The load on the heart can only survive the last month.

This was something her primary doctor told her in confidence.

In the same way, in order not to worry ‘Riko Rico’s’ partners.

Nishiki Chishu did not tell anyone the exact time - externally she even said that she still had three or four months to live, and even had a chance to recuperate.

Even the store manager Mika who raised her is the same.

She originally thought that Nakahara Mizuki was just joking and casually talking about it, so she responded curiously.

But as soon as this death deadline appears.

She could no longer maintain her normalcy.

"Qian Shu, are you really...?"

Inoue Takina is not a fool.

On the contrary, having spent so much time with Nishiki Chishu, she naturally understands his habits very well.

Looking at Nishiki Chishu's uncomfortable expression at this time, she was finally sure.

What Nakahara Mizuki said is probably true.


Nishiki Chishu scratched her hair and said a little embarrassedly: "I didn't expect to be exposed in this way..."

Then she sighed in surprise:

"Sister Ruixi, the psychic you mentioned is really amazing. He could even guess this..."

"Now is not the time to talk about that kind of thing, right?!"

After learning that the situation of her relatives and friends was so bad, Inoue Takina was no longer in the mood to help in the store. She came to Nishiki Chishu without hesitation.

"Where is your health? Are you okay? Can you eat? Speaking of which, you said some time ago that you were tired from staying up late watching movies. Could it be that..."

The more Inoue Takina thought about it, the worse her expression became. Her upright and delicate snow-white face was also full of anxiety.

"Oh...that's an exaggeration. I'm in good health! I was really tired from watching a movie that day."

It feels like Inoue Takina really treats herself as a terminally ill patient——

Although it was indeed true, Nishiki Chishu still laughed a little uncomfortably and wanted to deal with it as usual.

But this time Inoue Takina was not so easily fooled.

"Sure enough, let's go see a doctor."

She decisively took Nishiki Chishu's hand and walked out.

"Huh...? I don't want it. Injections are very expensive and painful."

Nishiki Chishu made a protesting sound.


Inoue Takina just wanted to continue talking.

The next second.

"That's enough, Takina."

For the first time, Nishiki Chishu did not speak in a frivolous manner with a smile.

Her fiery red eyes looked at Inoue Takina, and she shook her head with a smile: "You also know that there is no point in doing that kind of thing."

"..." Inoue Takina.

Inoue Takina was silent.

He bit his lower lip with an expression of pain and struggle.


She knew it.

The medicine can only play a supporting role in Nishiki Chishu's body now.

That's all.

If just getting an injection and receiving treatment can solve the problem, then the doctor will take the initiative to make arrangements without her having to ask.

One month's time.

This is the ultimatum given by the doctor to Nishiki Chishu's life.

Not telling them this fact is also a sign that Nishiki Chishu truly cares about them and doesn't want them to worry.


A voice sounded, it was Nakahara Mizuki's voice.

"I think we can really try to trust the psychic."

This time, Mizuki Nakahara was not as careless as usual, but showed a serious look: "Although the possibility is very weak, maybe the other party really has a solution?"

"Sister Ruixi, you are still saying such things at this time..."

Inoue Takina took a deep breath and shook her head.

She had never believed in theology before, she only believed in all reasonable things that she could grasp.

"Didn't the other party predict the time accurately?"

"Anyway, it must be a random guess."

Inoue Takina's character is a bit stubborn.

"'s not like that at all. I can feel that the other party is sure, and he said that with full confidence, without even hesitation at all."

I recall the look on Nanxiang's face as if he had anticipated everything.

Nakahara Mizuki shook his head, denied Inoue Takina's words, and replied with wise and clear eyes: "I can see it."

"...Sister Ruixi..."

Not to mention Inoue Takina's attitude, Nishiki Chishu next to her already showed a speechless expression: " haven't forgotten that you have always been very poor at judging people, right? "


Nakahara Mizuki covered his heart.

“I’m often tricked by bad men.”

