Finally, my mother passed away...

The low-rent house in front of me carries too many memories of the girl.


"People still have to move forward after all."

Matsuzaka Shio muttered this sentence softly.

There were specks of tears in his black eyes.

"Thank you."

I don't know who I'm talking to.

Matsuzaka Shio bowed solemnly to the low-rent house in front of him.

Stay with her when visiting Nanxiang.

He also nodded towards the dilapidated room in front of him.

Wait until all this is done.

Nanxiang held Matsuzaka Shio's hand.

The father and daughter walked out of the low-rent house together and entered the vehicle that had been waiting for a long time outside.

It was accompanied by a slight vibration.

The vehicle starts to move.

Matsuzaka Shio lay down by the car window.

The reflection outside the window and the waves of light merge into a colorful world.

And in this colorful world.

The low-rent house where she lived with her mother... was instantly left behind by the vehicle moving forward...

"Bye now."

Matsuzaka Shio muttered these words, and then rested his head on Nanxiang Shi's arm.

He fell into sleep peacefully.

That was a very beautiful dream.

In a dream.

Her mother and father have always lived together.

Watching her grow up slowly as a child...

Chapter 267. System evaluation 100 points? 4000 words

Nanxiang opened his eyes while lying on the sofa.

It is different from the previous two in-person simulations where you can even have close contact with the simulated objects.

This time Nanxiang Shi really felt that twelve hours was too short.

The time lasted from morning to night, and at the same time, he had to enlighten Matsuzaka Shio, let her admit that she was her father, and finally return to Nanxiang's home with him.

Twelve hours is just enough at best.


"Fortunately, I did it in the end."

Nan Xiang made a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, he did it in the end.

Even though he still had some grudges in his heart, Matsuzaka Shio finally put down his guard and went to Nanxiang's house with him.

But when Nanxiang was planning to introduce Matsuzaka salt to everyone in the Nanxiang family... the time just happened to be up.

His consciousness returned to the present.

This made Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but shake his head.


"it should be no problem?"

It was also him in Nanxiang Shi in the future world.

How to deal with the relationship between Matsuzaka Shio and is not difficult for him in the future world.

"I don't know what happened after that..."

Lying on the sofa, Nanxiang Shi was thinking this while turning his gaze to the side to pop up the simulator page.

[Due to changes in the future route, the course of ‘her route from the future’ has changed. Do you want to view it? whether? 】

'yes. ’

There is nothing to hesitate about.

Nanxiang clicked ‘Yes’.

At the same time, the changed future route jumped out before my eyes.

[As you said, the arrival of Matsuzaka Shio surprised everyone in the Nanxiang family. 】

[But with your explanation, both your wives and your daughters quickly accepted Matsuzaka Shio as a new family member. 】

[Even because of Matsuzaka Shio’s own experience, your wife and daughter care about her very much. 】

[New clothes, a brand new room, a gentle greeting, a daughter who takes the initiative to become a family member with her...]

[All of this is unimaginable treatment when Matsuzaka Shio was alone. 】

[Obviously the day before, she was still in the purgatory of a low-rent house, but instead she came to Nanxiang's home, which was like heaven. 】

[Everyone is very gentle to her. Nango Ichiri and Nango Hongxia even said that if Matsuzaka Shio is willing, they can take on the responsibility of mother. 】

[This excessive pampering made Matsuzaka Shio, who had never felt love before, seem to be surrounded by happiness and drown. 】

[Her original hard shell of wariness and defense against everyone in the Nanxiang family gradually began to melt under the gentle treatment of your wife and daughter. 】

[Matsusaka Shio has never experienced the heart of love, and he is filled with love at this moment...]

[The smile gradually grew on her originally closed face. 】

[I have also learned to act like a spoiled child to you, hug you, and feel the presence of your father like other daughters. 】

[You father and daughter did not deliberately recall Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[Only in many small moments, I will suddenly recall her. 】

[For example, the movies she likes to watch, the songs she likes to listen to...]

