This problem will be something everyone needs to face...

With this thought.

Nan Xiangshi's eyes did not stop, following the changes in the text on the simulator.

[Your relationship with Futaba Rio, Nishiki Chishu, and Inoue Takina has deepened. 】

[You became lovers with Futaba Rio, Nishiki Chishu, and Inoue Takina. 】

[Although you have become lovers, the things you want to do have not changed at all. 】

[Going to and from school every day, the trajectory of life actually does not deviate much. 】

[The only thing that has changed may be that the relationship between the four of you is much closer than before. 】

[Futaba Rio, who was no longer hesitant, distressed or worried before, became more and more bold in her behavior. Sometimes she was even encouraged by Nishiki Chishu to sneak into your low-rent house with her. 】

[At this time, Inoue Takina will stand up and act as a lubricant to stop the two people's behavior. 】

[But even though Inoue Takina stopped her, Nishiki Chishu still had no intention of restraining herself. 】

[Having finally accomplished all the things I wanted to do, this fair-haired girl who is fearless is of course eager to develop a further relationship with you. 】

[Just holding hands and hugging this kind of thing can no longer satisfy her. 】

[Sometimes she will take the initiative to kiss you, and she will even boldly tell you that she is wearing underwear today and it doesn’t matter even if she shows it to you. 】

[Although Inoue Takina and Futaba Rio didn't say much about her behavior, they also felt a sense of crisis. 】

[Their behavior is also becoming increasingly bold. 】

[At the request of the three girls, you gave each of them a spare key to the low-rent house. 】

[But after all, the area of ​​low-rent housing is still too small. 】

[It would be inconvenient for four people to squeeze together anyway. 】

[You took this as an opportunity to start looking for housing in Tokyo. 】

[Due to working in ‘Liquelice’ for a long time, you have actually accumulated a considerable amount of wealth. 】

[I won’t have much of a problem finding a nice room in Tokyo with this money. 】

[It was also during this stage that you and Futaba Rio were promoted from the second year of high school to the third year of high school. 】

"come yet?"

Nanxiang cheered up.

Will the study abroad event he considered before happen?

[Finding new rental housing in Tokyo is very important, but the study pressure faced by senior high school students is equally important. 】

[You cut down on the time you spent working at ‘Liquelic’, but you did not neglect your studies. 】

[You also noticed it. 】

[Unlike you, who has cut down your part-time work time at 'Riko Rico', Futaba Rio seems to be busy with other things recently, and can't get away from going to 'Riko Rico' either. 】

[Under such circumstances, it was Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina who supported the operation of 'Riko Rico'. 】

[Similarly, when you two are busy, they will often bring snacks from the store to share with you, chat and laugh. 】

[Because of the company of Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina, although it was a fairly difficult day, you and Futaba Rio did not feel dull or bored. 】

[In addition to you, Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina also noticed. 】

[Unlike the pressure of study, Futaba Rio has been busy with other things recently... But every time I ask, the other party will always wave his hand and say there is no problem. 】

[Time continues to move backwards. 】

[The three of you finally stopped being patient and asked Futaba Rio a question. 】

[Seeing that the matter could no longer be concealed, Futaba Rio sighed and revealed her problems over the past few days. 】

[It turns out that her parents have already contacted a research institute at a famous physics university in Germany. As long as she goes there now, she can directly become one of its physics assistants. 】

[Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina were very surprised by this. They really did not expect that Futaba Rio, who had been getting along with them, actually had such financial resources and background. 】

[Compared to the surprised expressions of Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina, Futaba Rio sighed with sad eyes. 】

[Although she never mentioned it, as a science genius girl, she did have a dream of physics. 】

[But Germany is too far away. 】

[And the time to become an assistant and the date to return to China have not been set. If it passes, the next time we meet may be seven or eight years later. 】

[Even thinking in a more extreme direction, it is not impossible for the Futaba family to settle in Germany. 】

[She wants to go to Germany to pursue higher-level physics knowledge, but at the same time, she also wants to stay with you and move forward with you. 】

"My father, who is a famous scholar, told me that a decision must be made within this month."

Futaba Rio sighed and said this.

In the room, Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina fell into silence.

Futaba Rio didn't know how to answer.

The three girls were silent for a long time, and finally they could only look at the young man with messy short black hair who had been silent and seemed to be thinking about something.

