[1. The one-year period has arrived! The favorability level is full! It's time to confess! 】

[2. Wait and see the follow-up development. Be sure to grasp the weakness of the carnivorous girl with glasses, and then force her to agree to your confession! 】

[3. Miss Jinmu is heartbroken for me, I can’t betray her! Decisively confess your love to Nishiki Chishu! 】

【4. Simulate it yourself! 】

Options suddenly pop up in front of you.

He also attracted Nanxiang Shi's attention.

In addition to personal simulation, there are still three options.

First of all, using the elimination method, Nanxiang Shi was able to easily eliminate the three options.

These three options are exactly the same as the previous 'guaranteed Yamada Ryo' option. They both reveal a route in which as long as you choose it, the final road will lead to the guaranteed ending.

Then there are only options one or two left.

The meanings expressed by these two options are also very simple.

One option is that after he realizes Futaba Rio's current feelings, he immediately chooses to confess.

The second option is to wait and see the subsequent development and strive to confess to Futaba Rio with a higher success rate...

Both options make sense.

But looking at it from Nanxiangshi's perspective...

"The second option should be more stable."

Nanxiang Shi's finger crossed the two options.

As the protagonist in the simulation, he can feel it.

Although Futaba Rio has now let go of her frustrations and has begun to actively develop her relationship with him...

But in fact, the other party still has something he cares about.

That is her close friends Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina who have been helping her and supporting her.

And it is not difficult to see through simulation.

Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina's favorability towards Nango has not changed at all.

As close friends with each other, it is impossible for Rio Futaba not to notice the feelings Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina have for him.

That’s why there is a sentence in the simulation [She is also secretly enjoying a further relationship with you. 】

This 'secret' most likely means that Futaba Rio still has hesitation in her heart.

I'm worried that my confession will damage my relationship with Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina.

if it is like this.

An immediate confession of choice.

It is very likely that he will be rejected by Futaba Rio who wants to take care of the emotions of Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina.

This girl with glasses is such a person who cares about her friends' feelings.

"Then the second option is undoubtedly better."

Nan Xiangshi no longer hesitated and chose the second option.

[You have noticed Futaba Rio's feelings for you, and you also know that the reason why Futaba Rio does not take the initiative to confess to you is because this girl with glasses cares about the feelings of Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina. 】

[You decide to wait and see what happens, and after you catch the other party, force this woman who dares to secretly kiss you to confess her love! 】

[This opportunity is not difficult to wait for——]

During the simulation, memories began to emerge.

The location is still at ‘Li Ke Li Ke’.

Only this time the location is not at the front desk, but in the backstage lounge.

Nanxiang Shi, who had been busy for a long time, said hello to everyone and walked to the backstage lounge.

Get into it.


Nanxiang Shi lay directly on the table.

Probably due to being too exhausted.

Soon, light snoring could be heard in the employee lounge.

And following the snoring, he walked into the lounge.

It is a petite, cute, tiptoeing figure.


Called twice softly.

Got no response.

Futaba Rio's heart was tense, and she let out a sigh of relief.

She knew it.

The quality of sleep in Nanxiang has always been very good.

As long as you fall asleep, it is difficult to wake up unless a specific time comes.

And this also gave her the opportunity to do evil.

Approach gently.

When looking at Nanxiang who had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

A look of love and pity emerged from Futaba Rio's eyes.

This person is serious both at work and in life and does not want to relax.

"No wonder I'm so tired."

She leaned down and gently brushed away Nan Xiangshi's stray hair from her ears.

In order to prevent her long hair from falling on Nan Xiangshi's face and waking him up, she deliberately lifted the hair around her ears with her hands.

Then he lowered his head, closed his eyes, and gently touched the side of the young man's face with his pink lips.

But very quickly.

Futaba Rio closed her eyes and realized something was wrong.

Because she can feel it.

The touch from the lips.

It doesn't seem to be the feeling on the cheeks.

It's more moisturizing and soft...

Futaba Rio's golden eyes widened slightly in shock.

It was under her gaze.

Nan Xiangshi's lips, which she didn't know when she opened her eyes, happened to come into contact with her pink lips.

Looking at her with panic on her face.

The young man in front of him smiled.

Chapter 212. Three people go together, four people end up? (4000 words!)

[Your fishing plan succeeded. 】

[Futaba Rio, who has become bolder, followed up and handed the handle into your hands without any precautions. 】

[Faced with your forceful inquiry, Futaba Rio was at a loss as she was forced into a corner, let alone how to answer. 】

"I really didn't expect that Rio would do such a thing secretly."

Staring at Futaba Rio who was huddled in the corner, Nanxiang strode forward, trapping her in the small space in the corner, pretending to be sad: "Obviously I trust you so much."


Futaba Rio's face turned red at this moment.

It's not the faint pink color like cherry blossoms when you are shy, but an expression like a really steamed red octopus.

She wanted to quibble, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them at all. 'I' stayed for a long time.

"What do you think of a boy's chastity?! Rio!"

Nanxiang Shi's face was filled with 'sadness'.

"No, it's not like that, Nanxiang... you listen to my explanation."

Futaba Rio subconsciously raised his head.

"never mind."

Nanxiang Shi turned around with a sad face: "You have already done this kind of thing to me, how can you explain it?"


The determination in Nango Toki's words made Futaba Rio not sure how to respond.

"Now that things have come to this, what else can you do? How can you compensate me?"

Nanxiang asked another question.

"I, I, I...that..."

Futaba Rio took out the money clip from her pocket with trembling white fingers, poured out a dozen ten thousand yen bills inside, and lowered her head: "I...that's all I have for the time being."

"Am I the kind of man who does whatever he wants after giving me money? Oh, I didn't expect that I would look like this in your eyes."

Nanxiang Shi tried his best to look away from the dozen ten thousand yuan bills, sighed and shook his head: "Now that the matter has come to this, I can only ask you..."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes."

Having completely lost her sense of proportion, Futaba Rio could only continue following Nango Toki's words uneasily.

She didn't want her relationship with Nan Xiang to end because of this momentary action.

It was only then that she realized how important this young man who accompanied her in school and at work was to her.

Therefore, no matter what request Nanxiang Shi makes, as long as it is reasonable, legal and reasonable...

She was really willing to make amends.

Futaba Rio held her breath as she listened to Nango Shi's voice.


"Then please Rio, please take responsibility for me."


Futaba Rio's golden eyes widened.

She didn't expect that things would develop like this. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Um... taking responsibility means...?"

"Of course you want to be my girlfriend and date me."

Nan Xiangshi showed a narrow smile. When this handsome young man showed such a smile, it always seemed like he was planning something.


"Huh? You don't want to?"


She didn't expect that things would take such a turn of events, let alone that she would become Nanxiang's girlfriend in this way. Futaba Rio's heart was in a mess.

She was very happy that she was able to get Nanxiang Shi's confession.

But on the other hand, I was very worried.

Because so many days have passed, Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina have long become her close friends.

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