[You gradually learned to let go. When you think of her, you father and daughter will always look at each other and smile. 】

[I miss you so much, maybe this is the attitude I should have. 】

[You later brought Sayuri Matsuzaka to Nanxiang’s house. 】

[This woman who used to have countless men at her fingertips with her looks and unattainable charm is now a little older because she has assumed the obligation to raise Matsusaka Shio and has been working continuously. 】

[Her cyan purple hair has turned slightly white at this time, and her fair and smooth skin is also covered with wrinkles. 】

[The fingertips of his fingers turned yellow due to constant work outside, and his eyes were filled with a turbid bright color. 】

[You did not criticize the woman in front of you who is over fifty years old as you did when you were young. 】

[You hold her gently in your arms and apologize for the behavior that offended her when you were young. 】

[In response to your apology, Matsusaka Sayuri just smiled gently. 】

[She told you that it was the young you who told her what the truly precious things were at that time. 】

[She doesn’t mean to blame you at all. On the contrary, she is very grateful to you. 】

[You told her that instead of living in confusion, it is better to focus on the person who truly loves you. 】

[When talking about the death of Matsuzaka Sugar, Matsuzaka Sayuri just sighed lightly. 】

[She still misses that pink-haired girl very much. 】

[She told you with regret on her face that if she had used snacks to educate Matsuzaka Granu when she was a child...this might not have happened. 】

[A woman over fifty is crying in your arms. 】

[You can only pat her back gently and wait quietly for her to vent her emotions. 】

[Sayuri Matsuzaka officially moved into Nanxiang's house. 】

[She does not take on too much work and likes to plant colorful thorn cones in the yard. 】

[She said, these thorn cones are like you, your wife, and your daughters. 】

[You did not stop this old man’s last interest, but instead discussed your planting experience with her. 】

[It was during this process that Shio Matsuzaka resumed school with your support. 】

[Perhaps she inherited your genes. Unlike Matsuzaka Satou, who was not good at reading, she got a university scholarship in her first year of school. 】

[You are proud of her and support her in moving towards her dreams. 】

[With your support, Matsuzaka Shio gradually became confident, and like your other daughters, began to shine in their own professional fields. 】

[Perhaps influenced by the ‘sugar’ in his mother’s name, Matsuzaka Salt loves the development of the snack industry. 】

[With your funding, her snack design studio was officially opened during her junior year. 】

[With the help of your relationship, she learned a lot of experience from many major snack manufacturers and launched the first snack she designed, ‘Salt and Sugar’. 】

[Once this snack was launched, it attracted many young fans because of its niche and unique flavor. 】

[Although it is not a mainstream snack, as long as you make your own characteristics, you can gain the love of niche fans, and that is enough - this is what you tell her. 】

[She followed these words and kept working hard. 】

[Time passes backward. 】

[Approximately when Matsuzaka Shio was twenty-eight years old, Matsuzaka Sayuri passed away. 】

[Long-term and high-intensity physical work still left the root of the disease in this woman who was over fifty years old. 】

[That day, Matsuzaka Shio hugged you and cried until late at night, his voice heartbreaking. 】

[Her last relative in this world besides you has also left. 】

[Except for you, she seems to have nothing at the moment. 】

[ this really the case? 】

[On the day Matsuzaka Sayuri passed away, your wife and daughters organized a mourning meeting on their own initiative. 】

[The kind and gentle women comforted the heartbroken and lost Matsuzaka Shio. 】

[Your wife and daughters told her-her world is not just about you, but also about them. 】

[Matsusaka Shio was slightly stunned by their actions at first, and then he could no longer suppress his inner emotions and hugged them tightly. 】


[It’s not just Sayuri Matsuzaka. 】

[She still has so many family members...and so many family members that she needs to care about and protect. 】

[After this day, Matsuzaka Shio found you. 】

[After a night of detailed discussions, she officially changed her name to ‘Nanxiang Salt’. 】

[This move does not mean that Matsuzaka Sugar and Matsuzaka Sayuri are forgotten. 】

[Instead, keep them silently in your heart, while cherishing the ‘people in front of you’ in front of you. 】

[Nanxiang Yan has calmed down and decided to move towards the future with you. 】

[She who has learned to let go and cherish... I think she will be able to go further. 】

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