My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 103: Dragon Elephant Cell Explosion! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

After Lin Yuan released the information, this information was immediately discussed by the East and the West.

"I didn't expect Lin Shen to go to the west so soon!"

"The forest god is mighty, the forest god is awesome!"

"I, Lin Shen, want to march west alone?!"

"I hope that Lin Yuan will travel all over the western countries alone, and pay homage to the name of Eastern Huaxia!"

"Is Lin Shen starting a live broadcast, or can my younger brother provide equipment to follow the live broadcast!"

Everyone in the East is optimistic about Lin Yuan, and now they have great trust and admiration for Lin Yuan.

In the west, the polarization is more serious. Some people hope that Lin Yuan will come to help them suppress the evil king Xie Chong and express their support.

The other faction thinks it's just a clown.

"Hmph, I don't even have an exact time. I'm afraid I plan to come to the west for a few days, and then go back and spread the word!"

"My Dragon King said that as long as Lin Yuan dares to step into the west, I will kill him. When I finish my work, I will come directly to the east and kill him!"

The declaration of the Earth Dragon King caused a huge disturbance. Some people said that the Earth Dragon King got a divine fruit and was about to transform again into a real dragon.

At that time, the Earth Dragon King will be unstoppable and become the real strongest.

There was even an old Marquis in the West who placed a bet directly in his own casino, betting that Lin Yuan would survive for a few days after he came to the West, and countless people bet on it.

Under this heated discussion, countless strong men wanted to wait for Lin Yuan to come to the west, and step on Lin Yuan's name to become famous all over the world.


"Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu" has directly increased from the sixty-fourth floor to the three hundredth floor.

There are two hundred and thirty-six floors apart, and only 11,800 source power was spent. Lin Yuan glanced at his own source power, and then continued to deduce.

Three hundred and ten floors, three hundred and thirty floors, three hundred and sixty floors.

Lin Yuan opened his eyes again, and the short sixty floors directly consumed his 9,000 source power, but it was about the same as the source power distribution he had calculated.

Then all that's left is to keep going hand in hand!

"Admiralty"! Deduction

"Nine Suns Divine Art"! Deduction!

"Immortal Imprint"! Deduction!

This time he did not choose to continue deducing the "Hidden Secret Wisdom Book", but chose "The Seal of Immortality".

Because based on his own understanding of the martial arts path, deducing the "Seal of Immortality" now is not only beneficial to his own spiritual defense, but also useful to the "Beiming Shengong" in the future.

at the same time.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique"! Revise!

Three hundred and sixty weights!

The blood in Lin Yuan's body suddenly boiled, and there was a crackling sound in his body, as if a dragon elephant was roaring, with traces of holy power, suppressing everything, the golden light was dazzling, and the dust was not stained.

The rainbow of essence soared into the sky, turning into a golden beam of light, tearing apart the sky, and its whole body turned into a phantom of a dragon image, appearing golden, standing behind Lin Yuan.

The physical body is improving crazily.

Qi and blood also increased crazily.

Golden cells poured into his body one by one, and his blood, which was originally stained with a faint golden color, gradually turned into golden color while boiling.

Ten golden cells...fifty golden hundred golden cells...the cells germinated rapidly, and at the same time, the phantoms of dragon elephants behind him increased, the real dragon suppressed Jiutian, and the idol suppressed Jiuyou.

It made his body structure more complete and comfortable, and his physical body was stronger than ever.

The real dragon statue, galloping and roaring, the aura emanating from its body forced the surrounding air away.

The golden blood energy rushed out, brilliant and dazzling, the holy blood flowed like a big river, and thunder rumbled in the body.

Five hundred and eighty-nine golden cells were in the body, distributed all over Lin Yuan's body, causing the golden light to burst out from his pores, and a force that suppressed everything flourished.

Roar! ! !

The sound of the dragon's chant and elephant's roar resounded through the sky and the earth, and the terrifying air waves swept all directions, giving people a huge sense of suffocation.

["Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill"-(360th floor: Power +45000, Constitution+25000, Qi and Blood +25000, Suppressing Evil +500, Immortality +500, special attributes: suppressive power, dragon elephant power) 】

With Lin Yuan's mind moving, the golden cells in his body directly swam in his body and entered his spine.


The spine transformed into a dragon and roared out. A dragon spear appeared in Lin Yuan's hands, and he threw it directly towards a huge mountain in the distance.

This is pure physical strength.

A prehistoric and ancient aura, an aura that suppresses everything, emanated out.

At this moment, the golden spear uttered a roar like a dragon's roar, and burst into blazing light!

At this moment, the body of the gun seemed to be transforming into a chameleon, and at the same time, a power of a god was suppressed, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming, like a sea of ​​stars boiling!


With a sound like a landslide and a tsunami, the sky in all directions shattered, and that place was directly razed to the ground by Lin Yuan, turning it into a big pit.

[Ding dong, get 10 source power]

[Ding dong, get 10 source power]

[Ding dong, get 10 source power]


Lin Yuan was taken aback when he heard a sound in his head, but he didn't react. Then he thought that it was in that mountain, there might be some evil spirits.

He didn't retreat in the practice room this time. Even if it was made of special materials, it couldn't resist the power leaked when he broke through.

So now it's in the folded mountains instead.

This mountain range is occupied by the Special Case Security Department and is guarded by the army. It feels like this area has already been cleaned up, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed.

A golden light rushed back directly, entered his body, and disappeared.

He was still very satisfied with the blow just now, because he just used the brute force of his body to cause damage, and the dragon gun was multiplied in power by the addition of his dragon elephant cells.

The golden cells are obtained from the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu and named by Lin Yuan as the Dragon Elephant Cells.

As his body became stronger, the dragon gun was also improving naturally. After having so many dragon elephant cells in his body, he suddenly had a feeling that this power was very suitable for the dragon gun, so he tried it directly.

But now his pure power is a bit exaggerated. The three hundred and sixty-level Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill has increased from the original power of one dragon and one elephant to the power of thirty-two dragons and thirty-two elephants.

"Boss Lin, what's going on!"

"But a monster appeared!!"

At this time Song Wenqian came with someone and asked Lin Yuan concerned.

The damage caused by the dragon gun just now made them think that a battle broke out here, so they hurried over.

"It's okay, let's test the effect."

Lin Yuan waved his hand and said casually, and had no intention of continuing to retreat.

The three martial arts in his mind did not stop, and continued to deduce.

Multitasking is just that the efficiency has dropped a lot, and it has no other impact. Even after the deduction is over, you can leave it alone.

Or see if there is anyone in the West who can make him understand and break through in battle.

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