This made Naoki Goto and Michio Goto even more surprised.

Because no matter how they think or imagine.

Such an outstanding young man in front of him is not someone that his socially fearful and withdrawn daughter can associate with.

Especially when he was halfway through the walk, Michiyo Goto seemed to have thought of something, and took the palm of her husband in front of her, lowering her voice:

"Naoki, I seem to have heard of the name 'Nanxiang Shi'..."

It should be said that she is indeed Goto Isato's mother.

Even though she is in her late thirties, she still looks cute and cute when she talks to her husband by biting his ear.

"Does Michiyo feel the same way?"

Goto Naoki moved his 'eyes' away from Nanxiang Shi's figure and whispered: "Actually, I feel like I have heard it somewhere... Wait a moment -"

Goto Naoki seemed to have recalled something, and it took him a long time to speak: "I remember, Nanxiang... Isn't this the one who ranked first in the national simulation test last time?"

"Number one in the national simulation test?" Michiyo Goto widened her beautiful blue eyes and looked at Nango's back in front of him in surprise.

"Yes. When I first entered Ocha High School, wasn't there an announcement on the bulletin board at the bottom? 'Congratulations to sophomore Nanxiang Shi for winning the first place in the national mock test.'"

At this point, Mr. and Mrs. Goto looked at each other.

They couldn't help but look at Nanxiang in front of them.

His expression was more than surprised, it could even be said to be a bit dumbfounded.

Because they both never thought that their daughter could actually meet such an outstanding friend.

It was also when the two of them were still whispering and communicating.

Nan Xiangshi stopped in his steps, turned around and said hello: "Here we are, Uncle Naoki and Aunt Michiyo."

Then the two discovered it.

It turned out that at some point, Nanxiang Shi had taken them out of the playground and to the nearby green belt of the campus where there were relatively few people.

At this time, Goto Ichiri and Goto Erri were sitting on the bench.

"Dad! Mom!"

Watching my parents appear.

Goto Jiri immediately abandoned his sister and threw himself at Goto Michiyo with open arms.


Michiyo Goto picked up her second daughter and said, "Nari, I want to thank you, big brother Nango."


Goto Jiri nodded his head vigorously, then turned to look at Nanxiang: "Thank you, Brother Shi!"

The waiter had a sweet voice when he spoke, and was very cute. Nanxiang Shi smiled, which was considered as a yes.

"Dad, Mom, really - why did you come so early? And you even lost Erli."

Goto Ichisato, who was wearing a maid outfit, complained dissatisfiedly to the parents in front of him.

Of course she would complain.

You must know that her good cards and full of plans were completely disrupted by the appearance of Goto Jiri.

This little guy doesn't make people worry at all.

Basically all her dear plans along the way came to nothing.

You know she is a social terror.

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Just to make these plans, I don’t know how much psychological work I have done.

She complained, but before she could finish her words, she was pushed aside by Naoki Goto and Michio Goto.


Goto Ichiri looked dumbfounded, looking at the scene in front of him, completely confused as to what was happening.

"Yili, let me ask you, are you friends with Nanxiang classmate?"

"Huh...? Yes...yes."

Everything happened so suddenly that Goto Ichiri could only answer in a daze.

"Not a rental friend?"

"How could he be a loan friend? Ah a real friend who has helped me many times!"

As soon as he heard the word 'rental friend', Goto Ichiri, who was still a little confused at first, immediately came to his senses.

As if she was insulted, she stammered and made an incredible sound: "And, and am I the kind of person who would spend money to rent friends? How can you doubt me so much?"


Isn't this insulting?

How could she spend money to 'rent friends'?

That would be too empty and too sad, right?

She retorted with righteous indignation.

But Naoki Goto and Michio Goto didn't say a word, just looked at her in silence and retorted.

That is, in this silent atmosphere.

Goto Ichiri, who was full of confidence just now, opened his mouth and finally lowered his head.

All right.

She is indeed the kind of person who will 'rent friends' when pressed.

"But...but Ah Shi is really my friend. If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

Whatever else the parents say is up to them.

But this was the only sentence she had the confidence to say.

Goto's parents obviously felt their daughter's tone.

Then they said in disbelief: "Yili, how did you make such an outstanding friend?"

