How outrageous.

Nanxiang sighed and continued to look down.

[Time passes slowly in this process. 】

[In the learning base you established, you can basically take care of every girl. 】

[Occasionally discuss the next development of the band with Ijichi Hongxia. 】

[Occasionally, Ryo Yamada, who is tired of studying, goes to a second-hand musical instrument store to search for treasures, looking for musical instruments that can be resold. 】

[At the same time, I did not forget to share your eating habits with Ikuyo Kita, who wants to emulate you, and discuss cooking skills and the next marketing strategy of 'Riko Rico' with the 'Riko Rico' duo who occasionally visit me. ..]

[You have gained the ‘time management’ specialty, and your ‘time management’ ability has been greatly improved. 】

[In this process, of course you have not forgotten Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[You often enjoy the outside scenery with her. Yamanashi Prefecture, which is not more than 120 kilometers away from Tokyo, has become a frequent sightseeing place for you and her. 】

[Every time she looked at the scenery reflecting the blue sky and gray-black Mount Fuji, it always made her linger. 】

[You make a promise with her that when she successfully enters university in the future, you will definitely invite everyone to climb Mount Fuji with her and enjoy the scenery from the top of Mount Fuji. 】

[When you said this invitation, you were standing at a famous scenic spot near Yamanashi Prefecture. From here, you can see the deep mountains and forests entangled in heavy fog. 】

[Similarly, you were so focused on admiring the mountain scenery that you didn’t notice that Matsuzaka Satou looked a little strange next to you. 】

【Your invitation makes her sincerely happy. 】

[But the word 'everyone' in the words made her heart feel inexplicably tight. 】

[If possible, she hopes to gaze down from the climbing trail of Mount Fuji with you, just the two of you, instead of bringing other girls with her. 】

[This weird mood made her realize that there was something foreign mixed with her feelings for you. 】

[It was a feeling that even she couldn't describe. 】

[When she sees other girls with you, she will always feel inexplicably congested in her heart, like an extremely inflated balloon, tightly stretched on her chest, making it difficult for her to breathe, let alone react to such a situation. 】

[This dim emotion is completely different from the honey-like 'love' she had imagined before. 】

[Love should be like the bright sun, dense sugar, no need to deliberately feel it]

[She has knots in her heart, and she is even afraid to face you and the girls who are trying to accept her. 】

[The feeling of guilt in her heart makes her come to your small learning base in advance every day, carefully preparing tea and snacks, waiting for the arrival of you and the other girls. She always prepares so patiently that many girls are amazed by her, and it is generally believed that she may become the most outstanding bride among them in the future. 】

[But she didn’t think so. She knew that the emotions in her heart were wrong. 】

[But if you want to suppress a certain emotion, you will need other emotions to suppress it. 】

[But she is different from you. 】

[You have so many girls of all kinds by your side, but she is only you. 】

[The dark emotions in her heart made her feel ashamed when facing other girls. 】

[Even if no one noticed, she kept blaming herself in her heart. 】

[She laments that she who wants to keep you to herself is too ugly. Even standing next to you, she will feel inferior and dare not approach you. 】

"It seems that as her emotions awakened, she also gradually experienced the feeling of 'jealousy'."

Nanxiang felt the situation in the simulation, looked at the simulated text, and basically understood Matsuzaka Satou's inner thoughts.

In the last week's episode, Matsuzaka Sugar didn't understand how to express feelings, and couldn't even figure out what she was thinking.

Therefore, when facing many girls, he did not feel jealous.

At best, he just feels anxious because he cannot express his emotions and feel the emotions of others.

But this week, Matsuzaka Sugar gradually began to have feelings that ordinary people have.

Just like flowers and trees that gradually flourish, among the flowers that are born, there will naturally be flowers called "jealousy".

In a sense, this is actually human nature.

But Matsuzaka Sugar is a girl who can easily get into trouble.

When something gets stuck in her mind, she will keep thinking about it, think about it over and over, and go to a certain extreme.

For example, just because of the feeling of heartbeat.

She can do what she did when she traveled to Nanxiang in the simulation, and even wanted to imprison Nanxiang.

[You vaguely noticed something strange about Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[Taking advantage of the good weather one day, you took her to the foot of Mount Fuji. 】

[The sun is shining, the white clouds and the blue sky are lying leisurely in the corner of the sky, and under this clear sky is the lying giant beast of Mount Fuji. You hug her body and be with her. They raised their heads together and looked up at the scenery she had always wanted to see. 】

[Under this clear sky, no one will lie. 】

[As you were thinking this way, you turned your head and asked the pink-haired girl about her recent situation. Is there something accumulated in your heart? 】

[Your tone is serious, and your voice is mixed with the unique wind sound of early spring, which is so warm and intoxicating. 】

[She just shook her head in response to your question, and smiled to show that she had no problem at all. She said that instead of caring too much about her, it would be better to focus on your upcoming exams. 】

[Then she turned back and looked at Mount Fuji in front of her. Her voice was soft but calm. She said that she really wanted to join you and set foot on the mountain climbing trail of Mount Fuji together. 】

[Her words are full of unspeakable expectations and hopes, real yet solid, specious, and the words that seem true and false are mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish the truth and falsehood in her words...]

[You agreed with her words and told her that if possible, you would spend some time getting a motorcycle license. 】

[When the time comes, I will drive my motorcycle to avoid the breeze of the spring sunset, walk through the sea of ​​summer fireworks festivals, look at the clouds of autumn maple leaves, feel the starry sky in the mountains in winter, and finally, when I am old, under a sunset, Watching the sun sink quietly. 】

"Senior Nango who drives a motorcycle... must be very handsome."

