Chapter 306. Can you take good care of your nine wives? 4200 words

Azusagawa Sakuta thought that he had seen a lot of big battles, and felt that no matter what happened, he would not be surprised anymore.

But after hearing Futaba Rio's words, Azusagawa Sakuta felt that he had definitely overestimated himself.


"Including Futaba, there are nine girlfriends in total?"

Azusagawa Sakuta took a deep breath.

This is more than just a 'problem'.

It's simply a ridiculously big problem.

That's nine girlfriends.

The key is to hear the sound he made.

Futaba Rio in front of her didn't think there was anything wrong, and even frowned and asked him: "What's wrong?"


Azusagawa Sakuta stayed for a while.

If he had followed his usual personality, he might have said something risqué at this time.

But Futaba Rio still looked calm and collected in front of him, which made him speechless for a while.

Especially when he saw Futaba Rio's seemingly unconcerned look, he was a little confused.

He wasn't sure whether he was making a fuss or Futaba Rio was too calm.

Azusagawa Sakuta shook his head.

At this moment, he was too lazy to continue pursuing these minutiae issues. Instead, he stood up and spoke simply:

"That's nine girlfriends, Futaba-san."

"Well, that's why I said there is a problem, but it's not a big problem."

Futaba Rio replied calmly, then pondered, while waiting for the reply from Azusagawa Sakuta in front of her.

But she waited for a long time, about three or four minutes, but she didn't hear Sakuta Azusagawa's voice.

This made her raise her head strangely and look at Sakuta Azusagawa who suddenly fell silent in front of her:

"What's wrong?"

Futaba Rio glanced at him.

"No, it's nothing, I just suddenly felt envious of Nanxiang-san."

Azusagawa Sakuta spoke.

Nine girlfriends.

Even if there are some who look a little worse than Futaba Rio.

That can be considered an exaggeration.

"Envy Nanxiang-kun...?"

Futaba Rio glanced sideways at Azusagawa Sakuta, and probably thought about what the other party was thinking.

But she didn't explain too much, and just added: "Zi Chuan, you don't know the details of the situation. The main problem now is that I want to get along well with other people... What do you think I should do?"

"Want to get along well with other people...?"

Hearing this, Azusagawa Sakuta's expression became even weirder.

It has been said that the so-called love scene is like the battlefield during the Warring States Period.

What matters is life and death.

There is absolutely no room for change in this kind of thing.

Do you still get along well with other people?

This kind of thing is simply impossible, right? ,

Unless the other eight people have the same idea as Futaba Rio, otherwise this is simply impossible.

As if aware of Azusagawa Sakuta's thoughts, Futaba Rio explained additionally:

"Actually, the situation is much simpler than you think. I guess they also want to get along well with me and accept each other, but how to get along well? I don't quite understand this 'appropriateness'."

That's right.

Through a dream twice.

In fact Futaba Rio has also noticed it.

The eight people except her were actually tolerant of each other.

But when it comes to interpersonal communication, Futaba Rio is far inferior to Azusagawa Sakuta.

That’s why we took the initiative to negotiate today.

"How to get along with the other eight..."

To be honest, Azusagawa Sakuta really has nothing to say about the current situation.

Nine girlfriends.

Moreover, the nine girlfriends did not 'pull and fight' with each other like in TV dramas or romantic comedies. Instead, they wanted to tolerate each other...

Is there anything more outrageous than this in this world?

If so, then it’s probably because you accidentally met a beautiful girl wearing a bunny girl costume when you were visiting the National Library, right?

He shook his head, but still gave his advice to Futaba Rio.

"If you accept each other, communication will not be so difficult. The advice I can give is actually to 'show your true heart'."

in interpersonal communication.

The most important thing is sincerity.

This kind of sincerity does not mean not hiding anything from your friends, but showing your true heart and communicating with each other sincerely.

It was precisely because of this ability that Sakuta Azusagawa became friends with the withdrawn Futaba Rio.

