My Love Style Is A Bit Abnormal

Chapter 243, [Jianjia Outside The Building]

Chapter 243, [Jianjia outside the building]

"Do you need me to accompany you?"

Turning his eyes to the side, he glanced at the younger brother who was clinging to him, Jiang Qingyi said softly.

"No, I went to France and I'll be back in two or three days at most."

"You still have classes at Tide."

The chin rubbed against her shoulder, Xiao Yi said greasy.

Hearing this, Jiang Qingyi did not insist.

If Xiao Yi wants to, of course she will accompany him to France, or even all over the world, as long as he is by his side, he can go anywhere.

But she also knows that men have their own careers outside. As a wife, what she should do is to support him behind the scenes and take care of his daily life, rather than arbitrarily interfering in his career.

While talking, a few simple side dishes were put on the table.

The two of them ate a meal tiredly, and then went to the bedroom hugging each other.

Silent all night.


The next morning.

In the boys' dormitory.

Just as Xiao Yi walked to the door of the dormitory, Deng Haiyang's squeaking voice came out.

"Fourth, I didn't tell you, go after you if you like it, why keep it in your heart?"

"That's right, we're both sophomores now, and we'll be juniors in a blink of an eye. If you don't find a girlfriend, you're really planning to go after graduation. Women who go into work are not as simple as students."


Xiao Yi was happy when he heard it.

Listening to this tone, is it possible that Lu Shangwen's boy Tieshu is blooming, and he has started to think about women?

Pushing the door and entering, Xiao Yi said loudly.

"Fourth, what's the matter, do you have someone you like?"

Lu Shangwen, who was sitting awkwardly in the chair, blushed instantly when he heard this.

Glancing at Xiao Yi, he lowered his head and murmured with a lack of confidence.

"No, me, I just think she's pretty good."

"This is a rare thing, let's talk about that girl in the class?"

One sat down on the chair, Xiao Yi put his arms around Lu Shangwen's shoulder and joked.

Lu Shangwen blushed and dared not speak, Deng Haiyang answered for him.

"It's Zhao Qi."

Zhao Qi?

Frowning, Xiao Yi thought for a while before he remembered who Zhao Qi was.

A quiet little girl who is not tall, has no sense of presence in the class, and is relatively introverted. Thinking about it, although it is not so amazing, she is also more delicate and looks like a little sister in charge.

Don't say it.

Thinking of it this way, she and the fourth child get along quite well.

Both are relatively quiet in temperament, the same introverted type.

Hahaha with a smile, Xiao Yi teased.

"Fourth, what do you think, I think Zhao Qi is quite suitable for you."

"I, I dare not, she, if she doesn't like me..."

After hesitating for a while, Lu Shangwen didn't say anything completely.

But his temperament is like this, after two years of getting along, Xiao Yi is not surprised.

Judging from his experience, the fourth child and Zhao Qi are really likely to be matched together, and they seem to be a good match.

Zhao Qi is a typical southern girl. If the suitor is a carefree northeastern man like Deng Haiyang, it may scare her, but Lu Shangwen is different.

He is shy and not good at words. He blushes when he sees a girl. If he is the one who pursues Zhao Qi, Xiao Yi thinks there is a great chance.

Even if the girl doesn't agree at the first time, the chance will be much greater if she can persevere in the future.

"Would you like my brother to help you?"

Seeing the awkward appearance of the fourth child, Deng Haiyang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Hearing this, Lu Shangwen waved his hand hurriedly, looking like he was about to cry.

"No, I, I told her myself."

His heart was bitter, but he was just listening to Lao Deng and Wang Ming chatting about who is the most beautiful girl in the class.

He just inserted a sentence, Zhao Qi is also quite good, but the two guys seem to have discovered a new world, and they chattered and interrogated.

If Deng Haiyang is allowed to intervene, with his loud voice, I am afraid that the whole class will know.

Glancing at Deng Haiyang, Xiao Yi said with disgust.

"What does it have to do with you? It's like you're quite capable?"

Deng Haiyang wanted to refute, why am I so impatient?

But when he saw that it was the third child who said this to him, he pouted and remained silent.

"Okay, Lao Deng, Lao Wang, don't mess with the two of you. Be careful and do bad things with good intentions."

