On February 1, 2020, this book was uploaded.

Today, February 11, the book will be on the shelves, a total of twelve days, this speed is not considered hard work in Feilu, but it is not fast either.

But it's hard work to code every day.

Now that it's on the shelves, it's natural to write a testimonial.

The author is a newcomer.

You can code up to 2,000 words per hour per day.

But now that I am at home, as long as everyone supports me, I can sleep for eight hours a day, eat and drink for two hours, and the rest of the time can be used for coding.

I hope everyone will give some motivation.

Thank you so much readers!

If you have seen this, I hope you can click a subscription, thank you very much!

As for the update issue.

The approximate process is to put it on the shelves today, and ten chapters will be updated first.

More stable updates will be made 4-5 times a day!

If you tip, everyone is welcome, just one dollar!

For others, I don't have much BB either.

This book now has 32,000 V receipts, so set a goal, guarantee a minimum of 800 plus one update, and add one update for every one hundred subscriptions, there is no upper limit! ! ! !

This is equivalent to as long as forty people have a subscription.

Thank you so much! ! !

Keep typing, thanks! ! ! ! ! !

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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