She is also the most stable simulation object for heart rate supply.

The second heartbeat value contributor is Shinjo Akane. Because of Nangoshi's help, the heartbeat value provided by Ms. Shinjo is once again one step ahead of Nishiki Chishu, who had previously rushed to second place.

Then go further down.

The third position is no longer Miss Yamada.

Not even Miss Futaba who just finished her simulation.

But it rushed up from nowhere.

A girl named Matsuzaka Satou - contributed 1080 heartbeat points, ranking third.

In fact, the gap between Rio Futaba and her opponent in fourth place is not big, with a heart rate contribution of 1050.


Just looking at the heartbeat value contribution behind Matsuzaka Granu's name.

When I was in Nanxiang, I already felt vaguely that something was not good.

It seems that things are really happening in the direction he least wants to see.

That pink-haired girl.

Maybe she really is the yandere type of simulation he doesn't want to meet.

Chapter 247. She chased him and fled, but he couldn’t fly. 6,000 words!


Putting his finger down from the simulation page, Nan Xiangshi groaned.

In fact, he never thought that he would end up doing something good once and that he would end up like this.

There is a high probability that Matsuzaka Sugar is a girl with psychological problems, and this is not lost on her.

If you think about it even more to the extreme...the other person might really be a simulation of the so-called yandere type.

He is different from the usual animated male protagonists who panic when things happen and don't know what to do.

Nanxiang Shi did not show any panic expression at this time. On the contrary, he had vaguely felt something bad at the beginning, but now, he has actually returned to his usual calmness.

after all--

"Panic has no meaning in changing the status quo."

Nanxiang Shi put another piece of mandarin orange pulp into his mouth, holding his face and thinking.

Now that it happened.

Naturally, we have to find a way to solve it.

Avoiding panic is of no use.

To put it bluntly, the name yandere sounds scary, but in fact she is just a girl with psychological problems.

This is essentially unchangeable.


"Don't panic too much."

Take your finger off Matsuzaka Sugar's name.

Nanxiang Shi had no intention of removing the opponent's name from the simulation list.

After all, keeping Matsuzaka Sugar in the simulation list can still accumulate excitement points.

What if there was some bloodshed that he couldn't foresee.

Nanxiang Shi can also use the huge heart rate provided by Matsuzaka Sugar to exchange for the [Universal Healing Medicine] to solve the problem as soon as possible.

[Universal Healing Medicine] is one of the solutions.

But the most important thing...

"Sure enough, we still need to keep our distance."

When I was in Nanxiang, I muttered to myself.


No matter from any point of view, keeping a distance from Matsuzaka Sugar is undoubtedly the best choice.

There is no need for him to risk contact with the other party.

It's not just good for him.

Regarding the end of the band, Rico Rico...well, Rico Rico shouldn't have to worry about him. After all, whether it is Nishiki Chisuke or Inoue Takina, they are all shot by "Riko Lisi". The heroine who appears in the anime.

Nishiki Chisuke's superhuman intuition and reflexes and Inoue Takina's calmness and rationality in times of trouble.

No matter how you think about it, there is no way that Matsuzaka Sugar can beat two people.

Then what needs to be paid attention to is the ending band, Shinjo Akane and Futaba Rio.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to contact Matsuzaka Granu.

These girls shouldn't have much of a problem.

"Then...the strategy is decided."

Nanxiang cheered up.

Although he was caught off guard when he encountered a yandere-type girl, as long as he didn't take the initiative to contact her and waited until the fever subsided... there shouldn't be much of a problem.

But this is also an ideal situation.

Nanxiang Shi felt that he should prepare for the worst.

For example, let’s say the heat doesn’t show any signs of abating... What measures should be taken at that time?

Nanxiang fell into thinking again.



It was indeed a mistake.

When he arrived at Nango, Ocha High School, he looked at the slim pink-haired girl in front of him and the blue-haired girl accompanying her... His eyebrows twitched upward slightly.

