My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 189: Nine Suns Magic Power Enhanced Version! (Kneeling To Subscribe)

The black hole exudes a terrifying traction force, trying to devour everything, even in the face of the nine Haosun, it is still not afraid.

The nine suns turned across the sky, and a looming shadow appeared inside, as if provoked by the black hole, the big sun shot straight towards the black hole like a meteorite.

In an instant, the black hole swallowed up the sun, but the black hole was assimilated, emitting endless Baijin light, extremely sacred, and fused into a holy Baijin sun, like a big sun oven, burning in the furnace, Baijin flames, soaring into the sky rise up, the holy fire is so powerful that it burns everything.

I don't know how long it took, the Great Sun disintegrated and split into nine Baijin Great Suns across the sky again. The flames burning on that body had a special quality, Devour! Purify!

At the same time, Lin Yuan began to integrate the books of internal strength and martial arts, and each book of martial arts appeared in this chaotic world.

These martial art manifestations are all falling into the sun one by one, serving as fuel and nourishment.

Time is passing slowly!

Lin Yuan opened his eyes, the eyes were deep, and there was a flash of Baijin's color light, which was breathtaking.

Of the 220 schools of martial arts, only 98 of them were fused this time, and 122 of them were not fused. The reason is very simple, the source power has been exhausted.

["Nine Suns Divine Art"-(1009 22 Eighteen Levels: Internal Strength +300,000, Yin and Yang Qi +100,000, Purification Power +100,000, Special Attributes: Power of Heaven and Man, True Meaning of Martial Arts, Sun and Moon Furnace)]

Lin Yuan looked at this attribute, and it was simple and rude. What really terrified him was the effect of the melting pot of the sun and the moon.

The power of purification, what is purification, what can be regarded as real purification, being burned by this flame, will be directly purified into nothingness, whether it is the body or the soul, it will be completely purified into nothingness, even Lin Yuan himself feels extremely overbearing .

The sun and moon melting furnace is the nine big suns in Lin Yuan's body, which can be transformed into a sun and moon melting furnace, which can refine and devour everything. Smelted and turned into one's own spirit.

Lin Yuan couldn't help looking at Taotie, because this effect made him feel very similar to Taotie's current effect, devouring and refining everything with his own power, turning it into the source to supplement his body.

"If that's the case, I'd better leave the unpalatable ones to Gouzi from now on." Lin Yuan thought to himself.

Taotie didn't know that Lin Yuan would swallow most of his rations.

"But what's the new name?" Lin Yuan looked at the name, since it was merged, a new name was naturally needed.

However, after much deliberation, he didn't think of a suitable name. Thinking that the foundation is still Jiuyang, he had an idea, so he called it, the enhanced version of Jiuyang magic power, and there can be some ultimate version, the ultimate version in the future.

Immediately, the four characters of Nine Suns Divine Art changed on the martial arts interface, and became an enhanced version of Nine Suns Divine Art.

Then he got up and walked out, looking at Taotie who was waiting outside, "How long did it take me to retreat this time?"

"Five days."

"I don't know if there are any major changes outside?" Lin Yuan said to himself.

"By the way, there is a message from your phone, it seems that there is something for you." Taotie said.

"Need me something?" Lin Yuan took back storage and mobile phones from Tao Tie's hand, changed into a new set of clothes,

He thought that in the battle with Nahua Tianxiong, he had shown terrifying fighting power, and he would not have any unsightly people come to trouble him in a short time.

Without thinking too much, Lin Yuan directly called Yang Bin to find out the situation.

"Boss Lin, you have to be careful. There is a group of extraterritorial creatures descending. They are extremely powerful and they are not kind." Yang Bin said directly when he received a call from Lin Yuan.

"These dogs dare to come to me, they really are not afraid of death."

Lin Yuan guessed that the real Happy Land came, a group of some kind of proud sons came, all of them were confident in themselves, and wanted to kill him to win fame, or to reward the saints.

Now he is short of source power, and has greatly improved, and he is worried that he can't find someone to test the sword.

"No, they invited you to discuss and discuss peaceful coexistence." Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Yang Bin secretly thought that President Lin was as domineering as ever.

"What? They've lost their minds." Lin Yuan was taken aback when he heard these words.

This thing is so absurd that this group of dogs from outside the territory will come to negotiate peace and discuss peaceful coexistence.

This reminded him of the so-called peace negotiation when the demon king came to Beijing.

And even invited him over, what kind of show operation is this, secretly ambush? Attack and kill?

He didn't believe that those dogs could sit down and have a good talk with him after he went there, and he himself didn't approve of the so-called peaceful coexistence.

Guessing confidently, he even suspects that the so-called peaceful coexistence is because the other party is afraid that he will have a so-called death counterattack, because the recovery of the world is accelerating, and the strong from outside the region will come one after another, and the fish will die and the net will be broken within this time.

"Okay, where to discuss it." Lin Yuan thought about it, since that's the case, it's better to go there directly.

The so-called discussion will naturally bring together many heterogeneous stars from the world of stars, which represents a lot of source power.

"Three days later, at Kunlun Mountain." Yang Bin said, "Boss Lin, I think it's better for you to be careful and not to go. The other party obviously has bad intentions."

"Okay." Lin Yuan nodded, hung up the phone directly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a sneer123.

It is impossible for this group of dogs not to know that Kunlun Mountain is his place, to occupy his famous mountain, and now to invite him to Kunlun to discuss peaceful coexistence, which obviously has no good intentions.

He wanted to see how capable Hua Tianxiong was in these real free and unfettered realms. At that time, Hua Tianxiong's picture scrolls were really extraordinary, so this time he went to really experience them again.

With the acceleration of the recovery of the world now, he must quickly obtain the source power and improve his strength, otherwise he will not know how he died.

Thinking of the big hole in his body, Lin Yuan felt a pain in his head, after all, the source of mental power consumption was very exaggerated.

"Let's go, Gouzi, let's go to Kunlun!" Lin Yuan jumped on Taotie and set off to Kunlun.

With the changes in the world, this journey has been hundreds of times longer than before, but three days is still more than enough at the gluttonous speed.

He asked Taotie if he still had peeping eyes, and Taotie told him that after walking out of the formation, several eyes fell down.

"It seems that those saints don't want to keep staring at me, this little shrimp."

Lin Yuan thought to himself, of course, it is also possible that Taotie can't feel the saint's gaze, since he saw it, he should see it.

After all, it doesn't matter if someone is staring at him all the time, anyway, those things can't come across the boundary, even through projection, he has no fear of incarnation outside his body or something. .

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