Literary novels naturally cover a wide range of topics, and they are a giant among Japanese publishing houses.

Yamada's father was able to connect with such a publishing house.

It is enough to see the other party's energy in Tokyo.

He cheered up and continued to look down.

[Under the arrangement of Yamada’s father, you brought three of your own novels to meet with the editor of Kodansha. 】

[When I first saw you, Kodansha’s editor Yamamoto was obviously a little disappointed. 】

[Because you are too young, it is hard to see that you have the ability to write excellent works. 】

[Because of Yamada’s father’s reputation, Editor Yamashita still respects you. 】

[You noticed the other person's psychological activities, but you didn't care. You just introduced yourself with a smile and sat down. 】

[After a brief exchange with the other party, the other party conveniently picked up your work and looked through it. 】

[Your extraordinary writing talent is displayed at this moment. 】

[Just the first short story made the other party, who was a little disappointed, unable to take his eyes away. 】

[That pure, clean text seemed to touch people's hearts. He only read a small part of it before he was completely immersed in it. 】

[He hastily read through the two short stories and one novel you wrote, and then excitedly told you that these three novels are eligible for publication, but the details require him to bring your work back to you. The publishing house will discuss and review with other editors before making a reply. 】

[The other party’s reaction is within your expectations, and you naturally agree to his reasonable request. 】

[But you also made a request. 】

[I hope the other party can give a reply within the next five days. 】

[This request is very reasonable, and Editor Yamashita agreed immediately. 】

[You exchanged contact information with him, then returned home and started waiting. 】

[Kodansha’s reply came on the morning of the third day. 】

[Kodansha said it can publish it in the middle of the month and promote it through digital, train and bridge advertising channels. 】

[The two short stories are collected into a Bunko edition, with a total circulation of 20,000 copies, and a single copy is 850 yen. The novella has a total circulation of 40,000 copies, and a single copy is 1,500 yen. If the sales are good, you can check whether it will be reprinted at that time. (Print for sale). 】

[You agreed to Kodansha’s distribution plan. 】

[Because this number of publications can be said to be very generous for a newcomer like you who has just come into contact with the publishing industry. 】

This is indeed true.

For ordinary newcomers, the publishing house will issue at most 10,000 copies to test the water, because if it doesn't sell, the publishing house will basically provide the money themselves.

Not to mention that Nanxiangshi's novella even sold 40,000 copies.

You must know that an ordinary Bunko volume is priced at 850 yen, and Nango Shi can get a volume for 85 yen based on royalties.

The 20,000-volume short story library is worth 1.7 million yen.

Not to mention the 1,500 yen for a novella.

The commission for a book is 150 yen, which when converted into yen, changes hands to 6 million yen.

"I didn't notice when I was doing the simulation of Senshu and Takina before that the Japanese publishing industry turns out to be so profitable."

In reality, Nanxiang Shi just made a rough calculation and sighed subconsciously.

Remember, this is just the cost of publishing.

If the work is adapted in the future and peripherals are sold, he can also take a commission.

It’s no wonder that many young people in Japan want to develop into novelists, writers, and cartoonists.

It would be really profitable if it really became popular.

[With the help of Kodansha, you officially debuted as the author "Toki", and your works were officially put on the shelves in major bookstores in Tokyo in the middle of the month. 】

[Facts have proven that talented people only need a platform to showcase their talents. 】

[Several authors who were published and printed at the same time as you are still struggling to achieve a score of several thousand copies and are in dire straits. However, more than half of your works were sold on the same day of sale. 】

[Especially your novella, two-thirds of it was sold almost nine hours after it was put on the shelves. 】

[This situation is not only exciting for you, but also for Kodansha. 】

[You know, if more than half of it is sold on the same day, it means that your work has a great chance of becoming a hit. Similarly, your possibility of expedited reprinting will also be greatly increased. 】

[Editorial Yamashita has been in contact with you all the time these two days, saying that he will notify you as soon as there is news about reprinting. 】

[And this opportunity is obviously not far away...]

