The class activity in Nanxiang was a chocolate banana shop.

The time period he is responsible for is the chocolate banana shop from one to two o'clock in the afternoon.

There are four minutes left on duty.

Nanxiang Shi did not stay where he was and walked towards his class.

At noon, the number of customers at the food stalls gradually increased.

When Nanxiang arrived, the two students from the previous shift had almost packed their things.

It was a coincidence when we were in Nanxiang.

Briefly exchange a few sentences with two classmates.

In Nanxiang, a girl named Morishita Yoko, who had also just arrived, took over the shift props, put on an apron, and prepared chocolate bananas.

Yoko Morishita was panicked.

Really panicked.

She was originally weak in character, but when she saw Nanxiang next to her for the first time.

The thought of 'it's over' came to my mind.

Completely different from a figure at the top of the school food chain like Nango Toki.

Yoko Morishita has always been a very inconspicuous presence in the class.

Except for the fact that she doesn't have braids, her vaginal corners and rustic look are almost written on her face.

And for the person who was at the top of the food chain at Ocha High School in Nanxiang.

As a bottom worker, she was naturally very uneasy about the next process of making chocolate bananas.

Next, I have to spend a full hour with Nanxiang Shi!

One hour!

What if Nanxiang feels that he is troublesome... and that he is in the way?

She had heard of it.

Since I entered school in Nanxiang, I have rarely communicated with my classmates, and my academic performance has always been at the top of my grade.

As a result, just standing there gave Yoko Morishita an indescribable sense of oppression.

If you offend the other party...

Yoko Morishita didn't even dare to think about it.

School bullying is just a trivial matter, right?

As for the murky future of her cooperation with Nanxiang Shi, she was even more nervous and didn't dare to take a breath.

If Nanxiang Shi hadn't been by her side, she would have cried.

She was thinking about it and said in a low voice: "Nan... Nanxiang senior."

"Ah? Senior Nanxiang?"

Nanxiang frowned and turned his head.

Is there something wrong with this girl?

Aren't he and her in the same grade?

"Ahhh...I'm sorry! Nanxiang-san!"

Just looking at Nan Xiang Shi's reaction, Morishita Yoko realized that she had said the wrong thing. She hurriedly bowed her head and apologized, for fear of making Nan Xiang Shi in front of her unhappy.

"I remember you are Morishita Yoko's classmate, right?"

Nanxiang Shi clearly felt the fear in her words, so he took the initiative to reassure her: "Don't put any pressure on her. Chocolate bananas are not difficult to make. You just need to handle the chocolate well. Leave the rest to me."

"Okay, okay!"

Nan Xiangshi's words were not as aggressive as expected.

This surprised Yoko Morishita.

You must know that Nanxiang has always been rumored to be "difficult to get along with" outside.

Why is it that after taking the initiative to say seems like an accident and it's okay?

Yoko Morishita was very unskilled in breaking the chocolate into pieces with her gloved hands and putting it into the pot to boil, while secretly observing Nango Toki beside her.

At this time, the other person was busy taking out the bananas with one hand, peeling them off, and skewering them with bamboo skewers, while the other hand was observing the hot chocolate brewing in the pot.

Compared to Morishita Yoko's awkward movements of guarding the melted chocolate for fear of burning it.

Nanxiang Shi's movements appear to be very skillful, with a clean and pleasing feeling.

Under the curious gaze of Yoko Morishita, he was seen beating the whipped cream into the chocolate liquid, and then using a sieve to stir and disperse it evenly.

Then take out the banana from one side, pour chocolate liquid over it, and sprinkle with a handful of sugar needles.

A perfectly shaped chocolate banana comes right out of the oven.

The movements are smooth and smooth, with almost no delay.

The staff seems to be much more skilled than those who specialize in making chocolate bananas.

Morishita Yoko just looked at it and was stunned.

Until Nanxiang suddenly spoke.


