This sister controls her sister...

This Idizhi Xingge would be a little worried even if he just couldn't see Idizhi Hongxia for half a day.

She actually agreed to Nanxiang Shi's request to take her sister away?


It's incredible.

"elder sister..."

Obviously, Yijizhi Hongxia didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

You must know that although Yi Ji Xinge doesn't have any control over her on the surface, in fact, the other party is paying attention to her situation all the time.

When I was in junior high school, I had to stay overnight at the home of a female classmate.

She almost got into a fight with Yi Ji Xingge.

I originally thought the process would be repeated this time.

Unexpectedly, the other party nodded in agreement without hesitation.

This is really...

The blond girl was speechless for a while.

But Nanxiang Shi next to her spoke: "Thank you, sister Xingge."

"..." Yi Ji Xingge.

Listening to the very smooth name of "Sister Xingge" in Nanxiang.

Yi Ji Xingge couldn't help but glare at the guy climbing up the pole.

Before, I was still a 'store manager'.

Once you get the consent, you become ‘Sister Xinge’, right?

Yi Ji Xingge was speechless for a while regarding this black-haired young man who had trouble with Xingge's sister and had nothing to do with being the store manager.

But she still did not forget to add:

"Nanxiang, there is something I still want to say. It's just that I'm a little worried if you and Hongxia go there, so I want to go to Akita together."

The voice paused, and then continued.

"But don't worry, I'll just treat it as a trip to Akita and won't hinder you and Hongxia."

"I understand."

Yi Ji Xingge's request is reasonable.

After all, the other party is Ichichi Hongxia's legal guardian. It is normal for Hongxia to be worried about following him to Akita alone.

Nanxiang Shi naturally nodded in agreement.

It was at this time that Miss Pa, who had been silent until now, suddenly came over with interest.

"Hey - is the store manager going to Akita for a trip? I happen to have nothing to do during the Chinese New Year, why don't you take me with you? Just treat it like giving benefits to me, an old employee."

" guy..."

Listening to Miss Pa's voice of taking advantage of the fire, Yi Ji Xingge couldn't help but look at her one more time.

But in the end, he still didn't say any words of rejection.

After all, it was quite lonely to go to his hometown in Akita alone without any playmates of the same age as Nanxiang.

She can't really travel alone in Akita, right?

With a pa by your side, you won’t have to go on a hot spring trip to Akita alone.

However, the specific travel details still need to be discussed in detail.

Yi Ji Xingge planned to discuss it with PA when it was almost time to get off work.

But it was also at this time——

"Hey?! Senior, are you going to travel to Akita? How can you not count me out for this kind of thing?! Is it possible that senior doesn't like me anymore?"

A dissatisfied protracted voice sounded in his ears.

At the same time, a purple-haired woman walked in carelessly.

It was Hiroi Kiuri.

At this time, Hiroi Kiuri had been abstaining from alcohol for many days, and he was eating and drinking there every day in Nanxiang.

The whole person looks much healthier than before.

At least looking past it now.

The dark circles under my eyes and the unhealthy redness that sometimes appeared on my face from drinking too much had completely disappeared.

But her carefree attitude did not change at this moment.

As soon as she came in, she hugged Idizhi Xingge directly, as if she was hugging her thigh and unwilling to let go:

"Take me on a trip! Senior Xingge! Please! Take me on a trip! This is a request I only make once in my life!"

"Hiroyuki, you bastard! Don't come near me!"

"No! I won't let go! As long as I let go of the free meal, senior will run away!"

The unreliable adult group begins to fight.

Taking this opportunity, Nanxiang Shi and Yi Jihongxia did not dare to stay here, but left quickly.

If only Hiroi Kiuri noticed them.

Maybe this shameless guy will change his target and ask Nanxiang, as her host, to treat her as a meal ticket for her trip.

Although Nanxiang did not lack this little money.

But Hiroi Kiuri is a type of person who has one thing and another.

To prevent it from becoming her long-term meal ticket.

Of course Nanxiang Shi chose to flee the scene directly, leaving Yi Ji Xinge troubled.

After temporarily leaving Ijichi Xinge, Nanxiang Shi and Ijichi Hongxia came to his room and discussed the specific matters of going to Akita's hometown.

And this discussion, with some casual chatting added in the middle, took a long time.

Wait until Ichichi Hongxia leaves the room.

Nanxiang Shi took out his cell phone and took a look.

"It's past ten o'clock..."

have to say.

Men and women in love always have countless topics to talk about.

This was the case when I learned about Hongxia when I was in Nanxiang.

From the beginning, they went to their hometown in Akita Prefecture to discuss the specific meeting time and place, and then talked about what summer activities there were in their hometown in Nanxiang, and what souvenirs would be appropriate to bring when they met.

Talked about a lot of miscellaneous topics.

In the end, it was postponed until now. Ijichi Hongxia, who was worried that it would affect Nanxiang's sleep, reluctantly left.


The results are not without results.

"The heart of love..."

Nanxiang Shi raised his head and opened the simulation page.

I can only see it at the bottom of the light blue page.

The one line of handwriting that appeared was extremely conspicuous.

‘System prompts; The host has collected the girl’s love heart (dedication). ’


Looking at the attributes of the heart of love this time, Nan Xiangshi nodded gently.

This is more suitable for Ijichi Hongxia's love heart attribute.

You know, as the leader of the ending band, Hijika Ijichi, is known as the "Archangel of Shimokitazawa" in the anime.

In the animation comment area, there are all sorts of outrageous comments calling the blond girl ‘Hongxia’s mother’.

Empathetic and gentle.

Dedication and humility.

This is undoubtedly the most perfect word to describe Yiji Zhihongxia.


"What should we do next...?"

When Nanxiang closes the simulation page.

Hongxia has also agreed to go to Akita County with him.

Then cross out her name for now.

There are only four candidates who have not yet collected the 'Girl's Love Heart' props.

Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina's "Riko Rico" combination.

and the ‘Pink Hair’ combination of Kazuri Goto and Satou Matsuzaka.

to be honest.

among these four people.

Nangoshi is actually more inclined to target Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina.

After all, they have always been inseparable.

Wherever there are thousands of Nishikigi, there must be Inoue Takina.

As long as Nishiki Chishu can be persuaded, Inoue Takina will definitely go to Akita with Nishiki Chishu.

Think so.

Nanxiang slowly picked up his cell phone and wanted to contact Nishiki Chishu and Inoue Takina.

But before Nanxiang could find the names of Chishu and Takina in the line.

The phone call interface suddenly popped up.


The cell phone call page that suddenly popped up caught Nanxiang Shi's attention.

But what surprised him was.

The caller does not have any notes, just a contact person consisting of a simple phone number.

This explains it.

The person who called him at this time was not the girl or his family.

This made Nanxiang a little strange.

After all, it's past ten o'clock now.

Anyone who is okay will call him at this time.

He thought for a moment, then reached out and answered the phone.


Make a sound and then wait for the other party's response.


"Ah! It's Brother Shi! It's really Brother Shi!"

A childish voice came from the other end of the phone.

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