Nanxiang Mirai obviously also saw the content on the screen of his mobile phone.

Her face turned as red as an octopus in a steamer, and she hurriedly reached out and slid the photo to the previous one.

So far.

It was only then that Nanxiang finally saw what Nanxiang Mirai said was the 'letter left by the pink-haired girl'.

Black and white text, no fancy decorations. The extremely correct font remains on top, giving it a crisp and neat aesthetic.

Nanxiang Shi read it word by word.

[Mr. Nanxiang:]

[Quiets skipped]

[Presumably you don’t know who I am, nor my intention in leaving this letter, but no matter what, as long as you open the letter, I very much hope that you can continue to read it. 】

[I wonder if you still remember a woman named Matsuzaka Satou? 】

[Perhaps you don’t care, you don’t care, and you may have even forgotten her as a person. But no matter what, there is one thing I must say to you. 】

[My mother, Matsuzaka Satou, passed away last month, and I am her daughter. The name is Matsuzaka Salt. 】

"Matsusaka Satou passed away?"

Nan Xiangshi's eyes paused.

He really didn't expect it, not just in the simulation.

In a certain route in the future world, Matsuzaka Sugar also died early.

But this time it was different from the simulation.

Matsuzaka Satou left behind her daughter——

"Matsusaka salt..."

Nanxiang murmured this name to himself.

The other party's naming is very much in the style of the Matsusaka family.

But if Matsuzaka Shio is his daughter with Matsuzaka Sugar.

Why didn't the other party change his surname to Nanxiang after him?

But continue to use Matsuzaka as your surname?

And why don't Matsuzaka Salt and Matsuzaka Sugar live with them?

Nanxiang Shi had more doubts in his mind.

He could only continue to look down.

[I actually didn’t want to appear here. Likewise, I don’t want to disturb the lives of you, your wife, and your daughters. 】

[But I really want to see you. You must know that my mother has been chanting your name all her life. 】

[To be honest, my mother is not a qualified mother, because after I was born, she rarely smiled, as if there was nothing in this world that she cared about. 】

[Even when facing me, she remains silent and unwilling to spend energy talking to me. 】

[Indifference is the only impression I have of my mother since I was a child. 】

[Only occasionally when she turns to the photo of you and her, a smile will appear on her face. 】

[As a child, I couldn’t understand this. 】

[But when I got older, I realized that you in the photo were the person she loved throughout her life. 】

[Probably because she loves you too deeply. 】

[This is true even if I get good grades in school, even if I have good talent in sports... 】

[She never smiled at me. 】

[But I know that it’s not that my mother doesn’t love me, she may not be good at expressing her emotions. So, although he never smiled at me. 】

[But every time I achieve something in school, there will always be an extra popular toy on my bedside. 】

[My mother is not unpopular. Even with me, many men invite her out for dinner. 】

[As long as my mother has that idea, it might not be difficult to find another father for me, right? 】

[But when my mother faced these men, she refused them all. 】

[I know, these are actually all because of you. 】

[My mother doesn’t have a serious job. She just does odd jobs outside. It’s actually very difficult to raise me. 】

[I once asked her to contact you to get some financial assistance from you. 】

[I even had a big fight with her over this. 】

[That was the first time I quarreled with my mother, who never quarrels and is not good at expressing her emotions. 】

Seeing this, Nanxiang closed his eyes.

It was hard for him to imagine the pink-haired girl who always had a peaceful and quiet smile on her face arguing with others.

[I didn’t understand it before, but now I seem to understand my mother’s thoughts. 】

[Maybe she doesn’t want to bring trouble to your life, or maybe she never made any plans to meet you. 】

[After I entered high school, my mother’s health began to deteriorate. 】

[The doctor told my mother that she had accumulated physical and mental stress from working as a day-night casual worker for a long time, and hoped that she could take a break. 】

[But I know that my mother’s mental pressure never comes from the pressure of working outside. 】

[She is like a balloon that is constantly inflating, visibly embarrassing herself. 】

[I also persuaded her, hoping that she could take a rest, and told her that I could also drop out of school and work to reduce the pressure in life. 】

[My mother, who had never looked at me in the eyes, refused to agree to my request. While providing me with living expenses for my studies, she still worked hard on her own. 】

Nan Xiangshi shook his head gently and sighed lightly.

