Then Nishikiki Chishu was the first to speak: "Then where should we go to play next?"

"'s up to you."

Nanxiang yawned.

As a member of society in his previous life, he had little interest in activities organized by students.

But since Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina wanted to visit the Ocha Festival, he certainly wouldn't refuse their request.

"Then I want to go eat something delicious!"

Nishikiki Chishu is full of energy, and this party-like atmosphere is suitable for such a positive and sunny character like her.

It's just that Nanxiang Shi ate all the delicious food she said early this morning.

In addition, we tasted the bento made by the two of us.

He even said that there was no need to buy his portion, and they could just eat happily by themselves.

The three of them were walking and shopping.

In fact, most of the time, Chisuke Nishiki was hanging out in front, while Nango Toki and Takina Inoue were just watching her laughing and playing in the back.

There was nothing I could do, it was very uncomfortable when I was in Nanxiang.

Inoue Takina is the kind of character who is quiet and can't let go.

Naturally, the two of them could only watch Nishiki Chishu eating marshmallows in front, taking a look at the mask, and eating apple candies.

They marched like this for a while.


Nishiki Chishu, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, his eyes shining as if he saw some particularly interesting stall.

Nanxiang Shi followed her gaze and discovered the stall in front of him.

It was a target shooting game stand.

Various prizes were placed on the curtain wall behind the students. At this time, several couples were standing at the front desk trying to shoot with air guns.

Nanxiang Shi and the two women stood aside and watched the couple in front of them for a while. The man had fired more than a dozen rounds in a row and spent five to six hundred yen, but he still missed.

The taller boyfriend put down the air gun in his hand sheepishly.

"Let's play again next time, Yumi. This gun must have been tampered with. It's completely inaccurate."

"That's not right, Shota, aren't you very good at playing shooting games like this? You just don't care about me, so that's why you can't hit, right?"

"No, that's really not the case. There is still a big difference between online games and actual design."

"That's enough! I won't listen! You must not love me anymore!"

"Wait, wait! Boss! Ten more times!"

The boyfriend was obviously panicked and turned to the student boss to buy ten more rubber bullets.

I don’t know if it’s because I came from the shoot-out yuri series “Licoris”.

Nishiki Chishu was obviously interested in this target shooting game booth.

She hurriedly dragged Nango Toki and Inoue Takina to the target shooting store and asked the boss for an air gun.

Put the rubber stopper in place.

Nishikiki Chishu held an air rifle that looked like a Mosin Nagant, and while squinting his eyes to aim, he did not forget to turn his head and ask:

"Takina! Is there anything you want?"

"Ah...I don't really want anything."

Inoue Takina glanced at the prize on the curtain wall.

They are all relatively cheap dolls and gadgets like hairpins.

But she was born with no interest in male dolls and hairpins and other decorations. She just glanced at them and continued with a frown:

"Qian Zhu, otherwise forget it. Others have fired so many rounds and haven't been hit. There must be something wrong with the air gun."

"Hey...? Others are others, and I am me! I am Miss Nishikiki, the invincible sniper who can destroy all enemy forces once in a century!"

Although I don’t know why, Miss Qian Shu seems to have always had a self-confidence that ordinary people cannot have.

"The invincible sniper who wipes out all the enemy forces once in a century?"

Listening to Miss Qian Shu’s reputation as a particularly bad child.

Nan Xiangshi, who had been silent for the whole time, looked away from the couple who were shooting targets.

Fortunately, Takina Inoue on the side took the initiative to explain to Nango:

"That's right. Qian Shu is very good in many gun games. No matter what kind of FPS (shooting) game, she is a top player, so someone gave her such a nickname."

"I see."

Nan Xiangshi nodded.

Nishiki Chishu is particularly good at FPS games, which is what he expected.

After all, the opponent's LV5 Reflexivity specialty is not just for good looks.

To know the explanation of the system.

Reaction level LV5, almost the type of superman who can dodge bullets at close range.

And general FPS online games are particularly dependent on the talent of reaction speed.

Therefore, Nanxiang Shi is not surprised that Nishiki Chishu is a top player.

"Shi-kun, is there anything you want? No matter what it is, Master Qian Shu can help you get it."

