My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1003 Demon Domain and Treasure House

The junction of the Northwest Region and the Western Region.

"It's here..."

Similar to Nanyunmo and Chaos Sea, Yaoyu is also located in a special different space.

If you want to enter it, you can only go through a fixed entrance.

Before the great change of the world, the Monster Realm was like the Sand Clan in Nanyunmo. Although there were many monster clans living in it, many of the powerful and ancient monster clans left over from the past era were in a state of seclusion.

Until recent years, those races were slowly born.

Before coming to the entrance, Chen Fan could feel the abnormal space fluctuations under the "Space Secret Codex".

Shaking his head, with a thought, he activated "So Far Away".


Over the dusky brown continent.

Between the flickering space, a figure suddenly appeared in the air.

"This is the demon domain?"

Chen Fan felt the power of heaven and earth in the air was restless and chaotic, the sky was blood red, and a huge bright moon hung in the sky.

The light is far less bright than the outside world.

In the demon domain, the gravity is obviously heavier, and the consciousness will be restricted, but not to mention comparing with the Sun God Court, even Nan Yunmo is far inferior.

The pressure is not too much.

Chen Fan stirred up his consciousness, then raised his eyebrows.

The body turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

In the lush and gloomy woods, cat people with cat heads, but wrapped in animal skins and walking upright, quickly shuttled through the dense forest.

And behind the cat man, a huge black wolf opened its sharp fangs, roaring and chasing after him.

This big wolf was one foot tall, and exuded this cold and fierce aura from his whole body.

The two are chasing and fleeing.

A sudden figure appeared in front of the fleeing catman.

When the catman's pupils contracted sharply, he only heard a scream and muffled sound behind him.

He turned around in astonishment, only to find that the body of the big wolf chasing him had been separated and fell to the ground.

The catman immediately faced Chen Fan's position, knelt on the ground, and said these things in his mouth.

Although the Yaozu, because of different races, have completely different languages, but the Yaozu also has a unified standard language. What the cat people say is the common language of the Yaozu.

Chen Fan could understand it naturally.

What the cat man said was gratitude for his help.

This catman is obviously not an ordinary monster race. He is obviously not very powerful, but he already understands wisdom and language. This is why Chen Fan rescued the cat casually.

"Where is this place?"

Chen Fan had never been to the Demon Territory before. Although he had a map of the Demon Territory provided by Liuerhou, he really didn't know where he was after he came in.

The catman knelt on the ground respectfully: "My lord, this is Langshan..."

With a thought, Chen Fan quickly confirmed his location through what the cat man said.

"The target location is only ten thousand miles away from Wolf Mountain. For Chen Fan who owns Xiaodie, this distance is extremely close."

He turned into a phantom, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Two hours later.

The streamer is stirring.

Chen Fan stopped in front of a dark cave.

This is exactly what Liuerhou said at the beginning, leaving behind the location of the treasure house.

It's just that Chen Fan's expression is a bit subtle at this time.

"Huh? Has someone come to my treasure house?"

With a sweep of his consciousness, he found that the door to the treasure house that Liu Erhou said had already been opened.

The formation enchantment set up outside has also disappeared.

"The barriers and formations set up by Liuerhou may not be able to be opened in general at the sixth level of longevity..."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

The door had obviously been broken open violently.

It is impossible for ordinary people to know where the Liuerhou treasure house is.

This treasury is hidden extremely deeply, and a hidden formation is set up.

"However, even if an outsider opens the treasury, there is no way to enter it, and they will be restrained by numerous formations. It is not so easy to obtain the treasures in it. Those who are not strong enough will not be able to enter the depths of the treasury for hundreds of years... ..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

As a master of Fenghou, Liuerhou also arranged quite a lot of puppets, soldiers, and various formations and restrictions in his treasure house.

According to Liuerhou, its treasure house is divided into three layers.

The further you go, the stricter the guards.

Even the first two weights.

Generally, it is not easy to break through the sixth level of longevity.

As for the third level, the average Fenghou master may not be able to break through it.

Chen Fan activated the "Concealment" state, but immediately rushed into the treasure house.

With a sweep of consciousness, he found that the treasure house was extremely messy.

The treasure house on the first floor, the formation enchantment, and the guarded puppets and soldiers have all been killed.

Chen Fan didn't stop for a moment, and rushed to the second floor.

The second layer was also in a terrible state of distress, and under his spiritual consciousness, he also found a few monsters that were attacking the next layer of enchantment formation.

A total of five monsters.

The tiger deer goat demon and two demon apes.

The first three monsters are full of energy and blood, and their aura is terrifying. The tiger demon and the deer demon are at the fifth level of longevity, and the sheep demon is at the sixth level of longevity. The two monster apes, one is at the fifth level of longevity, and the other little demon ape is not even immortal. It is the top ten.

Chen Fan recognized at a glance that the little demon ape was Liu Erhou's son, or more precisely, his foster son, and his name was Ape Li.

The long-lived fifth-layer demon ape next to Ape Li should be Liu Erhou's subordinate, and he kept the protection of Ape Li.

But from the current situation.

The monster ape at the fifth level of longevity was dripping with blood, his breath was weak, and his ape power was also full of horror, obviously in a state of being coerced by the tiger, deer and sheep monsters!

"No wonder these guys were able to find this treasure house. It should be the information revealed by Yuanli..."

It's just that even though Yuan Li is the adoptive son of Liu Erhou, he doesn't know how to enter the deeper part of the treasure house.

These people should have been stuck here for a long time.

Chen Fan and Liu Erhou made an oath to the Dao of Heaven, and seeing this scene, it is naturally impossible to sit idly by.

As for the three-headed monsters, they are the strongest at the sixth level of longevity. Although they are powerful in energy and blood, in terms of strength level, they are only equivalent to the level of the eight-story Tongtian Pagoda. Chen Fan is not afraid at all.

Chen Fan hid his body and stepped forward, using the Void Hidden Sword Technique, he scored the fourth move and cut out from the void.

Terrifying sword energy suddenly erupted in the dark cavern.

The goat demon didn't react at all.

The sword energy rushed towards Qi Yao's body in an instant.

It's just that a black phantom suddenly rose from his body, like a thick layer of armor, facing Chen Fan's sword energy.


The sharp sword energy was completely blocked by this layer of black "armor".

However, there were some ripples.

"Eh?" A look of surprise flashed across Chen Fan's face.

His shot didn't use all his strength.

After all, facing an ordinary sixth-layer longevity, he didn't need to use all his strength at all.

But even so, it still surprised him that the opponent was able to block his move.

"The treasure that can block my sword so easily must be at least a high-level defensive weapon!"

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

Generally, the sixth level of longevity masters may not necessarily be able to have high-star Taoism artifacts, let alone defensive Taoism artifacts that are far more precious than attacking Taoism artifacts.

This sheep demon with the sixth level of longevity can have such a treasure, either because of good luck, or because he is a second generation demon.

Although he successfully blocked this move, the sheep demon was also full of shock.

"Which family are you from? You dare to sneak attack even the sheep general of Yinwu Mountain!" Before the sheep demon could speak, the deer demon and tiger demon next to him rushed forward one by one.

Chen Fan sneered, blood burst out from his body, and he swung his sword forward with a cold face.


The sword energy surged up!

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