"Fourth, if you really like her and are too embarrassed to speak, just chat casually with others on WeChat, and then ask her out when the time is right, so that there is a gradual process, and it won't scare the girls too much. "

After hearing this, Lu Shangwen nodded again and again.

After the little episode, seeing that it was almost time for class, the four of them picked up their books and walked towards the teaching building.


When I came to the classroom, it was no surprise that Shen Chanyi was already waiting quietly at her seat.

Seeing Xiao Yi coming, Shen Chanyi handed him the breakfast in the drawer.

With a helpless smile, Xiao Yi sat down beside her, then turned to his side and said softly.

"I had dinner in the morning."

"You don't have to bring me breakfast in the future."

While speaking, Xiao Yi looked directly into Shen Chanyi's eyes, and saw the slightly lonely look in her eyes, but he couldn't bear it.

After thinking about it, I took the milk.

"Just bring me a bottle of milk in the future."


Spring is always the season to be lethargic.

Zhou Xuemin was eloquent on the podium, but the students under the stage were drowsy and their heads twitched.

After pondering for a while, Zhou Xuemin put down the textbook, looked around the classroom, and smiled.

"Are you feeling sleepy?"

Hearing this, there was a burst of kind laughter in the classroom.

The students who were slumbering were too embarrassed to sleep again, and were pushed to wake up by the classmates beside them.

After drinking a sip of the tea in the thermos cup, Zhou Xuemin walked to the window, looked at the colorful trail outside the window, and muttered.

"Today's lesson is the appreciation of ancient poetry."

"When the ancients wrote poetry, they paid attention to inspiration and casualness. Once their thinking was exhausted, they would go out to spring to find inspiration for themselves."

"I think a small classroom is really boring."

"There are always many things that are more important than learning, such as the weeping willows by the pool, or the jianjia outside the building."

The students' eyes widened, some couldn't understand, what happened to Lao Zhou's sudden sadness in spring and autumn.

Then listen to him continue.

"So this class, we will change the class location."

"The students stand up."

With a swipe, the students in the classroom suddenly stood up.

"Let's go, Banhu!"

The crowd was instantly in an uproar.

"I'm going, can I still go to Banhu for class?"

"Lao Zhou is too romantic, isn't it?"

"This shouldn't violate the school's rules, right?"

"Does this want us to learn the scene of the ancients reciting poems and writing poems in the wind and moon?"


half lake.

It is a famous scenic spot in Suzhou University.

Every evening, many students will play by the half lake, feeding the koi in the lake.

Roller skating clubs and hip-hop clubs hold activities in the square beside the lake.

It is the perfect place for young couples to date.

It's early spring, with weeping willows on the edge of the lake, and peach blossoms on the tree-lined paths on both sides.

The golden sun shone down, and a green grass with the fragrance of flowers rushed to the face.

Seeing the students sitting on the grass in twos and threes, Zhou Xuemin laughed.

"Today we don't learn to appreciate ancient poetry, let's play a game."

After listening to the game, the students became interested one by one, craned their necks and waited for the next chapter.

"As we all know, the culture of the Xia Kingdom has a long history, and there are countless poems about spring."

"So today we will learn from the ancients and play a game of flying flowers."

"The words are flowers and cannot be repeated. They are sorted every ten seconds. If a classmate does not answer in time, they will perform a show for everyone, singing, dancing, or talking about cross talk."

As soon as the words fell, the students burst into cheers.

As a student majoring in Chinese language and literature, Feihualing is no stranger to this game.

But what they didn't expect was that in such an environment, students from a class could participate in this game together.

Tsk tsk sighed, Deng Haiyang sighed.

"Old Zhou is fine. It's the first time I've seen this teaching model. If my English teacher in high school was half his level, I wouldn't be so bad in English."

Xiao Yi didn't reply, but he agreed in his heart.

Lao Zhou looks like an old schoolboy, but his teaching style is not very old-fashioned, and he has a good relationship with his classmates. Occasionally such a teaching mode can really enhance the collective sense of honor of the class.

Compared with sleeping in a drowsy classroom, with the left ear in and the right ear out, I believe this group activity will definitely leave a deep impression on every student.

While speaking, the game has started.

There are many poems about flowers, and there is no difficulty in the beginning, and they basically blurt out. Some students are still imitating the appearance of the ancients when they recite them. They walk with their hands behind their backs, and they are full of elegance.