[Two days after the sale, Kodansha’s official account issued a notice stating that your novel would be reprinted. 】

[You breathed a sigh of relief after receiving this news. 】

[Because reprinting not only means getting money, it also means that the Matsuzaka family and you no longer have to worry about money. 】

[Your attention basically ends here, just waiting for the bank payment to arrive. 】

[But even if you no longer pay attention, the matter does not end there. 】

[Your novel has been trending on Japanese Twitter with overwhelming momentum. 】

[Many people have begun to discuss your works and your writing style that outlines a gentle and romantic world with simple strokes. 】

[The new author with ‘Shi’ as his pen name also began to enter the public eye at this moment. 】

[Even when you are tutoring ‘End Band’ and Matsuzaka Satou and the others, you can hear them discussing the works of the recently popular author ‘Toki’. 】

[Your pen name gradually appeared in magazines and newspapers. 】

[Although it was not your original intention, your reputation is slowly growing. 】

[Similarly, your work has been republished twice, with a cumulative circulation of 200,000 copies, of which the short story library version has a circulation of 90,000 copies and the novella version has a circulation of 110,000 copies. 】

[This is undoubtedly an extremely terrifying result for a new author. 】

[In the same period, even for some senior authors, their best results were only at a cumulative sales of 40,000 copies, and they could not reach your level. 】

[This makes you lament the huge profits of the Japanese publishing industry. 】

[Because just this time, you have received a royalty income of 241.5 million yen, which does not include the cost of peripherals such as book covers, keychains, bookmarks, etc. that may appear in the future. 】

[Even though you need to pay huge taxes and fees in Japan, you still have enough money on hand to share with the Matsuzaka family. 】

【Finally you no longer have to worry about meager financial income. 】

Chapter 285. Ms. Goto’s knee pillow is so big. 4,000 words

When I saw the profit of more than 200 million yen mentioned in the simulation.

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but sigh that the Japanese publishing industry is indeed very profitable.

Just a cumulative sales of 200,000 copies is such a huge profit.

It is not difficult to imagine how much fame and money other literary authors, light novelists, and cartoonists who easily rack up millions in sales have earned.

However, the main reason why he can achieve this kind of result is because he has level 4 writing ability.

Level 4 is considered to be the top level in the entire Japanese industry according to the system's evaluation, and the articles written can directly enter the level of national literary works such as the Akutagawa Prize or the Naoki Prize.

Ordinary people simply cannot reach this level.

So if you think about it carefully, in fact, more than 200 million yen...not counting after tax...this is actually not that much.

But there is no point in worrying about these.

After all, it’s just the money you earn in the simulation.

It has little to do with who you are in reality.

He shook his head and continued to look at the simulation.

"No matter what, the money issue has been successfully resolved this time..."

Symptoms of emotional deprivation are resolved.

Money issues are also resolved.

But besides these, there is another problem.

Nanxiang Shi felt something in his heart.

He thought of the previous route of ‘She from the Future’ Shio Matsuzaka.

That route was for Matsuzaka Sugar to run directly with the ball.

The route of death after giving birth to Matsuzaka Shio and raising her as an adult.

This can be considered a hidden danger.

Especially for someone like Matsuzaka Granose who has just gained emotions.

Maybe that day he will suddenly get into trouble and suddenly let him run away with the ball.

That's a big joke.

The key is that this possibility is not impossible.

After all, the girls who were simulated were not ordinary girls.

Nanxiang felt that this aspect must be paid attention to.

He thought about it, then hugged Nishiki Chishu tightly, who came over to him, and continued to look down.

[You have gained enough money and wealth to share the pressure of the Matsuzaka family, which makes you feel slightly relieved. 】

[After all, this way, Matsuzaka Sugar no longer has to worry about money. 】

【And you can also concentrate on preparing for the entrance examination. 】

[This is the best of both worlds. 】

[Faced with your financial help, Matsuzaka Granu did not get awkward, nor did she refuse. 】

[She knows that her family situation is severe and she needs your help no matter what. 】

[It’s just that she didn’t feel at ease and accepted your help for her as a matter of course. She chose to keep it secretly in her heart and decided to wait until she was able to repay it in the future——]

[Because of your help to her, she devoted more effort in learning this aspect. You can often spot the light seeping from behind the crack of her door at twelve o'clock. 】

[You care about her condition and study with her every night. 】

[The warmth with you every night when I study is the best time in Matsuzaka Sugar’s whole day. 】

[During this period, you also had a lot of ambiguous physical and physical contact. 】

【Your relationship with Matsuzaka Sugar has taken a further step. 】

【Matsuzaka Sugar's happiness level has increased. 】

【Your happiness level has increased. 】


Nanxiang Shi glanced at the simulated text.

He cared a little and wanted to sink into the simulation.

Turns out awareness is just sinking in.

He was sent back directly.

This made Nanxiang Shi feel a little angry for no reason.

He is an upright person, and he actually doesn't particularly care about the so-called 'body and body contact' in the simulation.

He mainly thinks that this simulator is so brave now.

How dare he stop his host from viewing the memories he experienced in the simulation.

The world is really in decline.

Nanxiang Shi patted the simulation window in front of him, trying to use this action to let the simulator lady know that her current behavior was extremely bad and inappropriate.

But obviously the simulator didn't care about his thoughts.

The content above the simulation continues to evolve downward.

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