"Show your heart...?"

Reciting the advice given by Azusagawa Sakuta, Futaba Rio groaned.

Then she looked up.

"Thanks, Zichuan, I think I know what I should do."

She thanked her.

Then his body slowly lifted up from his seat, preparing to leave this place.

But he hasn't completely stood up yet.

Futaba Rio heard Azusagawa Sakuta's voice.

"Wait, Futaba, actually I also have something to ask you."

After calling Futaba Rio, Azusagawa Sakuta spoke.

"...whats the matter?"

Although it was a bit strange, Futaba Rio stopped.

"Actually, I am also a little interested in Nanxiang-san."

Azusagawa Sakuta stood up and spoke proactively.

Although love is Futaba Rio’s freedom.

But nine girlfriends...

This is a situation that anyone could call messy.

As a friend, he still can't sit idly by.

At least when he meets Nanxiang, he at least wants to find out what the other person's condition is.

He spoke like this.

On the other side, Futaba Rio moved her lips slightly under his gaze, as if she was preparing to answer.

The next second——

"It's indeed a coincidence. I'm actually also a little curious about Azusagawa-san."

A voice suddenly sounded from my ears.

At the same time, a young man with black hair appeared in front of him and took the initiative to extend his palm to him.

"Hello, I'm Nanxiang Shi."

"...Huh? Ah...Okay, hello, I'm Sakuta Azusagawa. Azusagawa is the 'Azusagawa Service Area', 'Saki' is the left exit and right gate, and 'Tai' is the 'Taiyo'. "

Nan Xiang was caught off guard when he suddenly appeared.

However, Azusagawa Sakuta quickly adjusted his mentality. The colleague who stretched out his palm raised his brown eyes.

He's really handsome...

Although I used to feel that some girls in the class who liked to talk about Nanxiang from time to time were a little overly flattering about each other's looks.

But after the actual meeting, Azusagawa Sakuta found out.

Those girls who praised Nan Xiang's appearance in class were right.

The appearance of Nan Xiangshi in front of me was indeed handsome and delicate.

Compared to my other friend Kunimi Yuma, he has a more upright face, a well-proportioned and attractive height, and because he has been immersed in reading for a long time, he has brought intellectual...

The Nanxiang Shi in front of him simply belonged to the kind of handsome young man who 'takes good care of your girlfriend'.

It was said that a male idol accidentally escaped from a morning drama, and Sakuta Azusagawa was willing to believe it.

Don’t say anything else.

But judging from his appearance, Azusagawa Sakuta felt that it was not unusual to have nine girlfriends in Nango.

At this time, Futaba Rio had obviously reacted.

"Nanxiang-kun, why are you here?"

Taking a step or two forward, Futaba Rio was a little surprised.

You should know that the places where Nanxiang usually chats with her are basically in the science preparation room of the school and the store "Li Keli" where she works outside the school.

In these two places, Futaba Rio would often make Nango Toki a cup of coffee, and then sit with her chin propped up, listening to Nango Toki talk about all kinds of anecdotes she heard inside and outside the school.

In addition to the science preparation room and 'Liko Rico'.

When he came to Nanxiang, he never interfered in other things in her life.

And this is what Futaba Rio is satisfied with when it comes to Nango.

Even in the dream, she and Nan Xiang were already married.

But as a homebody from the science department, she also has her own usual goals and hobbies.

She doesn't like others to restrain her.

Nanxiang also tried his best to give him all the freedom he could.

Like today, take the initiative to find her class...

To be honest, this is the first time in history.

Of course Futaba Rio would ask questions.

"Ah...Actually, I have something I want to talk to Rio about."

Hearing Futaba Rio's question, Nango Toki smiled and answered.

Then he paused and looked at Sakuta Azusagawa in front of him: "But... now it seems that I interrupted the conversation between you. I'm very sorry."

"It's okay. The conversation between Futaba and I is over. On the contrary, I am very happy to see Nango-san."

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