You know, at home, Goto Ichiri always talks to her imaginary air friend, Yoshita.

Suddenly having such an outstanding friend made them unable to accept this shocking fact.

"Uh... that... it's Ah Shi... he's very interested in guitar! That's how we became friends."

He doesn't have the eloquent ability he had in Nanxiang.

Goto Ichiri had no choice but to hesitantly repeat what he had just said to Goto Jiri in Nanxiang.

But just listened to her say these words.

Goto Michiyo's face showed a moved look.

Next to her, Goto Naoki covered his face with his hands and shed tears of emotion:

"Wow! Daughter! My eldest daughter! She can actually find friends by her own abilities!"

"...Does the reaction need to be so exaggerated...?"

Gotou raised his head and spoke cautiously.

"Of course it's necessary!" X2.

"Ah...ok, sorry."

Goto Ichisato lowered his head.

Seeing his daughter lowering her head, Naoki Goto couldn't help bragging to Michiyo Goto next to her:

"Michiyo, look, it's right to let Yili get into rock music, right? It must be through rock music that you can make such good friends... wu wu wu..."

When he talked about the latter part, he couldn't help but cover his face with his hands and shed tears.

In fact, it’s not to blame for his exaggerated reaction.

After all, the two of them put in an unknown amount of effort because they were worried that Gotou Ichiri would not be able to integrate into society in the future.

Kazuri Goto wanted to get into rock music.

So even if she practiced six hours a day and even neglected studying, neither of them said a word.

He was afraid that she wouldn't be able to make friends because of her isolation in middle school, so she spent a lot of money to send her to Ocha High School.

They even put charms on their homes to ward off evil spirits and put piles of salt in the corners.

Goto's parents have done this kind of miscellaneous things many times.

And that daughter... that daughter actually... made friends of the opposite sex on her own!

For Naoki Goto and Michio Goto, this is no less than a big step in the progress of human civilization!

Think of this.

Goto Naoki turned his head with excitement, and held the hand of Nango Shi who was confused:

"Please, please, you must continue to be friends with our family! This is my lifelong request! Please! It doesn't matter if you call me daddy! Please!"

"Ah?" Nan Xiang's face was full of questions when his palm was suddenly held.

What is this middle-aged man saying all of a sudden?

Chapter 169. Let Goto Ichiri become the bride! (4100 words)

Naoki Goto was obviously in a rather fanatical state.

After all, the fact that his daughter had made a male friend seemed a bit unbelievable to him.

You must know that since childhood, Goto Ichiri has never been friends with men.

Even speaking on weekdays can be said to be very little.

So it's natural that he made some gaffes.

However, compared to Goto Naoki's excitement.

Michio Goto's reaction was calmer.

She first told her husband to shut up with a smile, then smiled and held Nan Xiang's hand and said:

"Nanxiang-kun, having a friend like you in Yili really makes us feel at ease. Just as my husband said, please remain friends with Yili in the future."

Michiyo Goto smiled demurely: "Having a male friend like Nango-kun, Naoki and I feel relieved."

It should be said that she is a woman who can give birth to a beautiful girl like Ichiri Goto. Michiyo Goto looks very beautiful when she smiles.

Listening to her words, Nanxiang Shi shook his head seriously, and then said: "In that case, you are overly complimentary. I am actually lucky to be able to maintain a friendship with Yili. A woman like her There are too few children now.”

His conversation was moderate, and even though he was only wearing the uniform of Ocha High School, he felt elegant.

The most important thing is that his words are full of sincerity and there is no joke in them.

This made Naoki Goto and Michiyo Goto's eyes sparkle.

What a polite kid.

And he seems to really regard his daughter as a good friend!

Not bad... really good!

However, compared to the satisfaction of Goto’s father and Goto’s mother.

Next to him, Goto Kazuri's face was already flushed: "Mom, Mom! What are you talking about to Toki?!"

"I'm telling the truth, Yili."

Michiyo Goto turned to look at Ichisato Goto, whose face turned red and wanted to speak. Then he worriedly held his face and said, "I have always been worried about whether you will meet that kind of bad man with bad conduct in the future."

"Uh-" Goto Ichiri blushed, and then became a little unconvinced: "How can-"

"What do you mean, where is there?"

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