His original idea was not to have any contact with Matsuzaka Sugar, not to have the slightest connection with Matsuzaka Sugar, and wait for the passage of time to let the other party gradually lose their impression of him as a person.

But the ideas are always good.

The reality is very skinny.

Although Nanxiang had no idea of ​​contact or relationship with Matsuzaka Sugar.

But it doesn't stop the other party from coming to the door.

This mobility is too terrifying.

Nanxiang thought to himself.

You know, he only met Matsuzaka Satou yesterday.

As a result, the other party actually took the initiative to find his class today...

Is this too...?

Thinking of this, Nan Xiangshi frowned, shook his head, and spoke calmly:

"Excuse me, what's the matter? Classmate."

"Ah...Senior Nanxiang."

The pink-haired girl in front of her showed a gentle smile, and her pink eyes looked at Nango with a gentle gaze: "I am Matsuzaka Satou, a first-year student. I came here mainly to thank Senior Nanxiang for his help yesterday."

She took a slight step forward, as if she wanted to get closer before speaking.

But Nanxiang's method of dealing with it was very simple.

He took a step back expressionlessly, then showed a look of confusion: "Matsusaka-san, what are you talking about? Thank you for your help yesterday?"

His face was calm but a little confused, and it seemed that he really didn't understand what Matsuzaka Satou was talking about.

Since you can't avoid the other person, then just pretend to be dumbfounded.

Nanxiang Shi's method of coping was very simple.

If it were an ordinary girl, when she saw Nan Xiang's expression, she would most likely wonder if she had made a mistake.

But Matsuzaka Sugar is no ordinary girl.

When she saw Nanxiang's confused expression, she just smiled peacefully, and then spoke in an unsuspecting tone:

"Senior Nanxiang may not have much of an impression, but I remember it very clearly. You were the one who sent me to the clinic, right?"

Her tone was very calm, without any sign of wavering.

And this also made Nanxiang Shi aware of it.

It seems that this level of disguise has no effect on Matsuzaka Granu.

The other person is the kind of person who sticks to his own opinions.

In this case... let's find another way to defend...

Nanxiang Shi said after thinking: "I really don't have much impression, but I did send someone to the clinic yesterday. Is that person Matsuzaka-san?"

He turned his face sideways and asked the question.

And just this simple action.

I don't know why, but in the eyes of Matsuzaka Satou, she is particularly charming.

She unconsciously placed her palms on her heart.

It jumps fast there.

She felt inexplicably heat gathering on her face.

It was like being able to talk to Nanxiang like this.

It is already extremely happy.

Matsuzaka Satou calmed her chest and then smiled. Her smile was like the clear sky, clean and pure:

"The person who was sent to the clinic was actually me, Nango-senpai. I heard the doctor at the clinic say yesterday...well...this is the medical fee of 15,000 yen, please be sure to accept it."


It would be inappropriate to reject the other party at this time.

Nanxiang Shi directly accepted the fifteen thousand yen, and then said: "Then that's it, Matsuzaka-san, I have some things to do next, so I need to take a step first."

"Ah...Um...Senior Nanxiang, could you please wait a moment?"


Matsuzaka Satou could feel that the black-haired young man in front of her was completely different from the boys in her class.

She has a beautiful face and an outstanding figure. The boys in the class will take the initiative to talk to her and ask her.

But it was completely different in Nanxiang.

When he spoke to himself, his tone was calm and his expression was indifferent, as if he didn't seem to be attracted by her face at all.

no the same...

Senior Nanxiang is indeed different.

Matsuzaka Granu felt slightly excited, and then raised her head.

She extended an invitation to a man for the first time: "I wonder if Nanxiang senior is free in the afternoon? I would like to treat you to a meal to thank you for helping me yesterday."

This was the first time she took the initiative to invite the opposite sex.

Both his tone and demeanor were extremely natural, and his expression was particularly serious. It seemed that he really just wanted to thank Nanxiang for lending a helping hand.


"Feel sorry."

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