[A decision must be made this month. This matter cannot be changed. 】

[No matter it is Nishiki Chisuke, Inoue Takina or the person involved, Futaba Rio, they no longer know how to move forward. 】

[But if you are someone who has always been unhesitating and is extremely reliable in their hearts... you may have a better idea. 】

[Facing their gazes and hopes, what do you think——]

[This is a far-reaching option. 】

[1. Various possibilities exist for studying in Germany. What’s more, the Futaba family may also settle down in Germany. Until she has a certain financial ability, she will not be able to see her. This is definitely something you don’t want to see. , try to retain. 】

[2. A girl’s dream is hard-won. Although the waiting process is very difficult and painful, you cannot restrict a girl’s development for your own selfish desires. Respect her wishes, tell her that you will not stop it, and encourage her to pursue her dream. dream. 】

[3. This woman actually wanted to study abroad after the four of us confirmed our relationship? Even considering the moods of Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina, she should never be allowed to leave. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

Simulated literal stagnation.

Options representing different routes pop up.

Nanxiang Shi looked up.

Three options have been neatly arranged in front of you.

The meaning of options one and three was very clear to Nanxiang.

Save Rio Futaba.

The difference is that the first option is to persuade her gently, while the third option is to directly prevent her from leaving.

"If we look at the results of the second week's simulation... the first and third options should both be wrong."

Judging from the simulation results of two weeks.

Choosing to prevent Rio Futaba from studying in Germany, she, as a physics genius, will eventually find an ordinary high school life to teach and educate people.

In this way, he disappeared from everyone and became a member of the mediocre masses.

This ending is not bad.

But Futaba Rio deserves a better ending.

As a genius in physics, Futaba Rio showed outstanding talent in physics only in high school.

She was able to take a better path, but ended up mediocre because of her choice...

This was unacceptable to Nanxiang.

So according to this logic, options one and three should be eliminated directly.


"The situation this time is different from the last time."

Nanxiang Shi shook his head.

Futaba Rio in the second week has not come out of her psychological shadow. She still hates herself and cannot accept herself. This is also the key to her ultimate mediocre ending.

But this fourth week is different from the previous two weeks.

Futaba Rio has come out of her personal shadow.

So if we think about it from another perspective, can she, who has become stronger, be able to fulfill her dream in Japan without going to study in Germany?

Even Nanxiang Shi couldn't be sure about this.

Because you can only understand one person.

But it is absolutely impossible to guess a person's heart and the other person's future development.

The first and third options can be said to be full of mystery. If we insist on a preference, among the first and third options, Nanxiang Shi prefers the first option.


"There is still a second option to choose from..."

Nanxiang Shi turned his attention to the second option.

Encouraging Futaba Rio to pursue her dreams can actually be understood as encouraging her to study in Germany.

Because Futaba's father has already arranged her future.

As long as you embark on this path, it is almost foreseeable that everything will be smooth sailing.

But if she goes to Germany to study...

This also means that it is really possible to end up settling in Germany and not being able to see each other for seven or eight years, or even more than ten years.

"It smells like a regretful ending."

Nanxiang was tapping on the system page.

Options one, two, and three can basically be eliminated except for option three if you use too much force.

You have to choose between one and two options.

Nanxiang fell into thinking.

If it were a normal option, he might just make the choice.

But this time the options before us were too important.

It will even ignore the correct choices many times before, directly affecting the final outcome.

This is something Nanxiang didn't want to see.

After thinking for a while, I still couldn't make a decision.

In the end, Nanxiang relaxed and raised his hand directly: "Since it's difficult to distinguish, just follow your heart."

Nanxiang chose the second option.

Compared to one option, retain Futaba Rio.

As her lover in the simulation.

Of course Nanxiang Shi hopes that she can stand on a higher ground and realize her dream, instead of holding her back.

Respecting her choice is what he should do.

[You have never wanted to be a burden to her, dragging her down. 】

[You are very important, but her dreams are also very important. As a lover, what you should do is encourage her to move forward and pursue her dreams instead of standing still. 】

[Although you are very reluctant to let go, you can only comfort yourself in your heart - when you have a certain financial ability, you can go to Germany to look for her without her coming back to you. 】

[As the most beautiful boy in Tokyo, there is no doubt that you have this ability. 】

During the simulation, memories began to emerge——

"I think you should go after what you want."

Nanxiang Shi, who had been silent all this time, spoke up.

"Toki-kun... But if this is the case... Rio, she might..."

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