Just considering this point...it is not something that can be answered in a short while.

Several people finished the last bit of food with their own thoughts and stood up to pay the bill.

From Nango, I sent Hiroi Kiuri and Miss PA home,

Finally, Ichichi Xingge was sent back to Ichichi's home.

"I drank a little and said some strange words that were out of character. I'm sorry, Nanxiang."

Itachi Xinge's character is still as straightforward as ever, and he simply apologizes.

Although I still feel a little regretful that I haven’t heard Nanxiang Shi’s answer until now.

But she had already put the problem in front of Nanxiang Shi.

How to move forward on the next road...it all depends on Nanxiang Shi's choice.

She was just about to turn around and go back to the house.

The next second——

"Sister Xingge, I think I have the answer."

From behind, Nanxiang Shi's steady voice came.


Yi Ji Xingge turned back to look at Nanxiang with some curiosity.

Then she realized that Nan Xiangshi behind her was also looking at her.

They were a pair of pure, clean, black pearl-like eyes.

Yi Ji Xingge laughed and didn't ask any more questions.

Because it was just from Nanxiang Shi’s eyes.

She had already understood the decision he had made.

Now that the decision has been made... it's not her turn to interrupt.

She walked back into the house and only gave Nanxiang Shi a 'come on' gesture.

Nanxiang Shi also nodded gently at her back.

He had indeed thought about it.

"After all, you don't have to think about it so much from the beginning."

Nanxiang Shi walked towards his home.

He never complicates a simple problem.

The question that Yi Ji Xingge put in front of him was a very simple question.

Get rid of all cluttered thoughts.

Only then did Nanxiang realize that he actually already had the answer in his mind.

He wanted everyone to be happy from the beginning.

And even Yidi Zhixingge and Nanxiang Yili supported him...

Then, what to do next is very simple.

Returned home again when he was in Nanxiang.

After a brief wash, he lay down on the bedding again.

At this time, Nanxiang Yili was not asleep yet.

"Ah Shi, are you back?"

In the darkness, a questioning voice came out.


Nanxiang Shi responded to her.

The two fell silent for a moment.

After a while.

"One mile."


"I've thought carefully about what you said earlier."

"That topic before...? Ah..."

In the darkness, Nanxiang Yili seemed to notice something.

"Just like you don't want to see them unhappy, I feel the same way."

after all...

"They have been waiting for more than ten years."

Nanxiang sighed.

The most precious ten years in my life.

Ryo Yamada, Hikaru Itachi and Ikuyo Kita, who ended the band, all spent their time waiting.

If you still delay...

How many more than ten years can it last?


In the darkness, although Nanxiang Yili's expression could not be clearly seen.

But it was clearly felt in Nanxiang.

She breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had let go of a huge stone that had been weighing on her heart.

She must have been in a state of suffering.

She alone is happy.

In the end, other members of the band were unable to obtain the most precious thing, happiness as a partner in life...

"Ah Shi..."

Nanxiang Yili lowered his voice and spoke hesitantly.


"Would you like to buy a bigger house in the future?"


Nanxiang Shi's voice was a little strange: "What's wrong?"

"Five, five adults... living together... the current house... is a bit small, right?"

Nanxiang Yili spoke softly.

As soon as she said these words, Nanxiang Shi on the side couldn't help but laugh.

Should it be said that it is worthy of Nanxiang District?

Things that would make everyone happy have not been mentioned yet.

She had already thought that far ahead.



He murmured as if in agreement.

"If five adults live together, the current one-family house is really small."

But that's something that needs to be considered later.

At this time, there are still half an hour left before the in-person simulation officially ends.

I don’t know if this simulation... will lead to a change in the ending like Miss Yamada’s simulation...?

Thinking like this, Nanxiang closed his eyes.


[Due to changes in the simulation object in the future, the simulation process has changed and the score has changed. Please confirm. 】

"Sure enough, something has changed."

Nanxiang Shi looked at the words simulating ending changes floating in front of him and nodded gently.

It seems that the choices you make during the personal simulation will also affect the subsequent development of the simulation.

"This time I made the choice of 'happy ending for all'... I don't know what will happen next..."

Nanxiang Shi looked at the simulation process column.

[You have never been an indecisive person. 】

[My wife has always thought that Iji Xinge hopes that Iji Hongxia can achieve happiness. 】

[You have clearly received it. 】

[Until this moment, you realize that only guaranteeing the happiness of one person in Nanxiang is just your own wishful thinking. 】

[What they hope is that you can take responsibility for everyone. 】

[They have been waiting for you for more than ten years. 】

[Is it possible to keep them waiting? 】

[You first came to Yiji Zhihongxia’s door. 】

[This girl who confessed her love to you before but was rejected by you has long since become mature and intellectual. 】

[Just like she mustered up the courage to confess to you more than ten years ago, this time, you did not hesitate and reached out your hand——]

[Knock on the door. 】

[It was February 15th, which was an ordinary morning for anyone in the world. 】

[But for you. 】

[This day is unusual. 】


"The course has definitely changed."

Feeling the memory fragments transmitted from the simulated memory, Nan Xiangshi let out a breath.

In the happy ending with Ichiri Goto, there are very few scenes involving Nijika Itachi, Ryo Yamada and Ikuyo Kita.

But in this brand-new route of "happiness for all", there was a memory scene where he took the initiative to visit Ijichi Hongxia's door.

So what changes will happen to the ending and scoring?

[System score: 97 points. You have completed a 'Happy Ending for All'. 】

[System evaluation: The choice is painful, but the happy feelings are shared equally. 】

[You have spent countless time getting to know them, and choosing one of the four people who are in love with you makes people feel regretful and sad. 】

[But even so, they didn’t complain at all about your choice. I just have extraordinary tolerance and love for you. 】

[This love, even if it takes more than ten years, cannot be smoothed away, but is like a fine wine that becomes stronger and stronger. 】

【I do not like you. They never tell you such lies, because they know that such words cannot deceive themselves at all. 】

[But there are not so many "more than ten years" in life. They can wait for you for one "more than ten years", and wait for you for two "more than ten years"... but they cannot wait for the third or fourth more than ten years. . 】

[They want you to be happy, but why don’t you want them to be happy? 】

[This time, you made up your mind and knocked on their door. 】

【That morning. 】

【That ordinary morning. 】

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