Nishikiki Chisuke spoke in a very cute tone.


“Last time I invited someone to dinner, but the next time I invited someone else, I was let go.”


"So Sister Ruixi, the way you look at people...that..."

Nishiki Chishu put her fair and slender fingers to her lips and smiled cutely: "Well, that's not possible at all!"

"...You are really the kind of people who can hurt people with words and knives without expression."

Nakahara Mizuki crawled out from under the table. His chest was so painful that he still couldn't relax.

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. After all, Sister Ruixi has a terrible eye for judging people..."

"I can actually testify to Ruixi about this."

The voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Nishiki Chishu who continued to speak.

The person who secretly crawled out from under the bar was a short blonde girl wearing a 'Riko Rico' uniform with lazy eyes.

Her name is Walnut, and she is also a member of 'Li KeLiKe'.

It's just different from Nakahara Mizuki, Inoue Takina and Nishiki Chishu.

Rather than working hard, she prefers to hide in corners and catch fish - her short stature has helped her countless times.

Because of this, she listened to everything that Nakahara Mizuki said to Nanxiang just now, word for word.

At this time, she was closing the mobile game, yawning, holding her face up, looking at Nishiki Chisuke and Inoue Takina with sleepy eyes, and then said:

"Ruixi is right. When the psychic told Qian Shu's condition, he didn't hesitate at all. He didn't even deliberately observe Ruixi's facial expression. How can I put it..."

The blond Hutao raised his finger: "Although I don't believe in theology, you haven't had any contact with that person, so you don't know. He was very decisive when he spoke, without thinking, as if he had already understood Qian Shu's condition."

"I think the situation can't get any worse anyway. In this case, there seems to be no problem in trying to trust the other party, right?"

Hutao sat upright and expressed his thoughts.

When these words were spoken, Inoue Takina, who originally had opinions, fell silent.

Just like Hu Tao said.

Even if this continues, he will just watch Nishiki Chishu's physical condition worsen day by day, and then die.

And there is an opportunity in front of him to save the other party... although it is very unreliable, although it is not very likely.

But that's still a glimmer of hope.

A ray of light in the darkness is like straw on the water's edge.

No matter how thin the straw is, a drowning person who wants to survive will cling to it.

This is a Japanese proverb - a drowning man climbs onto the grass to survive.

"But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment of failure. I think..."

Inoue Takina still wanted to say something.

"I know you are hesitant too, Takina."

Nakahara Mizuki spoke: "However, caring leads to chaos. Because you are too concerned about Qian Shu's situation, you have lost your usual sense of proportion... Instead of insisting on your own ideas, why not ask Qian Shu... Her ideas are the best Is it important?"

"..." Inoue Takina.

She fell silent and stopped talking.

But those purple wisteria-like eyes were always looking at Nishiki Chishu.

As Mizuki Nakahara said, the one who really makes the decision is Nishiki Chishu around him.

After all, Nishiki Chishu's life should be decided by herself.

Under everyone's gaze.

Nishiki Chishu thought.

Then tilted his head.

Her golden hair was bouncing, and she showed a energetic smile.

"In this case, I think it would be nice to meet the psychic. After all, it seems very interesting."


Hearing this unexpected answer, Nakahara Mizuki, Walnut and Inoue Takina all looked at each other and smiled.

It is indeed Nishiki Chishu's style.

If it were them, they would definitely not be able to make decisions that may affect their own lives with such a relaxed and happy attitude like her.

Chapter 88. Does it taste like him on your mouth? (4300 words)

If there is anything in this world that is most difficult for Goto Ichiri to accept.

That might be on the way to work in the stars.

At the thought of contacting and communicating with strangers again, the pink-haired girl's small, extremely sensitive, socially fearful heart began to beat rapidly uncontrollably.

But it’s impossible not to work part-time——

After the band wants to carry out activities, it is natural that some in-store fees will be levied.

It's just her pocket money that can't be provided at all.

I wonder how doing?

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