In short, there are many reasons.

But it is up to Nanxiang Shi to find out which one it is...

He really couldn't tell clearly.

Nanxiang Shi smiled and left with Yamada Ryo.

Watching Nan Xiang's leaving figure.

Futaba Rio gently placed her palm on her chest.

do not know why.

My heart has completely calmed down.

At this time, it started beating violently again.


Now that we have left Ocha High School.

Naturally, I had no intention of going back when I was in Nanxiang.

After all, he had nothing to do at school, and the Ocha Festival itself was an event held by students on Saturdays and Sundays.

It wouldn't hurt to sneak out of school.

In addition, Miss Yamada kept urging him to cook quickly.

In Nanxiang, I had to feed it first before making other considerations.

Almost half an hour later——

"Ugh. I can't eat any more."

Putting down the clean plate, Yamada Ryo made a sound of satisfaction without any fluctuation.

"Wash the dishes for me."

Nanxiang Shi didn't even bother to raise his eyes and spoke directly.


Yamada Ryo stood up. She was so full that she reluctantly washed the dishes and put them down.

Then, under Nan Xiang Shi's gaze, she lay down on Nan Xiang Shi's bed without hesitation.

"...You're almost done eating...Shouldn't you go back to your home now?"

Nanxiang narrowed his eyes and expressed his opinion on Miss Yamada's behavior.

"No more."

Obviously, Miss Yamada had no intention of paying attention to Nanxiang Shi's opinion. She lay down on her back, her petite and cute body got into the bed, and retracted her mouth, nose, and ears into the bed. Only her eyes were exposed outside the bedclothes, and she slapped her cutely. A yawn:

"I'll take a nap, remember to wake me up later."

"Aren't you afraid of what I might do to you while you are sleeping?"

Nanxiang Shi said this deliberately.

"I have bought the necessary safety measures and put them in my right pocket. Remember to put them on when you are ready."

Ms. Yamada turned her face aside indifferently.

Those amber eyes were still so calm: "We still need to take measures, okay?"

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

"Do you know what you are talking about, Ms. Yamada?"

Although I have long known that this woman lacks common sense in all aspects.

But Nanxiang didn't expect it to reach this point.

"Huh? About the security measures?"

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

"I slept."

When he saw Nan Xiang, he stopped talking. Yamada Ryo closed his amber eyes under Nan Xiang's gaze.

There was a moment.

He really had the idea of ​​​​pinning Miss Yamada down directly and executing her right here.

Didn’t you say that safety measures have been taken?

Then I can use it directly now!

I really don’t know if this person really doesn’t have any sense of crisis.

This is a boy's home.

A little girl is sleeping next to you, counting on a boy's self-control?

Just kidding?


This is just a thought.

After all, if you really want to do it for the first time, it must be done when Miss Yamada is sober.

He did this and that while she was sleeping.

No matter how you think about it, it’s a bit bad, right?

And Ms. Yamada does that kind of thing when she is awake...

When the time comes, look at her expressionless face and see what kind of expression it will show... Just think about it.

I already found it very interesting when I was in Nanxiang.

As for the current seventeen-year-old body.

When I was in Nanxiang, I still felt that I could control it.

Seeing that the other party had closed his eyes, he even snored slightly.

Nanxiang Shi also shook his head and took out his cell phone.

The time now is twelve o'clock noon.

It didn't take him long to go to Ocha High School and come back.

If you follow the usual Saturday and Sunday pace.

In Nanxiang, I might just go back to sleep.

Wait until you get up and do some exercise outlines to consolidate your knowledge.

But now her bed has been occupied by Miss Yamada.

When I was laying on the floor in Nanxiang, I felt a little cold again - after all, it is already late autumn.

Think about it carefully.

He finally decided to open the simulator and take a look.

After the exchange just now.

more or less.

Will the two simulated objects, Ryo Yamada or Rio Futaba, produce some heartbeat value?

That’s exactly what I think.

Nanxiang Shi opened the page and immediately saw the heart rate number.

Current heart rate: 660.


Looking at the sudden surge in heart rate in front of him, Nan Xiang was really unexpected.

He just went to the restaurant where Yamada Ryo and Futaba Rio were, right?

Why is my heart rate suddenly soaring like I'm on a rocket...

Wait a minute!

"Is it possible that's the reason?"

Nanxiang thought of the smile he showed in the restaurant.

That is a 10-point smile that reaches the limit of human aesthetics.

It’s natural that Ryo Yamada and Rio Futaba would feel excited when they saw that smile for the first time.



Nanxiang Shi seemed to have thought of something.

Since just a smile can bring 400 heartbeat points.

Then if he keeps smiling at the four simulated subjects...

Wouldn't it be possible to easily increase the heart rate?

Isn’t this speed of making money terrifying?

Chapter 195. Let’s attack the single wife! (4000 words!)

"forget it."

Nango Shi thought for a long time whether it would be feasible to use 'Nango Akane's perfect magical smile' to increase points.

But in the end he shook his head.

Once in a while shouldn't be a big deal.

But when I was in Nanxiang, I also saw my own smile worth 10, and the effect was really terrifying.

Especially for the hearts of girls who like him, it is probably a challenge.

If you come here often.

I'm afraid their hearts can't bear it.

"So be it."

The purpose of 'Nango Akane's Perfect Magic Smile' was determined.

Nanxiang Shi looked up at the simulation page in front of him.

The heart rate reached 660 points.

This also means that he can simulate Futaba Rio twice.

"Just give it a try."

Recalling the strangeness in Futaba Rio's expression, Nanxiang groaned, thought for a moment, and stretched out his finger——

‘Start simulation? whether? ’


‘Current remaining heartbeat value: 330. ’

[Simulation begins. 】

[When you return to the rental house, you think about today's encounter with Futaba Rio. You have basically determined that there is no one he likes. 】

[Her longing for others is nothing more than a moth's phototaxis for light. 】

[Her eyes are always chasing the sun involuntarily, but the distance between people and the sun is so far away that even if she reaches out her hand, she cannot touch it. 】

[And you are lurking quietly, waiting for opportunities to take action against her. 】

[You know, the last failure was just the reason why you didn’t choose to become a tauren warrior! If I give you another chance! You will definitely be able to take down Futaba Rio! 】

[In fact, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is already right in front of you. 】

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