However, just when the figure wearing a hooded black windbreaker was thankful that it didn't hit him in the face.

But she found that Nanxiang Shi's figure had appeared in front of her at a speed that she couldn't react to.

The next second.

It was the scene where he held the stun gun that originally belonged to her and pressed it on her waist without hesitation.


It was accompanied by a physical convulsion as the body was electrocuted.

Even the hood fell down.

At the same time, Matsuzaka Sugar's pretty and cute face was revealed.

But that pretty face that was always peaceful was now full of astonishment and astonishment.

Because it originally followed her script.

Now Nanxiang should be lying on the ground unable to resist, so she, the attacker, should carry the attacker away from this place.

It shouldn't be like this.

This is not the script she prepared!

This is completely the other way around!

It's not reasonable at all!

How did it become a situation where she was lying on the ground and letting Nanxiang handle it?

Because it is a low voltage electric shock.

So besides being numb and limp, she couldn't muster any strength at all.

The overall consciousness is still very clear.

She could only watch helplessly as Nanxiang opened the leather bag she brought and took out a handkerchief stained with psychedelic drugs.

"Ether? Well, that should be enough."

This is the voice of Nanxiang talking to himself.



Matsuzaka Satou, who was lying on the ground, was surprised.

She was really surprised.

Why does Nanxiang Shi seem to be more skilled than her attacker?

Normally, shouldn't we call the police and take her away at this stage?

Why did Nanxiang still use the props she brought?

Why does he look more like an attacker than me?

With a somewhat incomprehensible expression, Matsuzaka Satou, who was temporarily unable to move, could only watch Nanxiang coming over with a handkerchief stained with ether.

Then he directly covered his mouth and nose.

Although I tried hard to hold my breath.

But it's all in vain.

It is impossible for people to suffocate themselves to death.

I got to a certain stage of holding my breath.

Matsuzaka Granu finally couldn't bear it anymore and took a deep breath.

Then under the influence of the drug, he gradually fell into a coma.

[The long training was not in vain. You already knew that the other party would appear, and you easily subdued Matsuzaka Granu. 】

[The so-called yandere is actually a girl with serious psychological problems. Even if she has a certain fighting ability, she is essentially unable to defeat you, who is naturally superior in physique, strength and reaction speed. 】

[You catch the moment when the other person relaxes and subdue him with your backhand. 】

[Then, you use all the things the girl prepared on her. 】

[When she woke up, it was already seven o'clock at night. 】

[You have just finished giving the test questions for the closing band at the kotatsu table. 】

[Feeling her gaze, you turned around. 】

Memories from the simulation began to emerge.

Matsuzaka Granose didn't know how long she had slept.

After inhaling ether, time seems to have no meaning.

When she wakes up again.

There was still a sunny sky outside the window.

At this time, it has been replaced by dark colors and scattered stars.

The body is so heavy.

She thought so when she just woke up.

A body affected by drugs cannot move freely.

Because her hands and feet were weak, even just raising her arms seemed to require a huge amount of strength.


She couldn't even lift her arms and legs at all.

Because I just opened my eyes and looked at it.

She then discovered that her body had been bound up with thick hemp ropes without her realizing it.

His arms were tied behind his back.

His legs and ankles were also tightened with hemp ropes.

This is something she purchased online.

Unexpectedly, it was actually used on her in this way.

She wanted to open her mouth.

But he suddenly discovered that it was not just his hands and feet.

Even her mouth was sealed with tape at some point.

Matsuzaka Satou's expression was dull.

Because her current appearance is exactly what a female victim looks like in a criminal investigation plot.

The hands and feet are tied, the mouths are sealed with tape, the prisoners are in a sealed and soundproof room (the soundproofing effect of the room in the "Stars" exhibition hall is designed according to professional standards), and they are only allowed to breathe through the nose.

Not even able to call for help.

But who knows?

She should obviously be the attacker.

Nanxiang should be the one lying on the ground.

Her brain was shutting down a bit.

He barely raised his head one centimeter.

He just happened to see Nan Xiang sitting opposite him, using the stove to bake his body.

At this time, the other party was holding a pen and writing something on the paper in front of him.

As if aware of her awakening, Nan Xiangshi raised his head: "Ah, you're awake."

His tone was flat.

It was as if he was not the one who tied up Matsuzaka Sugar.

This calm to cold tone.

It was easy for Matsuzaka Granose to think of the common cold-faced murderer in serial murder dramas.

"Wait a moment, I haven't finished the questions yet."

He didn't care about Matsuzaka Granu's thoughts.

Nanxiang Shi continued to raise his pen and write out questions for the closing band members on the blank paper in front of him.

But Matsuzaka Satou could only look at Nanxiang Shi's movements.

Because she couldn't understand Nanxiang Shi at all.

Normally at times like this, shouldn't the other party call the police immediately?

Why still tie her up?

She couldn't understand, let alone guess the thoughts of the man in front of her.

I could only watch blankly as he put pen to paper and wrote the question.

Wait until you finish writing the last word.


Nanxiang Shi said this, then stretched out his hand to sort out the test papers in front of him.

While sorting it out, he said in a calm tone: "I think Matsusaka-san should be very confused now as to why I knocked you out with drugs and tied you up instead of calling the police immediately."

"..." Matsuzaka Granu didn't speak.

In fact, she couldn't speak at all with her mouth sealed.

Nanxiang Shi didn't pay attention to her, and just kept talking to himself:

"The reason why we didn't call the police is actually very simple."

He put the compiled test papers into his shoulder bag: "I want Matsuzaka-san to know what it feels like to be broken into the room, then electrocuted, then knocked unconscious, and tied up inexplicably. "


He stood up, then came to Matsuzaka Granu, and asked in a calm tone: "How do you feel, Matsuzaka-san?"

"..." Matsuzaka Sugar.

Being electrocuted.

Then get knocked unconscious again.

Now he is tied up and his mouth is sealed.

The whole time he lay on the ground like an animal waiting to be slaughtered.

There is no self-awareness at all, and the right to even move a finger is deprived.

This feeling...

Matsuzaka Granu wanted to open her mouth.

But his mouth was sealed and he couldn't speak.

Nanxiang didn't care about this and simply tore off the tape from her mouth.

He wasn't worried about Matsuzaka Sugar shouting loudly.

After all, as an exhibition hall, the soundproofing facilities of ‘Stars’ are very complete.

Moreover, there was a rock performance going on downstairs, and the other party's voice was just a drop in the ocean and could not cause any waves under the sound waves that could even vibrate a mineral water bottle.

"Being treated like this... doesn't feel good."

After the tape was torn off, Matsuzaka Satou didn't yell, he just lowered his head and continued following Nanxiang Shi's words.

Just because I experienced it personally.

Only then did she know what it felt like to be electrocuted and knocked unconscious.

Facing Nanxiang's calm gaze, she even felt like she couldn't raise her head.

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