In fact, it was just as he thought when he was with Nanxiang.

Lying on the bed, Karasawa Yuka's current condition is indeed not very good.

It has been two months since she was admitted to the hospital, and her mental and physical state are gradually deteriorating in an irreversible state.

His face also turned from pale to sallow.

Looking at Karasawa Yuka sitting next to him, he knew.

This is the root cause of the disease caused by being overworked and having to take care of little Akane Shinjo in the early years at the Shinjo family.

But she actually has no regrets.

on the contrary.

Without a daughter, she could watch Akane Shinjo grow up.

Watching her gradually become wiser and more enlightened, and now she has become a girl with outstanding looks and knowledge...

Karasawa Yuka is really very satisfied.

Therefore, she has never complained about Akane Shinjo, nor has she ever resented the other party for it.

"Is the exam... okay? Akane?" She asked with a gentle smile, leaning against the bed.

"It's fine."

Akane Shinjo shook her head, then waved her hand and smiled: "Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether I am first or second in grade. After all, I know my own strength, so I don't need to care so much, Yuka. Aunt."

This is lying.

Karasawa Yuka knows.

Akane Shinjo has had this habit of lying since she was a child.

First he shakes his head, then waves his hands, and finally smiles indifferently.

Repeated denial.

This is the other party's habit that only Karasawa Yuka can see.

So she took Shinjo Akane's hand and said, "Don't force yourself, Akane, it's all my fault..."

"Let's not talk about this topic anymore, Aunt Youjia."

Akane Shinjo held the opponent's palm behind her back.

She really wanted to take the exam this time.

Because every time she takes an exam, she hopes to see her name and Nanxiang's name posted together in the grade ranking...

But Yuka Karasawa, who has taken care of her since childhood, is getting worse...

"Aunt Youjia, you were the one taking care of me before... now it's my turn to support you moving forward."

Holding the palm of the middle-aged woman in front of her, Akane Shinjo comforted her softly.


Karasawa Yuka smiled and nodded, then turned his face to the side and looked at the small park outside the inpatient department for patient activities.

Winter arrives quietly.

The originally lush trees became bare and ugly at this moment.

Just like her life is about to burn out.

An indescribable feeling of reluctance and sadness swept over my heart.

Not because of the life that is about to burn out.

But because he will never be able to see the eyes and smiles of the girl he raised.

I can't see her again...

Just the thought of it.

There was strong reluctance in Karasawa Yuka's heart. body has reached the last moment of its life.

Perhaps there is really no need to let this life like a candle in the wind hinder Akane Shinjo's progress anymore.

Think of this.

Karasawa Yuka turned his head and looked at the pink-purple-haired girl who was carefully peeling an apple with her head lowered and taking care of herself.

She showed a gentle smile and said, "I haven't heard you talk about that boy for a while."

"Do you want to hear about Toki-kun?" Akane Shinjo put down the apple.

A face as clean as jade revealed a shy smile that made people happy.


"Shi-kun, he came to see me again yesterday. He said that he had found a new place to live, and he wanted to return the 100,000 yen I gave him. Obviously I had already said that he didn't need to pay it back and let him take it. Just use it, but for a place like his, he is surprisingly persistent. Really—just accept my help honestly, it’s only 100,000 yen!”

Akane Shinjo continued speaking to Karasawa Yuka after uttering words that were a bit like complaining but actually full of tenderness.

At this time, Karasawa Yuka also showed an expression of listening carefully.

Nanxiang time.

This was the boy's name that Akane Shinjou often heard mentioned after Yuka Karasawa was admitted to the hospital.

Dissatisfaction and envy from the beginning.

Now when the other person's name is mentioned, the girl will smile sheepishly.

This made Karasawa Yuka have a strong interest in this young man who had never been masked before.

In fact, she has always been worried about Akane Shinjo's life after entering high school.

I don't have a true friend.

Just talk to others with a fake smile.

That kind of life is too empty, as rigid and cold as this white ward.