Seeing his best friend and best friend helping him to brag about himself in front of Nanxiang Shi.

Nishiki Chishu also took the initiative to roll up his sleeves at this moment, determined to show off his skills in front of Nanxiang Shi.

"In that case, it's the panda doll."

In order not to spoil her interest, Nan Xiangshi stood behind and pointed at a prize.


Nishiki Chishu smiled, picked up the air gun without hesitation, and took aim——


Nishiki Chishu did not hit directly with one shot as Nanxiang had expected.

Instead, it was directly empty.


This result surprised Nanxiang Shi.

He still remembered some of the plot of "Lickles", in which Nishiki Chishu's marksmanship was not bad at all. Even if he used non-lethal bullets with extremely poor accuracy, he could guarantee a high hit rate.

But obviously, compared to the surprise in Nanxiang.

Nishiki Chishu confidently stuffed the second rubber stopper into the muzzle of the gun and aimed with squinted eyes:

"The first shot is just to familiarize yourself with the feeling of the gun, and the second shot is for real use."

She stared at the standing panda doll and pulled the trigger without hesitation.


In Nanxiang Shi's gaze.

The rubber stopper hit the panda doll just as Chisuke Nishikiki said, and knocked it down cleanly.

At the same time, Nanxiang heard the voices of the lovers beside him.

"Shouta! You see everyone else can do it, why can't you do it?! It's really a matter of not being willing enough, right?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! Boss! Five more shots!"

This was the panicked voice of her boyfriend.

Until he finally left, Nanxiang didn't know whether the boyfriend named Shota got the prize he wanted for his girlfriend.

The three of them continued walking forward, visiting the Ocha Festival.

It's just like what Ichi Hongxia said.

The Ocha Festival is indeed much richer than ordinary high school festival activities.

There are not only various stalls, but also various decoration stalls.

This kind of place is clearly aimed at female customers.

In fact, most of the stalls nearby are women, or female customers with their boyfriends.

Nishikiki Chishu was very happy shopping, and of course she did not miss this place.

She pulled Inoue Takina to look here and there.

Nanxiang Shi was not interested in this kind of place. Seeing Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina having fun shopping, he had to take a moment to relax and look at the surrounding decorations casually.

Shiny bracelet.

Cute phone case.

A small ring studded with rhinestones.

Although they don't look expensive, everything looks small and cute.

It can be seen that the Ocha Festival students have put a lot of effort into these things.

Nanxiang Shi's eyes swept around, and then he couldn't help but let out a "huh" sound.

As he watched, a cute orange cat hairpin hung on an inconspicuous shelf.

This orange cat hairpin doesn't look expensive, but the workmanship is very cute. The small cat's mouth is curved, making it look like it can't help but laugh.

"Excuse me, please take it off and show it to me."

Nanxiang Shi opened his mouth to say hello to the store owner.

I got the orange cat hairpin and looked at its cute shape, Nanxiang Shi was secretly satisfied.

This card is given as a gift...

There should be no problem.

"so good."

At this time, Nishiki Chishu's voice sounded in his ears.

Nan Xiang turned his head and realized that at some point, she had secretly walked back to him with a smile:

"If I buy it for Takina, she will definitely be very happy, right?"

"Buy it for Takina?"

"Yeah. Look, Takina is obviously so cute, but there are no decorations on her hair or body, right? It's such a pity, isn't it? If I give it to her, it will definitely make her even cuter."

Nishiki Chishu looked enviously at the cat hairpin in Nan Xiangshi's hand, and said with a smile.

Inoue Takina has not had any decorations on her body for a long time. She is not interested in these things to dress herself up at all.

But if it is something given to the other party in Nanxiang.

No matter how disinterested Inoue Takina is, she must be very happy and accept it gratefully, right?


"I'm not talking about Takina, but you."

Nan Xiangshi glanced at Nishiki Chishu: "Only for Takina, what about you?"


Inoue Takina's gift has been decided, but what about her?

What should she do?

"Hey...? I...?"

Probably he didn't expect that Nan Xiang would ask such a question, so Nishiki Chishu was dumbfounded.

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