However, the difficulty gradually deepened after that, mainly because the poems could not be repeated, and the familiar ones were finished, so I could only think about some of the more remote ones, but I only had ten seconds to think about it.

However, they were not annoyed, and instead showed their talents with great interest.

The sweet laughter resounded endlessly by the half of the lake.


As the school bell rang.

The classmates left in unwillingness.

Just as Xiao Yi was about to follow the crowd to the cafeteria, a crisp voice rang in his ears.

"Xiao Yi, wait a minute."

Looking at the person coming, Xiao Yi stopped.

"What does a talented girl like Chu do?"

Chu Qing came slowly, with a brisk smile on his face, followed by a companion who bowed his head shyly and did not dare to show anyone.

"Xiao Yi, did you forget to promise me?"

Walking to Xiao Yi's side, Chu Qing smiled and at the same time held Shen Chanyi's little hand affectionately.

"Chanyi, we'll have dinner together later."

"What? You and Chanyi know each other?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow and replied.

"Xiao Yi, what are you talking about, Chanyi is my roommate, do you think I know him?"


Hearing this, Xiao Yi's heart moved.

He doesn't know much about Chu Qing, but he also knows that this is a literary girl who loves literature. Although her personality is not very lively and cheerful, her personality is not that much. With her and Shen Chanyi as roommates, Xiao Yi at least doesn't have to worry that she will been excluded.

Nodding, Xiao Yi looked at Chu Qing and then glanced at Zhao Qi next to her calmly.

"Then let's talk while walking."


Chu Qing looked for Xiao Yi naturally because of that poem.

Originally, Xiao Yi promised her that he would tell her as soon as he filled it up, but it has been a few months without a message.

Today I finally got the chance, how could Chu Qing let Xiao Yi go.

In the noisy canteen, several people sat together.

Lu Shangwen lowered his head and buried himself in cooking, while Deng Haiyang was distressed.

Finally got the opportunity to eat together, but this guy was useless and didn't dare to say a word.

But it also let Deng Haiyang see a clue.

Although Zhao Qi didn't talk much, she and the fourth child were separated by a long table, but occasionally she would sneak a peek at Lu Shangwen. This scene was caught by Deng Haiyang, and she felt a little strange.

Dare to love, these two really look like a play.

"That poem is a little confusing. I'll send it to you when I finish it in the next few days."

Eating the vegetables from Shen Chan's clothespin, Xiao Yi replied with a full mouth.

Suspiciously glanced at his roommate, Chu Qing didn't ask too much, just frowned and said indignantly.

"Xiao Yi, you won't let me dove again, will you?"

"How come? Am I such a person?"

With a slight shrug, Xiao Yi said boldly.

This move immediately gained Chu Qing a beautiful hygienic eye, which was obviously very suspicious.


April eighth.

Day of departure for France.

The award ceremony was held on the 10th, and due to the time difference between Xia and France, Xiao Yi had to arrive two days earlier.

As the awards ceremony approaches, the discussion on the Internet is even more heated.

Although some people are very optimistic that the Three-Body Problem can win the gold medal, the vast majority of people do not report any hope.

The most popular comment from the netizen said it well.

This deep-seated discrimination doesn't change with the advent of a book.

Netizens have different opinions, but in their hearts they all hope to see that scene appear.

in the living room.

Jiang Qingyi carefully packed Xiao Yi's suitcase.

There are not many things, just some cold clothes and daily necessities.

Paris is no better than Suzhou. In this season, due to geographical factors, Paris is relatively much colder than Suzhou.

When her sweetheart is thousands of miles away, how can Jiang Qingyi rest assured?

After everything was tidy up, Xiao Yi hugged Senior Sister and rubbed his ears for a while, and then he reluctantly said goodbye to her.

Although this trip to France won't last long, Xiao Yi's heart is still full of reluctance.

"Come on, and remember to call me when you arrive."

Leaning on the door to look back, Jiang Qingyi watched the younger brother go away.

It wasn't until his figure had disappeared that Jiang Qingyi turned around and returned to the living room.

After a while, she took the water bottle and walked to the flowerbed in front of the yard to water the flowers seriously.

day to day……


After half an hour.

Xiao Yi meets Su Yunqing and Hana Ziyu at the airport.

The three of them didn't say much, smiled at each other, and entered the terminal side by side.

Another half hour or so passed.

A plane set sail from Suzhou to Paris.

(End of this chapter)

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