But this boy in Nanxiang was like a ray of sunshine shining into this empty life.

This made the girl in front of her, who was originally feeling dead because of her parents, feel agitated.

She began to tell in front of herself about the boy's every move in school with a vivid expression.

He began to talk about the other party's 'student feat' of easily winning the first place in the grade and holding the title to this day.

He even cares about his heartbeat because of the way he walks in Nanxiang and the way he looks at others.

Karasawa Yuka has never seen Akane Shinjo show such an expression when talking about others.

She even originally thought that Akane Shinjo would gradually lose interest in the boy named Nango Toki because of the passage of time.

But as time went by, Karasawa Yuka discovered.

The other party's enthusiasm has no intention of reducing it. Instead, it gradually deepens as time goes by, and it seems that he can't take his eyes away.

This is probably what is called ‘love’.

The girl who had raised her own heart with a closed heart opened her long-closed heart because of others.

This made Karasawa Yuka feel gratified.

At the same time, he was also more curious about the boy described by the girl.

A handsome boy from a poor family, but he was able to win the first place in the grade of Ocha High School, a key high school.

He likes to read books and always holds a library book to read. He is a literary young man with a somewhat elegant temperament.

He would put down what he was doing and help girls. He never complained at all, but occasionally he was a bit of a mean-spirited boy...

From various information, various boy images are constructed.

But Akane Shinjo never said anything bad about the other party.

Often when talking about the other party, she would just show the same yearning and yearning expression as a little girl.

Karasawa Yuka knows.

Shinjou Akane was completely poisoned by the name Nango Toki.

The curse called love has completely immersed this young girl who used to be loyal to no one.

And this also made Karasawa Yuka, Shinjou Akane's adoptive mother, even more curious.

The young man who was so obsessed with his daughter...

What kind of people are they in reality?

Chapter 242. I am their daughter! 4,000 words!

Karasawa Yuka listened to Akane Shinjo telling interesting things about Nango.

It's just such trivial things as the other party yawned a few times today and changed the book he read.

When it comes to Shinjo Akane's mouth, there seems to be an indescribable taste.

She also showed a gentle smile and listened attentively to Akane Shinjo's words about Nango. She wanted to get some clues from the words of this young man who had never been masked before.

Time seemed to have no meaning between them.

By the time Shinjou Akane raised her head again, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Aunt Youjia. I'll contact the doctor first and ask them to do your routine check-up today."

Akane Shinjo apologized. Today there will be a full-body examination of Yuka Karasawa, so the hospital must be notified in advance to prepare.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

In fact, every time she discussed Nanxiang with Karasawa Yuka, she would subconsciously lose track of time.

Because except for Nanxiang time.

In her life, only Karasawa Yuka and Takarata Rikka were the ones she could talk to.

But what makes Akane Shinjo feel regretful is——

I have to take care of Karasawa Yuka recently, and I haven't said hello to Nanxiang Shi in a serious manner for a long time.

Today too.

Because she had to take care of Yuka Karasawa, she even gave up on taking the school test.


It doesn't matter.

Akane Shinjo calmed down.

She would never feel dissatisfied with taking care of Karasawa Yuka, let alone complain about it.

After all, the other person is his true relative in this world.

No matter what, she must--

"Since you like Nango-kun so much, then spend more time with him, Akane."

Karasawa Yuka suddenly spoke.

But these words stunned Akane Shinjou who stood up.

She said "Hey", and her red eyes looked at Yuka Karasawa in front of her with some surprise, as if she didn't expect the other party to speak like this.

"Nothing surprising."

Karasawa Yuka smiled gently: "It is meaningless to spend time on someone like me who has no future. Akane, you should also know this."

That's right.

She has no future left.

What he is doing now is just lying in bed, waiting for the doctor to extend his life, and then quietly waiting for death to come.

This process is irreversible.

"I have never cared about this kind of thing, Aunt Youjia, what you need to do now is to have a good rest."

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