


"Nango Akane's perfect magical smile?"

What the hell is this?

Nanxiang Shi didn't quite understand and couldn't help but take a look.

[Nango Akane’s perfect magical smile:]

[The trauma of family memories in his childhood and his far-superior talent for hiding emotions have created a monster who is good at disguising himself. 】

[This also allows her to show an outgoing and sunny smile that can capture everyone's heart no matter what time or place she is. 】

[I love him deeply, so from the moment we confirmed our relationship, I will never show a smile pretending to be myself again - Akane Shinjo. 】

[The moment you intentionally smile, you will temporarily enjoy a +1 bonus to your appearance value. 】

"A bonus of 1 to the appearance value?"

Looking at the overly simple and easy-to-understand explanations behind the text, Nan Xiangshi touched his chin.

The bonus of appearance value +1 has to be said to be a very powerful bonus.

Because things like appearance are completely different from academic values ​​and athletic values, and are completely determined by innate conditions.

And just having such a skill can give you a 1-point bonus to your appearance value - this is not a big effect.


"It seems a bit tasteless to me, right?"

Now that get out of class was over, Nan Xiangshi took out his mobile phone, switched the rear camera to the front camera, and opened his status panel at the same time.

On the status panel, your appearance value is clearly marked with numerical symbols.

Appearance: 9.


The appearance value in Nanxiang was 9.

He was already considered the most beautiful boy in Tokyo, but even without the temporary +1 bonus to his appearance, it didn't seem to matter at all.


"Appearance value 10... That should be considered the theoretical limit of appearance value for humans, right?"

Nanxiang was very curious.

What will happen when the appearance value reaches the peak value of 10?

After much thought, and with the skill of 'Nango Akane's Perfect Magic Smile', Nango Toki simply decided to experiment.

Looking at himself in the mobile phone camera, Nanxiang Shi thought for a while and smiled slowly.


When I was in Nanxiang, I saw a completely unfamiliar face on my mobile phone.

The young man's messy black hair was scattered, his black eyes were shining with clean and pure brightness, and his facial features were deep and beautiful.

But what makes people even more unable to take their eyes away is his smile.

This is a smile that is extremely charming. It seems that with just such a smile, you will fall deeply and unconditionally in love with the person who has this smile.

His eyes, his lips, including his person...

Just like the witch in fairy tales who can destroy a city with just a smile.

No matter how indifferent a woman is, once she sees the boy's smile, she will never be able to take her eyes away from it.

Just like the skill name says.

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