My Martial Arts Have No Limit

Chapter 92: The Gate Of Ghost Domain Sends Source Power (Kneeling To Subscribe)

"Boss Lin, you're here."

As soon as the two got out of the car, one of them came up to say hello.

Lin Yuan nodded and patted him on the shoulder, immediately flattering him.

This person is Zhu Fan. When the Demon King entered the capital, he was a powerful Chinese man who guarded the capital, but what made Lin Yuan remember him was his extraordinary cooking skills.

It is indeed from New Oriental, and the flame ability is self-sufficient.

It is a talent.

In Kunlun Mountains, those monster kings who turned into ferocious birds and beasts had to be fueled by Lin Yuan himself.

Zhu Fan led the two of them to continue forward. There was a hut there, which was a temporary building.

As if sensing Lin Yuan's aura, two figures walked out of it.

These two people are the strongest in China who tore the six shackles, Wuxin and Wanluo.

"Hahahaha, the old man's name is Wan Luo, Mr. Lin, and he has known his name for a long time."

Wan Luo stepped forward and greeted Lin Yuan very warmly. He is very old, his hair is already gray, but his eyes are still deep, his complexion is rosy, and he is in good spirits.

"Wuxin, I have long admired your name."

Compared with Wan Luo, Wu Xin seemed much more indifferent, and just nodded slightly to Lin Yuan. At the same time, he was very young, in his thirties and forties, with an indifferent expression, with a feeling of calmness and prestige, his eyes opened and closed, Has a frightening brilliance.

"Lin Yuan, I have admired these two great names for a long time."

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded in greeting.

"If we can invite Mr. Lin to help us, our chances of winning are already more than half. Regarding the situation here, if Mr. Lin has any questions, the old man can help you."

"I don't have any big problems. After the three ghost kings come out, I just need to restrain them? What will happen if I kill them?"

Lin Yuan asked a question, and the other party asked him to restrain it, saying that it was to consume the power of the ghost domain gate, and then break the gate through other methods.

So he took a look, if he killed it directly, would there be power to return.

"If it's a hero who is a boy, if you can kill it, you will naturally kill it, but the old man, we can only restrain them forcibly and prevent them from escaping."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, he couldn't help but look at Lin Yuan involuntarily.

At the same time, Zhu Fan and Yang Bin also secretly thought in their hearts, it's not bad that it is Mr. Lin, who is really confident and dare to say it.

"Boss Lin can adjust his breath first. The situation at the gate of the ghost domain will change drastically only at night, and the three ghost kings may appear. It seems that there are still two hours left."

"may appear?"

"Yes, so this is the most troublesome thing. The initiative has always been in their hands. We are very passive. We need to adjust our best state at any time and wait for their attack."

Wan Luo sighed a little while speaking, the others were also slightly startled, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressed.

"Well, let me take a look first."

Lin Yuan nodded, it was really troublesome to be the passive side.

According to the situation, it is very simple to solve the problem of this ghost domain in Fengdu, all you need to do is smash the gate of this ghost domain.

Failure to break is just that the strength of all the people involved is not enough to cause damage to the gate of the ghost domain.

Now it is discovered that the ghost king inside will consume the power of the gate of the ghost domain, so that they can see the hope of breaking the gate.

"Don't stay too long near the gate of the ghost domain, it consumes a lot of mental power."

Wuxin saw that Lin Yuan wanted to go to the gate of the ghost domain, so he opened his mouth to remind him.

"So the key point is not whether the ghost king is the ghost king, but whether the door can be smashed."

Lin Yuan nodded and walked towards the gate of the ghost domain, wanting to take a closer look to understand the situation, thinking in his heart.

When he arrived at this place, there was no one stationed nearby. As he approached, he could feel that the surrounding air was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a murmur in the air.

This let him know what Wuxin meant when he said that his mental power was exhausted, and why no one was guarded here. I am afraid that ordinary people will go crazy if they stay here for too long.

Lin Yuan's face was calm, and he continued to walk forward. As he walked forward, the inexplicable, strange and evil whisper became more and more clear.

It seemed to be echoing in his ears, but he still couldn't hear what he was saying. It was an inaudible frequency, and the effect was extremely strange, and it seemed to be a different kind of prophecy, coming from a very far away place. .

Gradually, this whispering sound began to arouse the human body's distracting thoughts, emotions and desires at the same time. To expand it, people will be unconsciously upset, restless, and have an urge to vent violence.

"It's like a polluting force."

Lin Yuan continued to move forward, and the golden lake between his eyebrows shone brightly. Inside was a small golden figure, like a fairy king, sitting cross-legged, dignified and unaffected by the whispering situation.

These whispers, to Lin Yuan, were pitifully weak, at least they had to be magnified dozens or hundreds of times to affect him.

Approaching the gate of the ghost domain, Lin Yuan reached out to touch it, and it felt like he was pinching a ball of flesh and blood.

At the same time, the moment he touched the gate of the ghost realm, the inexplicable, weird and evil murmur inside was amplified infinitely, and a translucent black airflow suddenly condensed, appearing around Lin Yuan's body.

Continuing to look at the gate of the ghost domain, so close at this time, he saw that besides countless pale bone hands and ghostly carvings on the frame, there were also some weird curved things that seemed to be words.

There are tadpole inscriptions and oracle bone inscriptions, which are extremely complex, and the pattern style is the same as those of the receipt carvings.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't know these things, he walked around the gate of the ghost domain, he didn't see anything, and he didn't find anything.

It's just that the weird and evil whispers echoing in his ears became more and more frequent, which made him a little irritable.

Even if it doesn't affect him at all, this situation is like having a mosquito buzzing next to his ear while sleeping, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

He tried to put his hand in the transparent ripples in the door frame, and passed through without any barriers, and he couldn't enter the other world from here.

"No wonder they are so passive." Now he understood why Huaxia was so passive, and could only attack by the other side. They didn't have any understanding of the opposite side.

"Now, let me see how hard it is!"

Lin Yuan clenched his fist with five fingers, and an invisible coercion was released, and a wave of hotness faintly gushed out from his fist.



There was a tiny crackling sound.

Where he just hit his fist, a tiny crack appeared, splitting a gap the size of a fingernail.

That small opening was pitch black, with a bloody smell, and a large amount of Yin Qi was constantly rolling and surging, and at the same time, a faint black air was directly sucked into Lin Yuan's body.

At the same time, a promotion sounded.

[Ding dong, get source power 5]

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