My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 998 Guessing and Lan Ruo's Identity

The Ziyue Secret Realm has been born, and has begun to integrate into the outside world over the years, and has absorbed many outside disciples, but it still only accepts female disciples.

And Chen Fan had just arrived at the Purple Moon Sect.

Then he saw Ziyun, the suzerain of Ziyue sect, and Ziyan, the deputy suzerain, waiting outside.

"Chen Fan, you are here!"

Ziyun walked forward with a smile, "Xiaozu has been waiting for you for a long time."

I haven't seen him in twenty years, but Ziyun already has the cultivation base of the fourth level of longevity, and he has entered the realm quite well. He can be the suzerain of the Ziyue sect. Of course it won't be bad.

Chen Fan nodded: "Sect Master Zi, please."

Follow the second daughter into Ziyue Sect.

Soon came to a tall pavilion.

I haven't seen her for more than 20 years, but Lan Ruo still looks petite, but she is two or three years older than she looked at the beginning.

"The little ancestor brought..."

Lan Ruo nodded with a smile: "Two suzerains, please."

"Xiao Zu is polite. If there is nothing wrong, my sister and I will leave first." Ziyun and Ziyan retreated immediately.

Lan Ruo turned around and looked at Chen Fan.

Goodbye, two people.

Both sides have subtle expressions.

"I'm finally waiting for you." Lan Ruo's tone was filled with resentment.

Chen Fan "coughed": "Because there were quite a few accidents... But the ten years you mentioned, Miss Lan Ruo, is not too long, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Lan Ruo shook her head: "It's not a problem, but it's a little trouble... However, compared to your cultivation base at this time, this little trouble shouldn't be a problem."

In fact, if he was really in a hurry, he would naturally find a way to contact Chen Fan.

Even in the sea of ​​chaos, there are ways to communicate with the outside world.

The person did not take the initiative to contact Chen Fan again, which also showed that the delay was not important at all.

She said that her eyes were also slightly shining, and her expression was extremely subtle: "I never expected that in just over twenty years, you would have such an exaggerated level of cultivation..."

"If it weren't for the fact that your soul aura is fine, I would have thought you were the one who reincarnated!"

Chen Fan frowned, but said with a smile: "Miss Lan Ruo, you are amazed at my advancement in cultivation, and I am also surprised at your advancement."

"I have such superior cultivation conditions in the Ten Realms Pagoda, and Meihui's century-old help from the secret realm, plus some subsequent encounters, I have just broken through the fourth level of longevity... But if I read correctly, Miss Lan Ruo, you are now Have you reached the fourth level of longevity?"

When I first met him, he was only Kunou.

His strength is no worse than Chen Fan's!

Lan Ruo shook her head with a delicate expression: "You didn't have to compare with me, but you not only did, but you are not worse than me."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Miss Lan Ruo, is it convenient to reveal your identity now?"

Lan Ruo nodded: "With your talent and strength, you are expected to understand the Dao in the future, so you are naturally qualified to know some secrets."

Chen Fan licked his lips, his eyes flickered, and he guessed: "If my guess is correct, Miss Lan Ruo, she should be the reincarnation of Immortal Ziyue, right?"

Lan Ruo smiled sweetly: "Have you always thought so?"

When Chen Fan heard the words, he couldn't help but paused: "Isn't it?"

Lan Ruo smiled again and said: "I am indeed a reincarnated person, but I was not Ziyue Immortal in my previous life... The reason why I stayed in Ziyue Sect is because the relationship between me and Ziyue Immortal is good enough... ...I need to rely on the power of the Ziyue Sect, and the Ziyue Sect who lost the immortal also needs my existence..."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and was startled: "The Ziyue Immortal...?"

The reason why he suspects that Lan Ruo is Ziyue Immortal.

It was precisely because Lan Ruo was called "Little Ancestor" and was treated so politely by the Ziyue Sect, and Chen Fan had also heard about the mysterious disappearance of the Ziyue Immortal, so it was inevitable to make some guesses when he thought about it.

He didn't expect that he guessed wrong!

Lan Ruo sighed and said:

"Ziyue is not dead, but she was seriously injured and fell asleep, her true spirit was almost destroyed, and she is not even as chic as a reincarnated person like me..."

"If there is no accident, when Tianyuan comes again, Ziyue wakes up again, and it will be the day of her final death."

"This..." Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but he couldn't help but sigh.

A majestic immortal, reduced to this point, naturally makes people feel infinitely sad.

"Is there no one who can help Immortal Ziyue?"

He couldn't help but said: "As an immortal, if Immortal Ziyue can recover, her effect on our world should be much better than her current state?"

Chen Fan once heard Bai Zhi say that the number of demon kings and immortals in the world is only two figures, and the number of people who understand the Dao is no more than two hundred at most.

The strength of every master who comprehends Dao Dao is very important. Could it be that there are no other masters to help this person recover?

Lan Ruo smiled wryly and shook her head: "Ziyue's injury is too serious, and there are only very few people in this world who can save her, and the price to save her is too high, but it has already exceeded her own significance to this world..."

"And among those people, there is no one who has a good relationship with Ziyue enough to save her regardless of the cost for her."

When Chen Fan heard the words, he hesitated to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

In the final analysis, he didn't know anything about Immortal Ziyue, and he didn't know how much he would have to pay to save him. Although he felt uncomfortable to some extent, he was more helpless and lamented.

The two were silent for a moment.

"I don't know...Miss Lan Ruo, who was your previous life?"

Chen Fan asked cautiously.

The person directly called Immortal Ziyue Ziyue, which can explain that in his previous life, he was probably not weaker than Ziyue, and naturally he was also a master of the immortal rank.

Lan Ruo smiled and looked at Chen Fan: "I was not a human race in my previous life, but one of the innate demon gods known as 'Zhouguang Demon God'..."

"I ask you for help this time to take you to the place where I fell in my previous life. I need your power to lead me to find something..."

Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard that.

It turns out that Lan Ruo was a demon king in her previous life!

The division of Demon God King and Immortal is not based on their respective races.

It's not that the Human Race's Dao of Enlightenment is an immortal, but the Demon King's Dao of Enlightenment is the King of Demon Gods.

In fact, this is related to the process of practice.

The way to practice martial arts is to become an immortal. Immortals must be cultivated slowly by acquired souls.

On the other hand, the Demon God King's journey pays more attention to blood inheritance and returns to the source, so they are more of a foreign race.

So having a demon king is an innate achievement.

In fact, the two lead to the same goal by different routes. As the existence of the same enlightenment, whether it is a fairy or a demon king, after achieving this series, their personalities are the same.

But at this time, a voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart, and it came from the spirit of the Immortal Mansion.

"This brat is actually the reincarnation of 'Zhou Guang Demon God'?!"

It was a rather shocked tone.

Chen Fan's heart moved: "Senior Fuling, do you recognize Zhouguang Demon God?"

Fu Ling replied:

"Immortal Pengxuan has dealt with the 'Zhouguang Demon God' several times. Not only is this guy powerful, but his methods are also extremely strange. I didn't expect him to choose to reincarnate and recultivate, and he even became a girl."

Chen Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Isn't Zhou Guang Demon God a woman?"

Fu Ling replied: "'Zhouguang Demon God' is a special life, an innate spirit, regardless of gender!"

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