My Mage System

302 A beautiful dream

Derek didn't know if he could hear him but Connor eventually calmed down and he even stopped whispering his name, his body wasn't spasming anymore and he seemed to be sleeping peacefully now.

Derek preferred to continue talking to him and he told him about the boys, what they had accomplished together, and he also told him that their rightful King had finally appeared and that with the help of their allies they would finally be able to free their people.

And as he continued to tell him stories about the boys he felt Connor move and when he called to him in a weak voice he felt his heartbeat racing and when he pulled away from him to look at his face which was until now buried in his neck he saw that his eyes were open and he couldn't stop his tears from flowing again as he said : "It's me, my love, it's really me and you are home, the men of the God of War rescued you and they brought you back here."

Connor chuckled then and he said to him : "Damn, this is the most realistic dream I've ever had."

He then caressed his face and licked away his tears and as he rested his head on the pillow he murmured with a frown before putting his arm on his eyes : "It's weird, I can even taste the salty taste of tears, but what did they inject me with this time."

Derek was a little taken aback and he hadn't expected Connor to deny the reality like that so he tried again to convince him, putting away his arm to look in his eyes : "Connor, honey, look at me, it's really me and we're in our room, look around you, I haven't touched your things, they're still in the same places you left them."

Connor then looked around the room and he frowned again as he recognized that indeed this was their room and that his mess had still been tidied up a bit, he muttered again : "So realistic..."

He looked back to Derek and he said to him : "You know what, I don't care if I'm dreaming because it's a beautiful dream."

He looked him in the eye and said : "How could my man who is so powerful, so handsome and so sexy have waited for me all this time, he must have been courted by so many demons that no one could have resisted, not even him. I have been gone for so long that it's impossible that he kept looking for me."

It was Derek's turn to frown and he said to him : "Love, you hadn't disappeared, it's been 17 years since I buried your corpse... Damn it Connor, you died in my arms, in my arms... I... I didn't even know I was supposed to be looking for you and even if I had known it, how was I supposed to find you when you were in another world."

He then said as he positioned himself on top of him : "And who do you think I am, do you want to piss me off ? How could you ever think that I would replace you… Haven't I told you enough how much I love you and that there was never anyone but you for me."

Connor then caressed his lips and he said to him : "Of course you did, and it was that hope that you were waiting for me somewhere that helped me to get through all those years of torture."

Derek then leaned in and he kissed him gently at first, then he became more and more greedy and Connor responded passionately to his kisses.

When he pulled his lips away from his he said to Connor : "I can't say that I have waited for you for seventeen years because for me you were dead but I can promise you that I've never touched anyone else... So unless you tell me to stop right now I'm going to make love to you all night long."

Connor then turned his head and he opened the drawer of their nightstand, and when he put his hand inside and felt the pot of lubrifiant he chuckled and said to Derek : "Even that you didn't touch it, it's still at the same place."

The red circle around Derek's pupils became brighter and he asked him as he took the pot of lubrifiant from Connor's hand : "Connor, do you realize that you're back with us, I'm not a dream and believe me when I will penetrate you you'll realize it quickly."

Connor said to him honestly : "I still can't believe it, but if you've really stayed loyal to me for 17 years even though you thought I was dead, I think you deserve a reward."

He caressed his face and finally he put a hand on his heart that he could feel beating frantically in his chest, the red circle around his own pupils became brighter and he said to him : "Derek, I fought every day to stay alive and to be able to see your face again… To feel your lips on mine again and to feel the warmth of your body against mine.

If this is really the reality then it's going to take me a little while to accept it... I have a lot of questions going on in my mind... a lot of questions... But right now, I don't care about the rest, I haven't felt this good in ages so let's enjoy it, make love to me until we're both exhausted and satiated."

Derek smirked and while opening the pot of lubrifiant, he told him : "This is going to be hard my love, because I will never be satiated with you."


Mykael before going in the boys' pavilion preferred to warn his son and when he told him that he could come, he teleported immediately in their living room and he laid down this man that he didn't know on their sofa.

When he turned to Axel and Kevin who looked at him surprised he said to them : "You'll understand, Kevin look at his Stats and tell me the name of this man… And what pack he's from."

Kevin frowned when he heard the word 'pack' and he and Axel exchanged glances and apparently they were both thinking the same thing, so he quickly looked at the man's Stats focusing only on the man's name and he said out loud : "AXEL, Father of the Luna of the Dark Blue Werewolf pack, Supreme Alpha and protector of the pack."

Kevin then exclaimed : "Damn Axel, that man is your grandfather."

Axel then looked at his father not knowing what question to start with and Mykael raised his hands in the air before telling them : "Let's start by sitting down and I'll explain everything to you even though I don't know much more than you do at the moment."

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