And there are three girls like that in this band.

Just the thought of this.

I was in a relaxed mood before.

It became heavy again at this moment.

After Nanxiang Shi's guidance, Matsuzaka Sugar already knew his thoughts clearly.

She wanted to be with Nanxiang Shi.

Continue to experience what the other person calls ‘simple expressions of love’.

But this way.

She had to face competition from other girls.

This was undoubtedly an extremely brutal fight.

Because besides ending the band as a group.

There are also 'Riko Rico' who often worked there in Nango and two girls from Ocha High School...

This adds up to a significant amount.


"For Senior Nanxiang... I have to think of a good way..."

Matsuzaka's sugar-pink eyes are deep.

His expression also became silent.

Because at this moment, she thought of many ways.

There are many ways to make your competitors quietly withdraw from this competition.


"Ah...that's not possible at all."

Matsuzaka Sugar let out a long sigh.


Not at all.

There are indeed many ways for her to make her competitors quit.


"If those methods are used...Senior Nanxiang will definitely be sad, right?"

Matsuzaka Satou sat on the train seat and whispered to himself.

She knew it.

He was such a person in Nanxiang.

Although he seems to not care about anyone at all in his words and actions, he looks gentle to everyone.

But Matsuzaka Sugar knows it well.

No matter who it was, Nanxiang Shi was watching with serious eyes.

It’s because he put his heart into it.

That's why we can accurately grasp the worries and thoughts of so many girls.

Matsuzaka Granu didn't want to make Nanxiang Shi feel uncomfortable and sad because of his own selfish desires.

After all, hurting the person you love is not love at all.

It's just pure selfish desire.

Matsuzaka Granose began to feel distressed.

And even she didn't realize it.

Being able to think for others is also a manifestation of her fuller emotions.

Chapter 275. Do you no longer want me and Takina? 4200


After sending Matsuzaka Sugar away, Nanxiang reorganized what he had just said and nodded: "There should be nothing wrong."

There's a reason he's so careful.

After all, Matsuzaka Sugar's personality is different from ordinary people.

Her emotional education must be done step by step.

Otherwise, if he were not careful, Nanxiang would be worried that this pink-haired girl would do something terrible.

Fortunately, there should be nothing in the words he just said and his actions towards Matsuzaka Granu that would cause the other party to misunderstand.

This made Nanxiang feel a little relieved.

"Since Matsuzaka-san doesn't have much of a problem in reality... then..."

Nan Xiangshi turned his gaze to the simulation page hanging next to him and fell into thinking.

In reality, Matsuzaka Sugar has gradually been able to understand the meaning of feelings...

By analogy, Matsuzaka Sugar in the simulation should be in the same situation.

So, how about actually simulating it to see what happens?

"As expected, it's better to simulate it."

After thinking for about a minute, Nan Xiang made a decision.

After all, simulating Matsuzaka Sugar can help you understand the opponent's status at all times.

And because it’s a simulation, you don’t have to worry about real life being affected.

Such a good thing, in fact, there is no need to hesitate at all.

"But until then..."

Nanxiang Shi stretched out his finger and clicked on the heart rate page.

Because the route card item ‘Her from the Future’ was used previously and cost 1,200 points of excitement points.

The original heartbeat value of 1890 can be said to have been significantly lowered.


"I have had a lot of interactions with Matsuzaka-san these few times..."

Nan Xiang murmured to himself.

According to the level of generosity that Matsuzaka Granose has made in the past few times, he must be able to directly bring out a lot of heart-beating value this time, right?

With this in mind, he raised his head and glanced at the value on the heart rate page.



Looking at the heart rate page, Nanxiang made a surprised sound.

I saw a single numerical value hanging on the thin light blue page.

Heartbeat value 850...

The expected surge in heart rate did not happen.

This made Nanxiang a little strange.

Because he has not forgotten.

When he first met Matsuzaka Granu, he only had a face-to-face meeting, and the other party provided him with nearly 1,000 heartbeat points.

Then in the next few meetings, the other party also provided him with a lot of heart-warming points.

This is also an important reason why he, a ten thousand-year-old low-income earner, can afford the prop 'She from the Future'.

But now?

Obviously they have met several times, and there have been some incidents that made the other person's heart beat faster.

However, the rate of increase in heart rate has slowed down.

It was a little unacceptable when I was in Nanxiang.

This is like buying a stock that is rising rapidly and having great expectations for the other party.

As a result, before you can make a move, you will find that the stock has started to fall in the blink of an eye.

Psychological expectations are seriously inconsistent with reality.

"Is it because Matsuzaka-san has gradually understood the meaning of 'love' and other emotions...?"

Nanxiang Shi thought for a long time and finally came to this conclusion.

In the past, the reason why Matsuzaka Sugar was able to contribute such terrifying heartbeat points was because the prompts like 'You got 200 heartbeat points from Matsuzaka Sugar'... were because the other party was confused and at a loss about the feeling of 'love'. Attribute all the feelings in your heart to the aspect of 'love'.


Along with several meetings with him, several conversations.

Matsuzaka Satou gradually understood the concept and meaning of 'love'.

I also began to be able to distinguish emotions other than 'love'.

This caused the heart rate, which should have been extremely inflated, to decrease at this moment.

"I didn't expect it to be for this reason."

After just a cursory thought, he came up with the cause and effect, and Nanxiang Shi shook his head speechlessly.

But he didn't regret it.

After all, the fact that the pink-haired girl is just starting to realize her other feelings is heartening enough.

A slight increase or decrease in heart rate... To be honest, Nanxiang Shi didn't really care at all.


He doesn't care... at all - that's weird!


Nanxiang Shi put down his hand helplessly.

He originally wanted to use the [Random Daughter Manifestation Card] again after letting Matsuzaka Granu fully understand human emotions.

After all, with the rate of contribution of Miss Matsuzaka's heartbeat points before, it should be no problem to use the [Random Daughter Manifestation Card] again after all the problems are over.

But looking at it now.

All his previous assumptions could be considered as a failure.


"It's okay. At least it's acceptable."

Nanxiang regained his spirit.

The fact that the girl can have such a change at least shows that his efforts these days have not been in vain.


"Let's just start the simulation and see what happens."

Nan Xiang found a suitable position and lay half-ly on the kotatsu, then stretched out his fingers, intending to open the simulation page.


Jingle bell bell—

A crisp cell phone ringtone suddenly rang at this moment.

This forced Nanxiang Shi to temporarily interrupt the simulation process and pick up the phone instead.

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