At this time, Yuka Karasawa was also used to increase Akane Shinjo's favorability towards him.

It doesn't fit with his values.


Listening to Nanxiang Shi's words, Nanxiang frowned his beautiful eyebrows in the future, and then a look of realization appeared on his pretty face:

"Oh - I understand, dad, this should be called tsundere, right?"

"If you say one more thing, I will ask Ryo to kick you out of the house today and let you know how low the temperature is in Tokyo at night in winter."

Chapter 244. Conflict between mother and daughter? 4,000 words!

Not long after Nanxiang Shi left, Tangze Youjia ward.

"Unbelievable... just unbelievable."

Looking at the data sheet in his hand, Dr. Takahashi, Karasawa Yuka's attending physician, made a surprised sound.

Karasawa Yujia's various physical indicators are actually within the standard line of healthy ordinary people.

This made Dr. Takahashi a little unbelievable.

You must know that during yesterday's full-body examination, Karasawa Yuka's physical condition had entered a situation that was not optimistic.

That's why the hospital notified Akane Shinjo to come and take care of Yuka Karasawa.

I'm just worried that when something really goes wrong with Karasawa Yuka, there won't even be a single person to sign and seal it.

But today’s test results...?

Dr. Takahashi rubbed his eyes.

This is the third time he has made such an action.

The instrument has been tested just now and there is no problem.

Repeated physical examinations would also have adverse effects on the patient's health.

He probably had to send Yuka Karasawa for another full-body examination.

To know this situation——

"This is simply unheard of. Ms. Karasawa, how did you do it? How can you get back to what you are now?"

Dr. Takahashi excitedly asked Karasawa Yuka who had woken up in the hospital bed.

Facing Dr. Takahashi’s questions.

Karasawa Yuka was also stunned and at a loss.

As a patient who had been declared dead by the doctor, she was suddenly told by the doctor something like, "You are alive, what do you want to do next?"

This made her brain, which was already a little confused when she woke up, even more confused.

Fortunately, Karasawa Yuka is considered a mature adult.

Although her thoughts were confused, her brain had already begun to sort out the development of things.

Looking at the doctor in front of him, his face was full of excitement, as if he had discovered a new world.

Karasawa Yuka quickly thought of someone——

Nanxiang time.

The young man who suddenly visited and suddenly disappeared.

In my memory... I seemed to have taken the medicine provided by the other party, so I fell into a deep sleep... When I woke up... I heard the excited voice of the usually calm Dr. Takahashi.

"I'm not joking."

"Just think that I have deceived you and eat this."

Karasawa Yuka fell silent.

Because she never thought about it...

"It turns out he wasn't lying to me..."

After muttering to himself in such a low voice, Karasawa Yuka raised his head.


Nanxiang didn't lie to her.

He literally eradicated his condition.

Even Karasawa Yuka can feel it.

The body that was originally so weak that it took a long time to breathe every time it moved, now felt no burden at all.

Symptoms such as shortness of breath completely disappeared like a lie.

This surprised Karasawa Yuka.

Now she is full of energy.

And you must know that even Tokyo General Medical Hospital, which is famous for its medical facilities in Tokyo, cannot do this kind of thing.

Nanxiang-kun...what on earth are you...?

Karasawa Yuka thought of the black-haired girl who followed him in Nanxiang.

That girl with shoulder-length black short hair who looks very similar to Shinjo Akane...

As soon as the other party came over, she claimed to be the daughter of Shinjo Akane and Nango Tokimirai.

At that time, Karasawa Yuka thought the other party was joking...

After all, when it comes to topics like ‘the future’, anyone would probably think of a joke.

But now...

Feel your body regaining its health.

Karasawa Yuka thinks.

Maybe everything Nanxiang said in the future is true...

She really is from the future, the daughter of Nango Toki and Akane Shinjo.

While Karasawa Yuka was still thinking.

Dr. Takahashi spoke again: "Based on the current indicators of physical condition, Miss Karasawa, there shouldn't be much problem with your health."

He reluctantly suppressed his excitement: "However, I still recommend that you stay in the hospital for a few days of observation to prevent any subsequent changes, because your situation is relatively rare in the entire world."


Without rejecting Dr. Takahashi's proposal, Yuka Karasawa nodded.

Her brain is still a little confused and can't process too much information at the moment.

And next to Karasawa Yuka, Akane Shinjou was also a little confused.

Even if she didn't understand the medical terminology Dr. Takahashi was mumbling.

But she could also understand why the other party was so excited.

Karasawa Yuka, whose physical condition suddenly deteriorated, seems... seems... to have improved?

This is undoubtedly good news for young girls.

Even now, her brain is still immersed in joy. It was not until Dr. Takahashi reached an agreement with Karasawa Yuka that she came forward to ask:

"Sorry, Doctor Takahashi, has Aunt Youjia's health improved?"

"Yes. Judging from the body's numerical indicators, this is indeed the case."

Dr. Takahashi smiled and replied: "But it is far from being careless. I am staying in the hospital for observation just to see if there will be any changes in the future."


Dr. Takahashi's words sounded as if the situation was still serious, but he just heard the other person's tone of relief.

Shinjou Akane roughly understood that Karasawa Yuka's physical condition had really improved, and she didn't even need to worry too much anymore.

"Then, today's diagnosis and treatment ends here. Ms. Karasawa, you should pay attention to rest."

With these words behind him, Dr. Takahashi took away the collected blood sample of Yuka Karasawa.

Akane Shinjo and Yuka Karasawa, who stayed in the room, first looked at each other.


"Aunt Yuka!"

No outsiders exist.

Akane Shinjo no longer had to suppress the impulse in her heart.

Without hesitation, he hugged Karasawa Yuka on the hospital bed.

"I knew it! I knew it! Aunt Youjia is totally fine!"

The emotion called joy kept overflowing from her chest. Akane Shinjo had never felt like this before.

Karasawa Yuka doesn't have to leave with regrets as he thought before.

They still have a future...

This alone was enough for her to cheer.


Akane Shinjo felt a little strange and subconsciously raised her head.

Because she could clearly feel that Karasawa Yuka's interest was not that high.

Instead, the other party frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

"What's wrong? Aunt Yujia?"

Akane Shinjo sat back in her seat.

She thought it was because she moved too much and accidentally injured Karasawa Yuka's body, which had been resting in bed.

And it seemed that he was aware of Shinjo Akane's thoughts.

Karasawa Yuka raised her head, smiled and waved her hands: "It's okay, Akane, I'm just thinking about some issues."

She was thinking about Nanxiang's problems.

There were still many things she didn't understand about this boy.

"Thinking question...? What question?"

Somewhat confused about what Yuka Karasawa was thinking, Akane Shinjou approached suspiciously.

Sensing Akane Shinjo's curious gaze.

Karasawa Yuka didn't know how to speak.

Because she had heard Nanxiang Shi's request before she fell asleep.

The other party asked him not to tell Akane Shinjo about his visit.


Looking at Akane Shinjo's face that was getting closer.

Looking at her puzzled expression.

Karasawa Yuka let out a long sigh.

Sorry, Nango-kun.

Although you said not to tell Qian the matter, there is no way I can hide it in front of her.

I apologized roughly to Nan Xiang.

Karasawa Yuka told Shinjo Akane what happened just now.

Including talking with Nanxiang Shi.

The matter of taking the medicine handed to me by Nan Xiang...

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