My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 138: Heaven And Earth Treat Everything As A Straight Dog (Kneeling To Subscribe)

The four of them were a little confused, they didn't expect Lin Yuan to change his face so quickly.

Trembling on the surface, roaring crazily inside.

You are an aborigine in the shackles, now you ask, so there is a chicken in the latter situation.

Know what it means to be ambitious and not to be ambitious.

Lin Yuan didn't say much, these people are just weaklings, knowing these realms is enough.

The worry in his heart now is that the so-called star road that runs through all worlds will appear when it will appear.

Knowing that there is a sky beyond the sky, there are people beyond people, and the road ahead is still so long, he felt a little worried.

If some powerful creatures come to this world, it will be difficult to stop them.

"What do you mean by star path restrictions?" Lin Yuan wanted to confirm again.

"The star road that hasn't fully recovered can't accommodate powerful creatures, and the stronger they are, the harder it is to pass."

"Then what strength will it have when the "580" starts to recover?"

"I don't know about this, the highest will not exceed what should be visualized."

The fierce bird Fengluan was a little cautious in her words, and she didn't dare to confirm it, so she could only speak out her own conjecture.

Seeing Lin Yuan's staring gaze, the other three also nodded one after another.

"Among the creatures who came with us, there are eight in the realm of visualization and thirty-six in the realm of freedom."

Xuan Gui Hei Ming added a sentence.

The information in his words is very huge, revealing a kind of, if you want to come to this world, the higher the strength, the better.

Lin Yuan judged from the highest visualization state, but it was two realms short.

Thinking of his bold words full of information, a confident expression appeared on his face.

Kill until no one in the world dares to descend!

A burst of pride gushes out directly, come and come, what can't kill me will make me stronger.

This sentence is very applicable to him.

As long as you give him time, he will definitely be invincible in the world!

Lin Yuan continued to ask some questions in his heart, and the four creatures naturally knew everything.

With the four of them being so sincere, Lin Yuan chose not to kill them, waiting for something to ask later.

After all, the four of them now gave him only a few thousand Yuanli. To be honest, they don't like it, it's better to keep the value.

And it can be slaughtered at any time.

If those four people knew what Lin Yuan was thinking at this time, they didn't know how they would feel in their hearts.

Place those four people directly next to his residence.

He didn't have any means of restriction, he could only leave a mark on the four of them to prevent them from escaping or something.

At the same time, he also asked if the other party had anything like the ring of storage, or the love of the beast ring.

At that time, the four of them heard Lin Yuan's description of the ring of beasts, and their faces turned black.

I thought in my heart that this native is too dark to think of such a thing.

They told Lin Yuan that there is indeed such a thing as a storage ring, but it is very rare. Some of them carried it at the beginning, but it was wiped out along with it in the process of coming.

Lin Yuan was lying on the bed digesting everything today.

The information obtained from those few people, as well as the current changes in the world.

According to the information obtained from Yang Bin, this celestial phenomenon has indeed appeared all over the world, and it is not part of what he can see.

This change is not limited to the mainland, according to his observations at the time, it also appeared in the ocean.

Don't know what will become of the ocean.

He originally planned to enter the folded space deep in the East China Sea to settle the matter of the Sea Clan.

But this time the sudden appearance of the celestial phenomenon, the sky and the earth changed again, he could only settle the matter first.

Through the brief contact with the Sea Clan, he did not dare to underestimate the opponent's strength. After all, the Sea Clan he came into contact with was just the tip of the iceberg in the sea.

Just like there are so many countries in this world.

The area occupied by the ocean is several times that of the land.

Lin Yuan stands on the top of Laoshan Mountain and looks at the world.

It has been seven days since the last time, and now the entire Laoshan Mountain has become covered in silver, a vast expanse of white.

He looked towards the East China Sea, and there was also a thin layer of ice on it.

This picture made him very shocked. This is an endless ocean, and it is actually frozen.

The snowflakes never show signs of stopping, but instead fall bigger and bigger.

In this harsh situation, people's daily life has been affected as Lin Yuan guessed.

As time went on, the ice and snow were already a foot behind, and it was not just an impact, but a disaster.

At the same time, the sea was completely frozen directly.

Lin Yuan knows that the changes in the ocean will definitely not be smaller than those in the continent.

I don't know if it's because of this reason that the Sea Clan didn't bother Lin Yuan...

Since the appearance of the blood day, the heaven and the earth have changed, and demons and ghosts have been born, which are called man-made disasters, but this time, they are called natural disasters.

"Rise from ruin, revive from extinction."

Lin Yuan couldn't help whispering, thinking of this sentence again.

The world regards everything as a straw dog, and it is not only plants that rise and recover, but also all living things.

Human beings are naturally included in it. As the heavy snow keeps falling, the survival of ordinary people will be a problem.

And those who survived are the awakened ones, aliens, and those ordinary lives will be directly obliterated.

Facing the invaders and descendants from other worlds, there was nothing Lin Yuan could do, but he could only do nothing in the face of this heavy snow.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, he received news from Yang Bin that the number of awakened people in the world increased sharply.

Officials are trying to analyze whether there are special substances hidden in this heavy snow that can promote the awakening of the mysterious factors in the human body.

But nothing came of it.

This is also normal. These things could not be explained and analyzed by science as early as the blood day came.

Lin Yuan has been living in Laoshan all the time.

During this period of time, he discovered that the shackles between heaven and earth gradually disappeared.

Or it still exists, but at a higher level, Xiaoyaojing.

There was a faint guess in his mind, the so-called suppression of heaven and earth, the shackles, were not actually to restrict them.

But to protect them.

Because of this restricted suppression, the stronger the suppression of 2.9 people, the greater the suppression, so it is those invaders and descendants that are suppressed.

Ordinary people were unable to continue to break through after tearing the six shackles. In addition to the suppression of heaven and earth, another big reason is that the medicinal effects of strange flowers and fruits are not enough, which prevents them from accumulating breakthroughs.

So in general, the strength of everyone is still following the recovery of this world.

The situation of the Sea Clan must be that the resources in the sea are stronger than those on the mainland, and only then can those strong people be created.

Ever since the Sea Clan came to land, there were not many strong people who had broken the six shackles.

Lin Yuan is completely a special case. He directly forcibly broke the shackles with his strength without any strange flowers and fruits, and was judged to be a lightning strike.

"Huh? What's going on!"

Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst with light, it was the sound of a battle, it was shocking and sudden. .

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