She is a single mother who does not have a suitable serious job and wants to live in Tokyo with her children.

This is a very stressful thing.

He continued to look down.

【Have I ever hated you? 】

【I think there is. 】

[You are my father, but you have never looked at me since I was born, never touched my head with your palm, never smiled at me, and never asked about my life. 】

[Obviously your other daughters have received such a good education and have never had to worry about living expenses, let alone working part-time outside their mother without telling them. 】

[I am obviously your daughter too, why can’t I enjoy these benefits? 】

[Why do I have to endure these treatments? 】

[Like a mouse, I hid with my mother in the huge Tokyo. Because I couldn't afford the rent, I looked for low-rent rooms. Because I couldn't afford the uniform, I wore old uniforms to school every year, enduring the weirdness of my classmates. gaze. When you were a child without a father, you would also be called a bastard that no one wanted among the children around you. 】

[I blame this, feel angry about this... Is there anything wrong? 】

[But hatred has no effect. 】

[My mother passed away last month. She died suddenly of heart palpitations while at work. 】

[The owner of the izakaya where she worked was a kind man, and he arranged a funeral specifically for her. 】

[But I really don’t have the extra money to buy another tomb for my mother, so I can only enshrine her at home. 】

[The mother in the photo still has no smile at all, just plain. 】

[Just like she came to this world hastily and died hastily. 】

[Can't leave any impression. 】

[When she was resting at home, she told me that she left you after having a relationship with you and gave birth to me on her own initiative. 】

[She told me not to hate you, let alone have any prejudice against you. Everything was actually her own problem. My mother at that time was full of apologies. 】

[She told me that the person she felt most sorry for in this world was me. 】

[I will remember her last wish and try to live on. 】

[Please rest assured, Mr. Nanxiang, I have dropped out of school to work outside. Although my salary is not as generous as your family fortune, I should be able to live on relying on some inheritance left by my mother. 】

[There is actually a lot more I want to say, but I am limited by the manuscript paper, so I’ll end it here. 】

[Your daughter who has never been masked, Matsuzaka Salt Pen. 】

Chapter 264. She from the future 4100 words!

Nanxiang was silent.

Judging from the details revealed in Matsuzaka Shio's letter.

He can basically determine a few things.

Among this route in the future world.

Matsuzaka Granose had a relationship with him, and the two gave birth to a daughter, Matsuzaka Shio.

But based on performance in simulations.

Matsuzaka Granu is actually very afraid of giving birth to a child.

Because she is in a family like Sayuri Matsuzaka.

She was afraid that she would never be able to shoulder the responsibilities of a qualified mother.

So, after pregnancy.

Out of inner worries and not wanting to drag down Nanxiang, Matsuzaka Sugar finally made the move to "run away with the ball."

And after giving birth to Shio Matsuzaka.

Because Matsuzaka Granose did not find an ideal and suitable job, he kept doing odd jobs to support Matsuzaka Shio's education and life.

This is a significant expense.

Nango even thought that Matsuzaka Sugar might have asked her aunt Matsusaka Sayuri for help.

That's why Matsuzaka Shio was able to be pulled up.

But due to the accumulated fatigue from long hours of work, coupled with the huge mental pressure.

Matsuzaka Sugar's physical condition is not optimistic as in the simulation.

But even so, she never asked Nanxiang Shi for help.

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but shake his head.

The main reason is that he never thought that Matsuzaka Granu could actually dribble the ball and run away.

When I was simulating Ichiri Goto.

In fact, he was worried that the opponent would make such a cunning move as "running away with the ball".

But unexpectedly, Goto did not do anything like that.

Matsuzaka Sugar did not hesitate...

You pink hairs all have some serious illnesses, right?

Pregnant women just stay and rest and have others take care of them.

What is running around with the ball?

He was speechless and choked.

The ones with similar expressions to Nango Shi were Akane Shinjo and Mirai Nango next to them.

Especially Nanxiang Mirai, she never thought that her father had such a romantic relationship, let alone that she had a sister named Matsuzaka Shio.

Not to mention what happened to Matsuzaka Shio...

There has never been a father's love, only a mother to depend on each other.

She would worry about living expenses that she had never worried about.

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