"Ah...? Hey? What's the matter? Nanxiang-san?"

Hearing Nanxiang Shi's voice, Morishita Yoko opened his mouth and asked a question cautiously.

"There's nothing wrong with me."

Nanxiang Shi handed the already prepared chocolate banana to the customer in front of him. After he took a bite, he heard the customer sigh in surprise at the perfect and rich taste, and then said: "Are you really okay?"

" problem?"

Morishita Yoko increasingly understood what Nanxiang was talking about.

"...Your chocolate is burnt."

Nanxiang, who originally wanted to speak more tactfully, pointed to the chocolate liquid in Morishita Yoko's pot that had started to turn black and was about to dry up.

"Huh?! Huh-!?"

A horrified sound was made.

Yoko Morishita lifted the pot in a panic.

Seeing her action, Nanxiang was speechless for a while.

Why do you feel that Yoko Morishita is a bad teammate who will be unhelpful here?

And the reality is exactly what he thought when he was with Nanxiang.

Yoko Morishita's chocolate banana production window is semi-disabled because she has to wash the silver mixing pot that has been completely burned.

The remaining guests had no choice but to gather here like Nanxiang Shi.

Fortunately, Nanxiang had the bonus of ‘Cooking Skill LV4 (Happiness)’.

Although there were more people in front of him, Nanxiang Shi still managed to be calm and prepared all the chocolate bananas one by one and handed them to the customers in front of him.

Even Morishita Yoko was surprised by Nangoshi's proficiency.

If she had done it herself, the chocolate liquid would have been everywhere by now, and she would have been extremely busy.

But rather than being surprised——

"R-I'm sorry! Nanxiang-san!"

After washing the mixing bowl, Morishita Yoko hurriedly bowed to Nango.

If Nanxiang hadn't saved her in time, things would have been in trouble.

"It's okay, just be careful next time."

Nanxiang Shi still looked unconcerned. After waving his hand, he went to brew a new batch of poured chocolate.

And when he looked at Nanxiang, he stopped talking again, and Morishita Yoko also became busy.

But very quickly.

Yoko Morishita, who was busy with his head down, gradually realized that something was wrong.



There are so many people!

Morishita Yoko looked at Nanxiang in amazement at the flood of customers who had unknowingly lined up in a long line, with her mouth wide open.

She was obviously in the same stall as Nan Xiang.

Obviously the things I made with her in Nanxiang were chocolate bananas.

But why...?

Why are there so many people there in Nanxiang?


It's obviously the same thing.

The stalls are also together.

But in Nanxiang, there was already a long queue there.

But there were very few people on her side who were willing to queue up.

Yoko Morishita couldn't understand the scene in front of her at all.

Aren’t you also making chocolate bananas?

Why are there so many people there in Nanxiang?

Is the gap that big?

She was stunned and could only watch Nanxiang Shi making chocolate bananas very fluently, and listen to his voice of reporting and collecting accounts.

"Three white chocolate bananas, 1,500 yen."

"Two dark chocolate bananas, 1,000 yen."


Later, Nanxiang Shi even asked her, the clerk who was supposed to be making chocolate bananas, to take charge of collecting the bill.

no way.

After all, he really couldn't free his hands, and money was not that clean, so counting accounts was inconvenient.

There were almost no people at Yoko Morishita's side, so she simply asked her to help collect the bill.

Yoko Morishita's face now had a numb expression of "Who am I and where am I?"

Because she never thought about it.

How could a school festival class event sell so well?

Just these short thirty or forty minutes.

She watched as the bananas, chocolates and sugar needles in the carton bottomed out at an alarming speed.

Even though the Ocha Festival is very famous to the outside world, it has a very large number of visitors.

But the sales speed is still too scary, right?

My previous classmates only sold about a third of the items in a few hours.

Why was it that Nanxiang Shi almost sold out as soon as he took over?

Is this person so good besides studying?


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