Of course she understood what her eldest daughter was doing at this time.

She is laughing.

And he's still snickering.

It was probably confirmed that I can go to Akita Prefecture with Nango Toki, so I have been snickering since dinner.

This left Michio Goto speechless.

As someone who has been through this, she naturally understands.

If you want to completely tether a boy's heart, just being passive is completely useless.


Start by taking a step back.

Then reach out.

Pushing his eldest daughter, who was still giggling, from the crowd.

Michio Goto coughed dryly and gave her final assist.

"Yili, didn't you say before that you happened to be going to the station? It just so happens that you can also see Nan Xiangjun off smoothly, right?"

"Hey...? I'm not going to the station..."

"Okay, okay! Go, go, go!"

He almost pushed his eldest daughter, who was naive and wanted to argue, and sent her to Nanxiang Shi's side.

Then after saying hello to Nanxiang.

Michiyo Goto, who was standing at the door, watched her and Nanxiang leave.


She sighed helplessly.

My daughter actually has very good hardware conditions.

It's just that his personality is a bit too honest.

She is really worried...

Such an outstanding boy as Nanxiang Shi.

There must be many outstanding girls of the same age around me.

So let's look at it from the other side... How can my socially shy daughter break out of the siege?

You can't rely on your daughter's physical development to be more perfect than that of an ordinary high school student, right?

After her observation for this period of time.

I feel like Nanxiang Shi is not someone who pays much attention to hardware conditions.


Michio Goto sighed lightly.

For his eldest daughter's love story.

She could only say one sentence——

Sad, sad.

Chapter 315. He caught the star 3000 words

Residential streets in Tokyo at night.

It was so lonely that only the street lights on both sides shone coldly.

Nango Toki and Goto Kazuri stepped forward side by side.

The pace in Nanxiang is a little bigger, but the pace is a little slower.

Goto Ichiri's steps are smaller, but his steps are faster.

what to do? What should I do next?

While secretly glancing at Nango beside him, Goto Kazuri couldn't help but think.


what to do...?

Although I can enjoy this alone time with Nanxiang Shi.

But after all, it was his mother who drove him to the shelves.

Goto Ichiri didn't know what to say to Nanxiang at this moment.

But...but I have to say it here!

Goto Kazari took a deep breath.

We have known each other for such a long time in Nanxiang.

She actually knew it clearly.

Whether walking on the road, in school, or in the ‘Stars’ performance hall.

Nanxiang Shi was always accommodating her.

It was also in Nanxiang that I was always looking for topics to communicate with her.

I have been communicating with the other party for so long.

Great progress has been made!

come on! Ichisato Goto! You can do it for sure!

All you need to do is bring up a topic casually, and Ah Shi will easily cooperate with you to continue the conversation!

Just like what Ah Shi usually does.

You should also calm down at this time!

Repeatedly emphasized in the mind.

Repeated thinking.

Then, she took a deep breath and raised her face slightly, which was hidden under her too-long bangs.

"S-Speak of... Ah Shi."


The sudden sound made the black-haired young man beside him turn his eyes subconsciously.

Goto Ichisato let out a little breath and mustered up the courage to make a mocking and blaming look:

"The joke you made with your mother today was really bad...about getting engaged..."

Her voice was extremely smooth at this time.

"Ah Shi, you are serious. You were obviously joking with my mother, but you didn't remind me and deliberately teased me."

Her pink lips were slightly pursed, looking a little dissatisfied.

But at this time, she was actually happy.

That's right!

That's what it feels like!

This kind of communication between friends, like ordinary joking, is what I have always dreamed of...

"I'm not joking."


The sudden sound from Nanxiang Shi made Ichiri Goto's eyes widen slightly.

All the thoughts in my mind just now were disrupted by Nanxiang Shi at this moment.

She looked at the black-haired young man in front of her in disbelief.

But soon, Gotou seemed to understand something again.

She blinked, trying to cover up her panic with a steady voice:

"Ah, Ah Shi, you are teasing me again, right? Let me tell you, I won't be fooled this time."

That's right!

He just liked to tease her when he was in Nanxiang.

This time maybe it was Nanxiang Shi who was secretly causing trouble again, just waiting for her to take the bait.

But this time she won't be so stupid.

It’s impossible to fall for it stupidly again.

She thought this way and acted as if she would never be fooled.


"Who's kidding you?"

Nanxiang Shi couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Goto Ichiri.

This pink-haired girl is always not smart when she should be.

He's so smart that he doesn't look smart when he shouldn't be.

"Perhaps Aunt Michiyo had the intention of joking at that time, but I never said I was joking from beginning to end."

Nanxiang Shi shook his head and answered.

And his words also reminded Goto Kazuri of what he said in Nanxiang before.

‘Yili, can’t you see it yet? Aunt Michiyo was actually joking with me. ’

There was indeed no joking element in this sentence.


After learning Nanxiang's thoughts, Goto Ichiri instantly felt his face getting hot.

She couldn't help but take two steps back.

But the more she retreated.

Nanxiang Shi on the other side moved forward without hesitation, and at the same time sighed:

"To be honest, I thought I could advance the progress to the point of getting engaged to Yili at once."


The voice of astonishment lengthened.

Hearing this word, Goto Ichiri couldn't hold back at all, and his whole expression began to become confused.

got engaged...?


When she was with Nanxiang?


The girl looked like she was going to smile in the next second, but only half of the smile was shown, and the other side was occupied by the emotion of surprise, causing her entire facial expression to be a little confused.

"..." Nanxiang Shi.

Nanxiang glanced at Miss Goto speechlessly.

This is just a mention of 'engagement'.

You must know that Jinmu Qianshu has signed a marriage contract with him.

But in terms of reaction, it was not even half as exaggerated as Goto in front of him.

The other party's expression immediately began to break down.

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