Matsuzaka Granu felt yearning for it inexplicably.

Nanxiang Shi was in the front, and she was in the back. The forward wind of the motorcycle squeezed them slightly... She lowered her head and buried it in the other person's back.

"Sooner or later you'll have a chance to see it."

Standing at the foot of Mount Fuji, half raising his head, Nanxiang hugged the pink-haired girl tightly, kissed her forehead, and said with a smile: "When the time comes, even if you scream that you are tired, no, I will take you with me forcefully. Set off."


Nan Xiangshi's words made her smile slightly.

Then, her eyes stared intently at the pure blue sky and at the top of Mount Fuji, which was as white as sugar and without any impurities.

[Having been with you for so long, she knows clearly that just verbal restraint cannot dispel your doubts. 】

[So she sneaked into your room three days later at night. 】

【You had a relationship with Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[On the bed, she told you with some regret that this was something she planned to do after she was admitted to college to repay you for always being by her side - she originally wanted to dedicate everything to you that day, but now But because of your doubts, the process has been greatly advanced. 】

[In response to this, you just smiled and leaned closer to her face, telling her not to care, it was just a matter of time. 】

[You fell into a deep sleep, but she, who was lying next to you, stared at your face. After confirming that you seemed to have really put aside your doubts, she fell asleep with you. 】

[After that, your mother and two sisters often asked about your academic performance, and you smiled and handed your almost perfect answer sheet to them for review. 】

[You seem to be really preparing for the exam with all your heart. The words you asked her before and the concerns you had about her seem to have really disappeared. 】

[She felt relieved, secretly glad that her thoughts were not exposed. 】

[But is this really the case? 】

[For you, taking the exam is indeed a major event in your life, but every girl is an indispensable presence in your life. 】

[You didn’t focus on the exams. The first place in the national mock tests several times was just your absent-minded performance. 】

[For you, what is more important is the state of Matsuzaka Sugar. 】

[For this reason, without telling Matsuzaka Sugar, you used your mobile phone to ask the girls about Matsuzaka Sugar’s recent situation. 】

[You asked one by one, but you didn't get any useful information. It seems that Matsuzaka Granose's recent behavior has been normal. 】

【Until you ask Yamada Ryo. 】

[She was silent on the phone for a while, seeming to be thinking about something, and then the screen of her phone popped up with what she noticed was something wrong with Matsuzaka Sugar recently. 】

[She tells you that Matsuzaka Granose has been spending a lot more time in tutoring recently, and she doesn’t know what she is thinking about. 】

[Moreover, Matsuzaka Satou's time for tutoring has been reduced a lot recently. I don't know what she did when she took time off to do it. She only arrived late when everyone arrived. 】

[When talking about this, Ms. Yamada’s voice was still a little proud. She told you that if she hadn’t been in a daze herself, she wouldn’t have noticed Matsuzaka Sugar’s abnormal state. 】

[You were speechless about this, and told Ms. Yamada in a serious tone that if she is dazed again during tutoring next time, then he will definitely spank her hard. 】

[Your words surprised Ryo Yamada. She didn’t know why you wanted to reward her. 】

"Miss Yamada, are you really..."

Nanxiang rubbed his temples.

There are some words that I really want to say, but I am stuck in my mouth and I don’t know how to say them. I can only continue to look at the simulation.

[Put aside Yamada Ryo's matter for the time being, you confirmed that the pink-haired yandere girl must have something to hide from you. 】

[You think of a dream you had before. In that dream, Matsuzaka Sugar secretly ran away with the ball and stayed away for many years. 】

[When you meet again, the girl has turned into a black and white portrait, unable to move or smile, leaving behind a daughter named Matsuzaka Shio. 】

[The dream is so real that just thinking about it makes you feel a heart-rending pain as if your chest has been torn open by a pair of hands. 】

[The next option has far-reaching consequences. 】

[1. No matter what, first pry open Matsuzaka Granu’s mouth and get the information you want from her mouth. 】

[2. Put all plans for the exams on hold for the time being, and instruct the girls to concentrate on observing Matsuzaka Sugar's situation and never relax. 】

[3. Wait until the exam season is completely over before asking Sayuri Matsuzaka about the specific situation. 】

【4. Simulate in person. 】

"Here he comes."

Nanxiang cheered up.

Far-reaching options are no longer a one or two deal.

If you choose this option incorrectly, you will basically lose everything.

Nan Xiangshi groaned and began to sort out the existing information from option one to option three.

One option is to get Matsuzaka's thoughts from her mouth no matter what.

However, Nanxiang Shi did not think that Matsuzaka Sugar would reveal her thoughts to him.

The pink-skinned girl looks weak and submissive.

But when it comes to certain things that I have already made my own decisions and choices, I am surprisingly persistent.

You can actually notice this just by looking at the previous simulation.

I want to dig things out of her mouth.

This is basically impossible.

So what about looking at the second option?

Putting all plans for the exams on hold, I gave instructions to the girls...

This is obviously unreliable.

Nanxiang Shi groaned.

Regardless of the feasibility of shelving her plans to take the exam, I just hope that other girls will pay attention to Matsuzaka Sugar and detect something unusual from her words and deeds...

This is unlikely.

Even he could just detect something was wrong.

Not to mention these girls whose perception abilities are not as good as his.

Nanxiang was silent, and then began to think about the three options.

The third option is probably the one he thinks is the most reliable.

Because no matter what kind of plan Matsuzaka Granu has, as long as he sets off, he basically needs an adult to help him.

After all, she is only a minor, and even if she has ideas, she will be restricted by her status.

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