[System evaluation: 82 points. 】

[System evaluation: Love is dependent on you, love is hazy, the stars are hanging in the sky, they are also hanging in your heart...]

[The heavy rain washed away everything, leaving only puddles on the ground that reflected the color of the sky. And she is like a puddle left on the ground. Her empty heart is filled with pure water. How you reflect her is how she looks. 】

[Your encounter with her was a complete accident. She fell in love with you at first sight, and was captured by your magical smile at just one glance, unable to extricate herself. 】

[Your smile is like a drop of thick ink, dripping into her pure heart and disrupting her life. 】

[From birth to high school, she has never received such strong emotional stimulation. For the first time, she has "desire". She tries hard and clumsily to express her love to you, even if she doesn't even know what love means. . 】

[You see this clearly and want to change her through your own influence. 】

[But as time flies, she has no way to vent her desire. Whenever she sees other wives interacting with you, talking and laughing with you, she will always look at you with particularly envious eyes. 】

[Kong has a lot of love but doesn't know how to express love, nor what is the behavior of expressing love. This is an invisible torture to her spirit and body. 】

[You tell her that as long as you work hard to emit strobe lights in the same way, you can understand each other's thoughts even if they are different. 】

[She firmly believed in this and tried hard. 】

[But due to the long-term mental burden, the pink-haired girl eventually turned into a star in the sky. 】

【She loves you deeply. 】

[You also pity her especially. 】

【When the elegant red star hangs in the night sky. 】

【Do you still think of that innocent girl who was obsessed with your smile? 】

[System prompt: You have gained a small amount of business experience. 】

"82 points..."

Nanxiang Shi was a little surprised when he saw this score.

It’s not that I think the simulation score this time is relatively low.

But he felt that the simulation score this time was much higher than he imagined.

You must know that after reading the system evaluation, he thought that the simulation score this time must be 40 or 50 points, and at most he would pass 60 or 70 points.

After all, Nanxiang Shi did not go out of his way to choose the correct option in this simulation like the previous simulations.

All the choices he made were made to understand Matsuzaka Satou's background and personality.

This is the so-called purposeful choice, without deliberately pursuing a ‘happy ending’.

But even so, the simulation with Matsuzaka Sugar still scored 82 points, and there was only an 8-point gap between the happy ending. This is naturally surprising.

But think about it the other way around.

Simulation scores are largely based on Matsuzaka Sugar's happiness.

"Does this mean... Matsuzaka Granu is still quite happy after marrying me?"

Nan Xiang held up his face.

Although judging from his eyes, Matsuzaka Sugar probably did not live a happy life after entering the marriage period.

Always walking alone.

Watching the interaction between his other wives and children, he was envious but at a loss.

In the end, he passed away full of regret.

The only thing that made her talk about it was the setting of happiness.

That is, she has always been by Nanxiang's side.

"But...this level...can it be called happiness?"

Nanxiang rubbed his temples.

I can't keep his love to myself.

I was worried about the child's mood, so I didn't give birth to the child.

The only thing he did was to accompany him when he was in Nanxiang.

This seems to be indescribable happiness for the pink-haired girl who is 'lack of love'.

"This is really..."

When I think of Nanxiang here, I really don't know how to describe this pink-haired girl.

After a while.

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but sigh.

"Are all yanderes in reality so stupid?"

What a fool.

Just being by his side makes you feel happy?

Even if you end up regretfully lying on the bed and passing away, you will have no regrets? Because she has already found happiness?

What the hell is this? !

Just thinking about this made Nanxiang feel a little uncomfortable.


"If you want me to soften my heart, then you are overthinking it."

Nanxiang turned his head and looked out the window while sitting in his seat.

He never considered himself a good person.

Just because of what happened in the simulation, do you want him to be helpful to Matsuzaka Sugar?

That's simply impossible!

After all, that is just what happened in the simulation and has nothing to do with the real world.

Matsuzaka Sugar in the simulation was indeed infatuated with him, but that was just a simulation.

For him or the girl, what happened in the simulation was just a dream.

He wouldn't take the initiative to get in touch with Matsuzaka Satou, a difficult and extremely troublesome girl just because of what happened in the simulation.

You must know that he finally refused the other party's invitation to dine.

So Nanxiang Shi has already decided at this time.

Let go of the need to help others!

Respect the fate of others!

He is not a soft-hearted bad guy.


That's right!

Staring at the dark weather outside the window.

Nanxiang Shi thought this way and made up his mind.

One day of classes at Ocha High School is not too much.

But around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the school bell had already rang.

But it's different from usual.

A big hole opened in the dark sky.

A black rain curtain also fell from it.

Compared to yesterday's weather.

Today's freezing rain is even worse.

I guess it won't be long before the temperature in Tokyo will plummet due to freezing rain, right?

The students of Ocha High School took out their umbrellas from the umbrella storage area at the door, and then walked towards the station not far away.

No one wants to stay in such bad weather.


Except for one person.

A pink-haired girl stood silently behind the telephone pole despite the downpour.

Unlike the other Ocha High School students who were eager to get into the station to take shelter from the rain.

Matsuzaka Satou did not hold an umbrella, but took advantage of the black rain screen to hide behind the telephone pole at the corner of the street.

The uniform he was wearing was soaked, and his palms turned red from the cold air.

But those pink eyes were still shining brightly.

His body was even more motionless, his eyes staring at the entrance and exit of the school, showing no intention of relaxing.

Control your breathing.

Hide your figure.

Followed in silence.

These were all the methods that she could find that did not rely on props in "The One Hundred and Eight Methods of Taiping" that she searched on the Internet at noon.

In particular, it is mentioned in "The One Hundred and Eight Methods of Tailing" - as long as you master these several methods of tailing that do not rely on props, even a novice who has just entered the world of tailing can have the power not to be discovered by others. Tail rowing ability.

This line of words shocked Matsuzaka Satou on the spot, and he even studied it hard all afternoon.

Now, she can be regarded as a person with extremely rich theoretical knowledge.

And according to that book.

She should be hiding well now.

Relying on natural heavy rain as a barrier.

Hiding in a corner that is difficult for ordinary people to find.

Control your breathing and make sure your eyes don't collide with other people's.

She had taken what she learned in one afternoon and pushed it to the limit.

Even in Nanxiang, it is absolutely impossible to find her hidden in the rain curtain——


"it hurts!"

The pink-haired girl who had been sticking half of her head out to observe the school gate was suddenly patted on the back of her head.

This made her cry out in pain, and subconsciously reached out to touch her head.

At the same time, an angry and funny voice came from behind her.

"What are you doing? Matsuzaka-san?"


Matsuzaka Satou's face, which always had a peaceful smile, now had a slightly frozen expression.

She couldn't help but open her mouth: "Senior Nanxiang...? Why..."



She was obviously following the method in the book "The One Hundred and Eight Methods of Tail Walking" to control her aura, right?

Why was Nanxiang still aware that he was here?

She couldn't understand it.

The look on his face was equivalent to that of Matsuzaka Sugar.

Nanxiang Shi was angry and funny: "What 'why'?"

His voice paused: "Originally, your pink hair is eye-catching enough without an umbrella on a rainy day, and then you still stick out half of your head under the telephone pole. Is it possible that you are afraid that I won't find you?"

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