"It's just a joke! How could Shijun do that to you? It's impossible even if you think about it, right?"


Seeing Nishiki Chishu's happy expression, Futaba Rio was so angry that her face turned purple.

You must know that she had really made up her mind just now to accept the punishment Jinmu Qianshu gave her.

As a result, he was teased by the other party in the end.

Looking at Futaba Rio's expression.

Nishiki Chishu also knew that she had gone too far this time. She stopped laughing and spoke:

"It seems like Sister Li Yang really hates herself."


Under the "Riko Rico" light, Futaba Rio looked at Nishiki Chishu, who was still smiling, and clearly felt a strange mood emerging.

hate oneself...

These were words she had heard from Nanxiang Shi before, describing her.

But what she didn't expect was.

This time, I actually heard this word from a completely different person, Nishiki Chishu.

"I don't."

"No, you did, but sister Li Yang, you didn't notice it, or you did, but you didn't want to admit it."

Nishiki Chisuke stretched out her finger, Futaba Rio's denial had no effect on her:

"You are obviously unwilling, but why do you still force yourself to agree to my unreasonable 'punishment'? This is actually a kind of self-abuse, right?"

Let a boy of the same age touch your breasts.

In the eyes of any girl, this is something that is impossible to agree to.

Even Nishiki Chishu would not have agreed to such an almost unreasonable request before he had a good impression of Nan Xiang.

But Futaba Rio finally agreed.

No matter how you look at it, this is extremely abnormal.

"That's just...because of my work mistakes..."

"In fact, no matter who is working for the first time, it is very normal to make mistakes. Paying too much attention to this fact actually explains a lot of problems."

Before Futaba Rio could finish speaking, Nishiki Chishu interrupted.

She could feel Futaba Rio's obsession.

Unable to accept my own weakness.

Unable to accept one's own shortcomings.

I also hate myself for being weak and having shortcomings.

But actually...

"There is no way anyone in this world can be perfect. They are demanding on themselves and want to make everything perfect. But when they find that they can't do it, they will hate themselves. This is a problem in itself. A bull-horning behavior.”

Nishiki Chishu stretched out her finger again to emphasize.

Can't refute.

Futaba Rio couldn't refute Nishiki Chishu's words.

The other person could be said to have hit the nail on the head, making her feel as if she was having a conversation with Nanxiang.

Just like Nishiki Chishu said.

Starting in junior high school, when she was isolated by her classmates because her figure grew faster than her peers...

She was already noticing things about self-loathing even then.

She hated her body that was growing too fast.

I hate my character of standing still even more.

But it has always been selectively ignored.

She just pretends to be a cold and calm science geek and doesn't interact with anyone.

Futaba Rio was silent for a long time.

Then he raised his head and spoke softly:

"...Miss Nishikiki is also a girl. What would you do if you encountered a mental state like mine?"


A low groan.

"I don't think there's any need to be too demanding about perfection. In fact, whether it's your current self or the self you hate... to put it bluntly, aren't you all the same person?"

She stretched.

"It's too tiring to live like that. I think it's good to accept your imperfections."

"Do you accept your imperfections...?"

Probably because the topic was opened.

Futaba Rio returned to her usual way of thinking about problems as a science student.

She murmured the words Nishikiki Chishu.

After a while, he stood up and said, "Thank you, Miss Jinmu."

This word of thanks is sincere.

She really wanted to thank Nishiki Chishu for being willing to listen to her and give her answers tonight.

This person seems very unreliable, but he can still give serious answers to certain things.

But what Futaba Rio didn't expect was.

Nishiki Chishu actually smiled and waved his hand: "Don't thank me. In fact, this was all Shijun's idea."

"Hey...? Nanxiang?"

I heard this unexpected name here.

Futaba Rio was stunned.

"That's right. It's Toki-kun."

Nishiki Chishu smiled "hehe": "Although Toki-kun asked me to keep it a secret for him, I think this matter needs to be told to you, Sister Rio."


"Maybe he doesn't want you to pay too much attention to it. He even specially asked me to smooth things over for you today."

The fair-haired girl exclaimed: "You are indeed my Shijun, so gentle! I like him even more!"

"...Is that so..."

Compared to Nishiki Chishu's sigh.

Futaba Rio recalled all the unreasonable behaviors in Nanxiang today.

He suddenly invited her and asked for her help to come to 'Li Ke Li Ke'.

Then Nishiki Chishu came to the rescue.

Then, given her character, she would take the initiative to find Nishiki Chishu to apologize...

Is it possible that Nanxiang Shi had expected all of this?

Can you actually consider this step?

This boy from Nanxiang is really an alien, right?

Futaba Rio secretly cursed.

In every sense of the word, I was really eaten to death by Nanxiang Shi.

If Nishiki Chishu hadn't told her about this.

She was kept in the dark even now.


It seems that from the time I met Nanxiang to now.

The other party has always been helping me.

But he didn't give anything back to the other party.

Even today's events were planned by Nanxiang Shi secretly behind his back...

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath: "Thank you. Miss Jinmu, I feel much better after talking to you."

"If you really want to thank me, how about Sister Rio coming to work at our 'Riko Rico' for the next week?"

Nishikiki Chisuke, who has a carefree personality, did not refuse Futaba Rio's thanks.

She just smiled and spoke, making her real request.

"...I will think about it."

The working atmosphere at Rico Rico is really good, whether it’s Nishiki Chisuke or Inoue Takina and the others.

Futaba Rio can feel the stability that is different from her peers.

In addition, she was alone at home at night and had nothing to do.

Perhaps as Nishiki Chishu said, it would be good for her to take time out to work outside and expand her friendships.

Likewise, during this period...improve your mental state, accept yourself...no longer hate yourself.

"Then what will sister Li Yang do next?"

Qian Jinmu Qianshu asked curiously.


Futaba Rio was lost in thought, her golden eyes hidden under the lenses flashing a little brightly.

"I don't have any specific lofty goals, anyway..."

She stood up and looked towards the 'Lico Rico' coffee house, as if she were seeing someone in this coffee house:

"I want to be friends with Nanxiang first."

‘Li Ke Li Ke’ is set against the backdrop of soft lights at night.

The girl's face under her long fluffy hair is as beautiful as a flower.

Nishiki Chishu also looked at 'Riko Rico' at this time and sighed slightly.

My future husband's charm points are maxed out...probably he's deceived me again.

What should she do now?

in a hurry.

Chapter 207. The prisoner of delicious food (4000 words!)

Until Inoue Takina finally calculated the revenue for the whole day.

Only then did Futaba Rio find out how much money the 'Riko Rico' cafe had earned during the period of its opening.

More than one million yen!

Those ten thousand yen bills stacked together.

Even Futaba Rio couldn't take his eyes away.

Her family has excellent conditions, and her monthly living expenses are much more than those of ordinary high school students.

One million yen is not a huge amount of money for Futaba Rio.

But to put it bluntly, it's just the number on the bank card.

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