There was no soft-heartedness in Nanxiang.

If you don’t want a regrettable tragedy to happen in the simulation.

Then we can only persist here.

Think of this.

Nanxiang Shi took a slight breath.

Then, he showed what could be called a perfect smile from any angle to Matsuzaka Satou, who still had the intention of rejecting her.

"Please, Sugar."

He deliberately lowered his voice, and his originally clear voice sounded even deeper at this moment.


Matsuzaka Satou, who originally wanted to refuse, found that her pink lips could not be separated.

Because she discovered something.

She couldn't resist Nan Xiang when he showed such an expression in front of him.

The young man's fair and handsome face was covered with sideburns moistened by the heavy rain.

Because he had also suffered from the cold, his cheeks that should have been healthy and rosy were now slightly white.

The legs of his trousers were stained with water, and his hair was also a little wet, which made him look very embarrassed.

This is a picture that no woman can bear to reject.

Matsuzaka sugar is softened.

She couldn't help but wonder if she cared too much.

Obviously, when I went to Nanxiang, I just wanted to rest at home for a while.

That's all.

Then shouldn't I open the door to entertain him?

This is just a simple thing.

Why do I have to push back and block everything?

Matsuzaka Granose felt that this should all be her fault.

After all, why should you reject the other party in the first place?

Think of this.

Matsuzaka Granu, who was still insisting before, relented.

She carefully held Nan Xiangshi's palm, feeling the other person's palm trembling slightly due to the cold.

Matsuzaka Granu felt distressed inexplicably, and a bitter feeling emerged from her mouth.

She shook her head and said softly: "Actually, the house is too messy... If you don't mind, Senior Nanxiang, please come with me."


very good!

Looking at Matsuzaka Sugar in front of him, he finally agreed to his request.

Nanxiang Shi also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not like he deliberately used [Nango Akane's perfect magical smile] to sacrifice his appearance in order to gain the other party's trust.

After all, for Matsuzaka Granu, he was just a senior he had only known for a day.

Even if she fell in love with her smile at first sight.

But after all, there was no "I am your master" operation like in the simulation between the two.

It is quite normal to be a little wary of him.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Because he has obtained permission from Matsuzaka Sugar.

Just say something casually to show that you don't care.

Nanxiang followed Matsuzaka Satou and watched calmly as she entered the password to unlock the apartment building.

Then Nanxiang followed the other person's footsteps towards the elevator on the apartment floor.

During this period, Nanxiang felt an indescribable strange feeling.

Why does it feel like he is a stalking maniac who stalks others on purpose?

And Matsuzaka Sugar is the innocent girl who let down her guard against stalkers?

Isn’t this completely the opposite?

You must know that whether in the simulation or in reality, it was Matsuzaka Granose who wanted to follow him first.

Weird thoughts surged in Nanxiang Shi's mind.

But all these thoughts disappeared the moment he stepped into the elevator.

Because now, he could finally know who Matsuzaka Sayuri was who had been hiding behind the simulation.

In short, first hope that the other person can be a normal person.

Chapter 258. Romantic Writing + Net Yiyun Guitar 4000 words!

I was in a very good mood when I went to Nanxiang.

The reason is also very simple.

Because he was finally able to meet Sayuri Matsuzaka, the guardian of Matsuzaka Sugar.

It only took a little trick and betrayal to get Matsuzaka Granu to allow him to enter his room.

To be honest, even Nanxiang had an unreal feeling.

After all, Matsuzaka Sugar is the person that I have talked to in the simulation for so long and had so many opportunities to meet but never met...

Unexpectedly, this time I just used [Nango Akane's Perfect Magic Smile] and achieved this goal easily.

But these are no longer important.

Nanxiang breathed out a little.

He's had his chance.

Let's see how he uses this rare opportunity.

This is what Nanxiang thought and prepared for.



After entering the room, Nan Xiang was stunned when he sat down.

The reason that made him daze was not what Matsuzaka Granu said. The room was too messy and shocking.

It’s not like the Japanese cartoons of women living alone, where their underwear, panties and bras are everywhere.



Apart from Matsuzaka Granu and him, there is no third person at all!

The so-called guardian of Matsuzaka Sugar, Sayuri Matsuzaka, was not in this apartment room at all.

be cheated.

Nanxiang did not expect that Matsuzaka Sugar was living alone.

He frowned, he should have thought of this earlier.

It is possible for Matsuzaka Sugar to live alone.

Even in the simulation, there are many small details that show that Matsuzaka Satou lived alone in high school.

So what should we do now?

Take the initiative to ask Matsuzaka Sugar about Matsuzaka Sayuri?

There's definitely something inappropriate about this.

Judging from the attitude shown by Matsuzaka Sugar just now.

The other party probably didn't want him to be involved with Sayuri Matsuzaka.

And after all, how should he explain to Matsuzaka Granu that he knew about Matsuzaka Sayuri?

You can't tell the other person that you looked through her student resume in the simulation, right?

Nan Xiangshi shook his head gently.

It’s hard to do...

I originally thought that this time I would be able to solve the mystery of Matsuzaka Sugar's lack of emotion.

But he didn't expect that the other party would do this to him.

But this doesn’t mean that I gained nothing from this trip.

Nanxiang looked up and glanced at Matsuzaka Satou, who was fumbling to turn on the kotatsu switch.

Judging from the way the other party hesitated just now and was unwilling to let him go upstairs.

It can basically be confirmed in Nanxiang.

There is a high probability that Matsuzaka Sugar's guardian, Matsuzaka Sayuri, also lives in this apartment building.

The reason Matsuzaka Granu didn't want him to go upstairs was because she was worried that they would bump into Matsuzaka Sayuri on the way up.

There shouldn't be much problem with this idea.

After all, Sayuri Matsuzaka is considered Matsuzaka Granu's guardian, and she should not let her live alone in Tokyo as a girl.

This idea was determined.

Nanxiang glanced at the surrounding environment calmly, and began to think about how to get the correct room number for Sayuri Matsuzaka.

To be honest, there are actually many methods.

The most direct way is to go to the security room next to the apartment's password door to check the situation.

After all, the security office at the door and the person in charge of this apartment should have such detailed resident information.

The difficulty is how to get these things...

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but think.

It was when he was thinking.

Next to him, Matsuzaka Satou suddenly raised his head: "Nanxiang-senpai."

If you were an ordinary person, you would probably be shocked if Matsuzaka Granu shouted something like this while you were concentrating on your thoughts.

But the expression on Nanxiang Shi's face didn't reveal any flaws.

Not even the slightest fluctuation.

The perfect and most beautiful boy in Tokyo can still possess this level of expression management ability.

Nanxiang Shi just said 'hmm', and then turned his head calmly: "What's the matter? Matsusaka-san?"

"'s nothing. I want to ask Nanxiang-senpai to sit down for a moment."

After testing the temperature of the kotatsu with his hand and finding that the heat had risen, Matsuzaka Satou stood up and smiled at him: "I'll go change my clothes first, and then make a pot of tea for Nango-senpai."


Nan Xiangshi didn't say much, he just responded and then nodded.

Matsuzaka Satou nodded without saying anything more. After leaving Nanxiang Shi in the living room, he reached out to open his door and entered.


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