My magic weapons are all rule-based

Chapter 56 The fourth item!!

The Fifth Refiner thought for a moment, left Lu Xiangjun and whispered a few words to Sun Yuanzheng.

He turned back and threw a handful of spirit stones to Lu Xiangjun.

Lu Xiangjun took it and looked at it, then said with a sullen face: "What does ten mean?"

The Fifth Refiner sneered: "Originally I should have given you a hundred, but I took the initiative to agree to it. You blackmailed me in times of crisis, so you only deserve ten."

Lu Xiangjun was furious: "Didn't you agree to two hundred? Is your life worth ten spirit stones? Don't forget, without my junior brother, you are still uncertain about your life and death!"

The Fifth Refiner sneered: "I don't care about your junior brother using dirty tricks when fighting me."

"My life is naturally precious, but the spirit stones of my Fifth Family are not blown by the wind. Do you think I am the kind of waste who squanders everywhere? You can take these or not. If it weren't for your junior brother's sacrifice of his life to stop the enemy, with your attitude, I will make you Xinglan Sect suffer. Get out!"

Lu Xiangjun's face flushed.

What they said is right. The Fifth Family is indeed not comparable to Xinglan Zongyuan.

They might be giving face by looking at it straight in the eye.

But that's 200 spirit stones, of medium quality!

"Then you can give me 100!" Lu Xiangjun said forcefully, "One should keep his word!"

"Why, from your tone. I won't give it to you, and you still want to rob me? Just 10, take it or not."

"If you don't even give me 100, what am I robbing you for?!"


"Uh... uh... uh..."

In the secret realm, Xu Shan collapsed on the ground, his pupils completely dilated, and he uttered unconscious groans.

Zhang Biao was still pulling the spirit root again and again.

The flesh-and-blood giant skull seemed to have never experienced much pain, especially this kind of deep-seated pain. Its tolerance to pain was obviously much worse than Xu Shan's, and it didn't struggle.

It just twitched on the ground.

"Master Xu...can you stop?"

"Is" Xu Shan's mouth was dripping with saliva, and he looked like an idiot.

"It's not dead."

"Keep pulling...pull harder..."

Zhang Biao looked extremely painful, and he closed his eyes and continued to pull the spiritual root.


With just this one move, Xu Shan, who was already extremely weak, screamed and leaped up, then fell heavily, dying.

The flesh-and-blood giant skull on the opposite side also let out a shocking roar in coma, madly hitting the surroundings, and fell into a deep coma again after hitting twice.

Zhang Biao stood there, almost crying.

Just seems that Master Xu's spiritual root was torn off...

Xu Shan was lying on his chest, rising and falling rapidly.

"I'm fine...don't stop..."

Zhang Biao was terrified and stuck his head into Xu Shan's chest.

Sure enough, he saw the spiritual root broken into two was only the size of a finger joint.

Zhang Biao said anxiously: "Master Xu... I broke it for you, what should I do, is this thing important to you?"

"Tie it... and keep pulling..."

"It's too short, I can't tie it!" Zhang Biao said with tears in his voice.

Xu Shan stared at the sky blankly, and tiny cracks began to appear in the sky above, and despair filled his heart.

His face was covered with mud and blood.

The constant pain and torture just now had rolled out countless wounds on his body, and his clothes were also torn.

His tears had already dried up from crying, and he couldn't shed a bit.

This is where he has to go.

But it's not unfair to be buried with such a terrifying monster.

It would be better if I had a cigarette...

Xu Shan raised his finger with difficulty and pointed to the distance, his voice was extremely hoarse: "Zhang Biao... I'm going to die... You go quickly... You can leave here at the end... Go to my senior brother, don't trust anyone except him..."

"I won't go, I won't go!" Zhang Biao shook his head violently, and cried loudly with grief.

He had been a slave to others since he was a child, and had been ordered around by others all his life.

He only had freedom after death.

Xu Shan was the first person who was willing to cook for him and treat him as a human being.

If he died... he would completely become a lonely ghost...

"Master Xu, eating vegetables can help you regain your spirit, eat quickly!"

Xu Shan turned his head and looked at the huge skull with blood and flesh, smiling coldly.

If he ate... wouldn't it also make it feel good?

"I won't eat... leave quickly."

"I won't leave if you don't eat." Zhang Biao begged bitterly, "Take a bite, maybe you will feel better after you finish eating."

Master Xu's brain is not normal, and he obviously doesn't want to live.

Zhang Biao has seen him eating vegetables in a coquettish way before.

He always looks radiant after being coquettish.

Master Xu is a fairy master, if he wants to live, he will definitely survive.

Xu Shan squeezed out a relieved smile.

In this strange world, there is someone who follows him so diligently and wholeheartedly for his good, so just eat it!

Compared to Zhang Biao's survival, letting this damn monster make a profit is nothing!

The land behind the giant skull of flesh and blood collapsed on a large scale, with flying sand and rocks, like countless mosquitoes flying in disorder in the sky.

Xu Shan raised his right hand lightly, and a dish emerged.

The aroma was still tempting. Even though his mind had been eroded by the evil spirit of the monster, he still couldn't help swallowing his saliva under this abnormal aroma.

Slowly bringing it to his mouth, Xu Shan stretched his head and took a bite.

Zhang Biao smiled with relief, but he began to worry again when he looked at the distance.

Time seemed to be running out, and the ground was disappearing bit by bit.

Xu Shan had closed his eyes to prepare for the ultimate pleasure, but opened them again the next second.


The dish was ineffective, this was the first time I had seen it.

It couldn't be said to be completely ineffective, there was still the effect of awakening the spirit, the unusually delicious taste was still there, but it was not so pleasant that it made him lose consciousness.

Did the Qingyin props have a problem again?

Just as he was thinking about what the problem was, Zhang Biao pointed at the bloody skull and trembled, "Master Xu! What happened to it?"

Xu Shan looked sideways and was also stunned.

A huge red and black gas was rising from the meat mountain at this moment, straight from the sky, almost covering half of the sky.

The bloody skull was lying there quietly, slowly shrinking as the red and black gas evaporated.

What happened? Purified?

Xu Shan looked at the towel on his right arm, and his heart was lifted again!

Originally a piece of good white towel, it was now turning yellow and pulling... gradually turning into a worn-out rag.

Xu Shan stared at the towel in surprise, not noticing that a small amount of black and red gas was constantly evaporating from his body. The turbid and oppressive feeling in his head began to gradually dissipate.

It only took a few seconds.

The meat mountain that was hundreds of feet high had disappeared, and a drop of almost transparent liquid appeared in the air, and then flew to Xu Shan's forehead at a very fast speed.

The familiar feeling emerged for the third time!

Xu Shan covered his forehead and felt a strong burning sensation.

After the burning sensation, Xu Shan instinctively checked the green seal... The third rune was lit again, and the fourth rune was only a little short!

Summon the prop.

A gray CD with no writing appeared in Xu Shan's hand.

Xu Shan was a little confused.

Doesn't the green seal only absorb incense oil? Was the monster transformed from incense oil?

The third rune is not a magic stick... What is this thing for?


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