My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 53: Enter Beijing, Test! (New Book For Collection)

In the past two days, the circle of awakened people in the capital city has not been peaceful.

A folk stranger in a second-tier city, an awakened person, in his twenties, possesses S-level strength, which everyone can accept.

As a result, it was even rumored that this person solved an incarnation of divine sense alone.

This situation is different, isn't this comparable to an awakened nine-dan, SSS-level awakened person.

In addition, the news that this strong man will come to Beijing soon spread quickly in the small circle, and it spread like an uproar.

For low-end aliens, for such a strong and powerful person, it is natural to feel shocked and excited.

But in the top circle of awakened people, it has aroused the curiosity of many people.

Except for some people whose strength has reached the limit of the awakened person's strength, or those who are indifferent to fame and fortune, they don't care about these.

Although the others were not clearly stated, many people were not convinced.

A folk alien in a small provincial capital city, but by chance, he solved an incarnation of divine thoughts. The first reaction was luck, and the second reaction was dissatisfaction.

The capital is the place where the awakened ones gather. For the masters above S rank, apart from the S rank masters stationed in various places, 80% of them are in the first-tier cities, and 50% of the 80% are in the capital.

The appearance of Lin Yuan was a slap in the face to these awakened ones.

Therefore, many awakened people came to watch this trip, wanting to see what makes Lin Yuan special. After all, whether he has strength or not, we can get a glimpse of it in the test.

They are not mentally handicapped, just because of this, they go up to question for no reason, and if they offend others, they will be slapped in the face if it is true.

Before Lin Yuan arrived, there were already many experts waiting, some of them were far away from the special case team headquarters, and even took several hours to come here.


All the way Lin Yuan closed his eyes and rested his mind. He was confident that with his own strength, this test was just a formality.

Basically no waves.

After the helicopter landed, Leidong hesitated for a moment, but still reminded: "Brother Lin has many strong people today, and they will come to observe and evaluate."

"Strong man, what strength? Many? How many?"

"They are all above S rank. I just received a text message. Thirty-seven of them have come." Leidong looked a little embarrassed. Didn't say anything, if there is free time nearby, those who can come have already come.


Lin Yuan chewed on this number silently, did he treat him like a monkey, and it seemed that there were more masters in this world than he imagined.

"They don't want to know me, do they?"

Lin Yuan said a cold joke abruptly.

"This... I don't know, but I suggest that it's best to show your full strength in the test!"

Lei Dong couldn't help coughing, and lowered his head involuntarily, after all, this matter has something to do with him.

Lin Yuan nodded expressionlessly, thinking in his heart, "Sure enough, as I thought at the beginning, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, fighting, want to see your own strength?"

It seems that this incarnation of divine sense is indeed much more powerful than he imagined. Only one such incident has allowed him to gain such a reputation, and at the same time, he was questioned by this group of people.

"It's not easy to get some martial arts cheats."

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly.

How can he be questioned by ordinary people!

He got serious in his heart.

And you can lose anything, but you can't lose face!

It just happened to be able to test again. After the transformation of the whole person this time, what is his own strength? If there are people who don't have long-sighted people jump out, he doesn't mind letting them try his flame knife.

As soon as the helicopter landed, there was a special car to pick it up. The car drove all the way, and soon turned into a building complex.

The national emblem at the door gives people a kind of solemnity and solemnity, and there are four strong gilded characters written below it.

"Special case team headquarters!"

Eighty percent of all awakened people in the country have been recorded, especially now that more and more people are awakened among the people. Every few months, there will be monitoring and spot checks to see if there are any hidden awakened people.

Those who have no criminal records will be recruited. If you don't want to enter the system, you have to register and monitor them. It will not stop until it is finally determined that the other party is not in danger and can control its own abilities well.

With resources, geographical advantage, economy, and even special policies, talents are deliberately siphoned off, and supernatural events erupting in these cities are relatively frequent.

This also caused nearly half of the awakened people in Huaxia Kingdom to be in the capital.

Get off the car and go straight.

Here, the woods are hidden, the environment is beautiful, and the environment is quiet.

A long corridor, covered with vines, stood there to hide from the hot sun, there were men and women, with a wide age span, ranging from teens to fifties or sixties.

The news of Lin Yuan's arrival attracted many people's attention.

After walking through the corridor, there is another courtyard gate.

"If you are less than S rank, you are not eligible to enter."

Leidong leads the way ahead.

Lin Yuan nodded, pushed the door and walked into the courtyard, which was a very wide space.

The ground under his feet was covered with thick steel plates, and there were footprints everywhere on it, full of a metallic smell.

Lin Yuan looked at the scene in front of him, and something seemed to be shattered in his heart.

There is no high-tech test that I have seen at all.

There were many figures around. After Lin Yuan came in, some stood up and smiled to signal, while others were expressionless.

These are respectable people with aloof status.

And it's not a conflict of interest.

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart and wanted to see the quality of this "lucky guy", but no one made rumors or slandered him.

Facing so many powerful onlookers, Lin Yuan didn't take it to heart at all, and his face didn't change.

An imposing old man came out, followed by several staff members.

"I will take the test this time, Mr. Lin, I wonder if you are ready?"

"Okay!" Lin Yuan nodded.

"Okay, the test is very simple, there is not so much hypocrisy, first test the relevant physical fitness, and then directly fight against it,"

The physical fitness test mainly refers to hearing, vision, strength, speed, and reaction among the five senses.

In fact, there is another one, which is special ability.

But the old man didn't mention it, because not everyone has special abilities, and not everyone is willing to disclose their special abilities. This is a hole card, so he won't take the initiative to ask.

If someone does not understand their special abilities and fails to develop them, they will speak up and ask for help.

Then start listening!

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