He was satisfied.


"You can actually get a high score of 94 points."

When Nanxiang stared at the system score, he was actually quite surprised.

94 points.

This is a high score higher than the 93 points simulated by Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina.

A bit exaggerated? Miss Liang?

Nan Xiang held up his face.

You must know that he only simulated Ryo Yamada twice in total.

Once is through the character card.

The other time is this in-person simulation.

The result is a high score of 94 points.

This progress is really scary.

"94 points... In other words... Is it possible that Ms. Yamada has the same memories in her head as Ichiri now?"

When Nanxiang turned off the simulated page, he couldn't help but think.

Let’s analyze the current situation.

There shouldn't be that much difference between personal simulation and ordinary simulation.

After all, even the results of the last simulation have changed.

This means that personal simulations have a higher priority than ordinary simulations.

Then it is natural that Ms. Yamada will have more memories of happy endings.

"But no matter what, it has nothing to do with who I am now."

Nanxiang Shi stretched hard again.


To put it bluntly, memory in simulation is just memory in simulation.

It doesn't have much to do with him now.

And he didn't think anything unexpected could happen this night.

Nanxiang Shi took the mobile phone that was placed next to the bed, turned on the screen, and glanced at the time on it.

It's about nine o'clock in the evening.

"Although it's a little early, I've been busy with various things these past few days..."

Nanxiang yawned.

Aside from personal simulations, these days he is running around and busy with various things.

There are still troublesome matters waiting for him at the Ocha Festival.

It's better to go to bed early.

At least I'll have some energy tomorrow.

Think so.

Nanxiang Shi simply lay back on the bed and was about to close his eyes.


Ding dong——

A clear ringing sound suddenly came from outside the door.

Nan Xiang opened his eyes when he was disturbed.

There's something strange about him.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening, who rang his doorbell outside?

When I came to Nanxiang, I immediately thought of the landlord.

But he had already paid the deposit for this month, and the other party had no other reason to come to him.

So who is outside the door?

Nanxiang Shi scratched his hair and thought with some wickedness——

"It can't be Miss Liang, right?"

Probably because the influence of the personal simulation was still there, he actually thought of Yamada Ryo at this time.

But just thinking about it makes me realize that it’s unlikely.

That was Miss Liang, Miss Liang who found it very troublesome to move.

How could he come to his rental house so late at night?

The doorbell is still ringing.

Considering that if you don't open the door, you might disturb the residents.

Nanxiang Shi got up, turned on the light and walked to the entrance. Then he opened the door and said with a smile:

"Which one?"


Simple conversation, simple response.

But Nanxiang Shi's fingers that opened the door were slightly stagnant.

Looking at the figure outside the door, Nanxiang Shi blinked in surprise at first, and then couldn't help but look at the other person one more time.

Amber eyes, silver earrings shining under the light, hidden under the short blue hair, cold and elegant, a beautiful face that everyone would take a second look at.

And the mole on the corner of the eye that is very attractive no matter how it changes.


Nanxiang Shi made a sound in astonishment.


Just now... just now.

Ryo Yamada...is here.

And looking at Ryo Yamada in front of him.

Only then did Nan Xiang realize that what he had thought before... was actually entirely based on his own subjective thoughts.

Miss Liang is indeed afraid of trouble, and she is indeed lazy and does not like troublesome things.


Precisely because she is Miss Liang.

Apart from her 'lazy' character.

There is also the character of being pampered by his parents to the point of being "too liberal" and "self-centered".

Late at night, a little girl came to a boy's home.

Can an ordinary girl do such a thing?

Among the girls I met in Nanxiang.

Probably only Nishiki Chishu had the courage.

And except for Nishiki Chishu...probably the one in front of me...

"Ryo...what are you doing?"

Nanxiang looked at Ryo Yamada, who was wrapped in a black knitted long-sleeved sweater in front of him, and couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? What's the problem?"

Yamada Ryo's amber eyes, which were as emotionless as inorganic matter, blinked.

"I thought it was time, so I came."


She missed Nanxiang.

So I came over.

Is there any problem with this?

Chapter 160. The Nanxiang time she cares about (4000 words)

The rental house in Nanxiang was very small.

It's so small that when Ryo Yamada is just wearing black socks and wants to stretch his legs, he will frown: "It's too narrow."

"Who knew you would suddenly come here at night?"

It was strange when I was in Nanxiang.

This late at night, a man sneaked into the boy's rental house.

Stop talking about girls.

Even if Ryo Yamada is a boy, some people might think it’s weird, right?

Ms. Yamada is as free as ever.

And it's also the kind of freedom that goes too far.

Nanxiang poured a glass of water for Yamada Ryo.

"I want to drink PRONTO coffee."

"No. No money."

"I gave Shi money, and Shi bought it back for me."

Ryo Yamada took out his wallet.

"...Hiss...how far do you think it is from the nearest coffee shop? It's almost a kilometer, right? Isn't this just a matter of money?"

Nan Xiangshi knocked Yamada Ryo hard on the head, wondering what on earth this woman was thinking.

"You can do it, don't deny yourself."

"This is not a matter of denying yourself or not, but you want me to go to a coffee shop one kilometer away in the cold wind in autumn weather and bring you a cup of coffee. Problem?"

Nanxiang was not like Miss Yamada's parents who pampered Yamada Ryo at all: "There is only running water."

Speaking of which, Ms. Yamada was really spoiled by her parents.

Nanxiang still remembered in the simulated memory that Ryo Yamada just had a common cold, and her parents would go to great lengths to send her to famous doctors and use various advanced medical equipment for examination.

This is probably why she has such an unfettered and free personality.

But who knew that after hearing Nanxiang Shi's words, Yamada Ryo actually stood up directly.

"...Then I'll go alone."

She stood up, put on her loafers, and asked sideways:

"What do you want to drink? I'll bring it over by the way."

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

Miss Yamada, do you think there are no bad people in this world?

Even if you go out once in the evening, you want to go out a second time?

Seeing Ryo Yamada packed up and ready to go.

Nanxiang also had no choice but to put on his outer coat.

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