Moreover, my second sister has watched a few bloody romance movies.

But she is one of those people who has never watched romantic movies.

The two discussed in a low voice, glancing at Akane Shinjo from time to time.

This made the smile on Akane Shinjo's face even sweeter and more beautiful.

Compared to the miscellaneous thoughts of Nango Shiho and Nango Yuho, what she was thinking about was much simpler - to leave a good impression on them both.

Take it slow and steady.

Finally, he entered the house when he married Nanxiang.

The two sides confronted each other inexplicably.

After a while.

Nango Shiho and Nango Yubo reached a consensus - since they don't understand anything, they should stay put to avoid causing trouble to Shinjo Akane and Nango.

After all, two girls are virgins both physically and mentally.

Faced with this situation, we are naturally helpless.

"Miss Shinjo, Shiho and I already know the general situation."

Nango Yuho considered his words: "But when it comes to relationships... that... Shiho and I don't have much experience, so we can only say, let's support you."

"Just call me Qian, Sister Youbao."

After Nango Yuho said these words, Akane Shinjo blinked, and then sighed slightly.

She seemed very disappointed, but in fact, her heart had already exploded.

Support her!

The two sisters from Nanxiang's family said they would support her!

Although maybe this is just a simple polite talk between the two people.

But as long as she has this sentence, there are so many things she can do!

For example, when approaching Nanxiang openly.

Ask the two for some information about each other.

Understand each other's interests and hobbies and cater to them.

What can be said is that just this sentence actually shows that Nango Yuho and Nango Shiho are quite satisfied with her.


He clenched his fist hard where the two of them could not see.

A perfect smile bloomed on Akane Shinjo's face, and she continued: "By the way, you two are here to visit the Ocha Festival, right? If you don't mind, let me do it..."


Akane Shinjo is working hard to improve the favorability of Nango Shiho and Nango Yuho.

Nanxiang Shi here held his chin and looked at the time on his phone thoughtfully.

After looking at the 8:16am sign, Nanxiang Shi let out a small sigh.

It was obviously only eight o'clock in the morning, and he had just gotten up from bed.

But why did he start to feel tired?

Goto Kazuri, Shinjo Akane...and then his two older sisters.

Nanxiang Shi rubbed his eyebrows and glanced around at the various class activities that had started to open one after another.

Haunted house, target shooting room, cafe...

It can be seen that these students are quite interested in this event.

I guess the taste doesn't matter.

But fortunately it was arranged in a decent manner.

"I feel like today is going to be an extremely long day."

After scanning the surroundings and sighing, Nanxiang Shi continued to walk forward, wanting to find a place to rest temporarily.

But he only took two steps forward and then had to stop.

And the reason is very simple——

A tender, clear child's voice suddenly sounded from in front of him.

"Ah! It's the handsome big brother on my sister's phone!"

Then there was the soft feeling of something hugging his thigh.

"Huh? Little girl?"

Looking at the little girl with short pink hair hugging his thigh like a facehugger, Nan Xiangshi looked surprised.

But he quickly realized that the little girl probably came to visit the Ocha Festival with her parents, but got lost with her parents on the way.

So he gently pulled the little girl away, lowered his body, and looked at the other person.

She has pink, fine, shiny shoulder-length short hair, and the twinkling pure blue eyes unique to a child.

Her hands and feet are slender and adorable, and she is also carrying a small cloth bag cutely.

And it also gave Nanxiang a feeling that he was very familiar with it when he saw it...

Wait a minute--


When Nanxiang looked at the half-grown little girl in front of him, he seemed to have thought of something.

Pink hair, blue eyes.

There are also the dull hairs left on both sides of the bob head...

These characteristics combined...


Just when Nan Xiangshi was about to say something, the little girl in front of him raised her head again, looked at his face, and spoke excitedly: "He is really the good-looking brother that I often see on my sister's phone!"

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head, stood up, and asked, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Nisato! Goto Fusato! First meeting! The handsome big brother on the phone!"

The little girl with short pink hair in front of her said that, and she bent her little body very cutely and bowed to Nan Xiang.

She is indeed Gotou Ichiri's younger sister...

Looking at Goto Jiri in front of him, Nanxiang Shi's suspicion was verified.

In his simulated memory, he had met Goto Jiri several times.

But at that time, the other person had already grown into a junior high school student, with a bright and cute personality, which was completely different from the cute Goto Jiri who was still in elementary school now.

"Hug! The handsome big brother on the phone!"

Stretching out his tender little hands, Goto Jiri raised his little face excitedly.

"What does 'big brother who looks good on the phone' mean?"


"Alright alright."

Nanxiang Shi found it funny and hugged her little body into his arms.

And Goto Jiri also put his arms around his neck in a very obedient and sensible manner, and then said with a serious expression:

"You're the pretty big brother on your phone. I often see your photos on my sister's phone."

"Do you often see me on your phone?"

"Yeah! My sister spends half an hour every day looking at my eldest brother's photos before going to practice guitar! I often see my sister smiling at my eldest brother's photos at home."


Goto Erri, who would go to Ichiri Goto's room from time to time to check on his sister, often saw his sister holding a mobile phone, with a photo of her big brother in front of her taken from a distance on the screen.

This made Goto Jiri feel deeply curious about Nanxiang, who had never been masked in the photo.

Because in her impression.

My sister obviously has no friends in school.

Why are you suddenly sitting in the room with a photo of a good-looking older brother and giggling?

She was a little confused at such a young age.

So Kazuri Goto, who saw Nango Toki in person for the first time today, was inevitably a little excited, and even asked for a hug from Nango Toki.

"Does the handsome big brother on the phone know my sister?"

Goto Erato was hugged by Nango Toki and asked in a cute and childish voice.

"Of course we know each other. Your sister and I are good friends."

Nanxiang Shi smiled, reached out and touched her head, and then introduced himself: "My name is not the 'big brother who looks good on the phone'. My name is Nanxiang Shi, Erli."

Children just like to give other people some weird nicknames.

What's the 'big brother who looks good on the phone'?

Even if this is true, Nanxiang Shi still has to correct her wrong statement.

It was just after Nanxiang thought so and introduced himself.

A voice came from his ears.

[Discovered object that can be simulated: Jiri Goto]

"?" Nanxiang time.

Chapter 167. When will you marry sister Yili? (4100!)

[Discovered object that can be simulated: Jiri Goto]

"?" Nanxiang time.

Listen to the system prompts in your ears.

Look at the prompt that pops up in front of you.

Nanxiang took another look at Goto Futori, who was wearing a white sailor dress and looked to be no more than five or six years old.

What a real punishment, this simulator.

Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

Are you able to do anything to such a young child?

Can you even count her as a mock subject?

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but shake his head.

He had felt something was wrong with this simulator before.

Just count my two sisters as simulation objects.

At this moment, not even Goto Jiri was spared.

Do you have any special hobbies for 'sisters'?

Nanxiang turned his gaze to one side and ignored the system's outrageous prompt.

He is still young and wants to breathe more fresh air outside, and does not want to be sent directly to prison at a young age.

Ignore the simulator prompts.

Nanxiang felt that the first priority now should be to send Goto Erri back to her parents as soon as possible.

After all, a little girl, no more than five or six years old, was lost.

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