My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1005 Request and Secret

Seeing Chen Fan approaching him, the big demon also asked coldly:

"It was you who killed me, General Hidden Mist Goat?"

What he said confirmed Chen Fan's guess, and it really came from Hidden Mist Mountain.

Chen Fan also nodded directly: "Your general sheep threatened and hurt my junior. If I hadn't come in time, my junior would have died..."

As soon as this remark came out, the owner of Yinwu Mountain showed a contemplative look on his face, and shook his head for a while: "You can kill a sheep general, and you are not an ordinary monster. How dare you report your name and origin?"

Although he maintained his human form, it was obvious that the other party also recognized him as a monster.

The human race is so in love with heaven, and when the strength of various alien races grows up, they all turn into human forms.

Chen Fan shook his head and said nothing.

He is from outside, so it is naturally impossible to reveal his identity easily, and he is too lazy to make up a monster identity, so he just doesn't say it.


The light in Chen Fan's hand flickered, and the Leng Feng sword appeared in his hand, but he didn't continue to talk nonsense with the sheep demon, but directly slashed at it with his sword.

Seeing Chen Fan being so impolite, the sheep demon's eyes flickered, and his body swelled up immediately.

In fact, although it is indeed the head goat demon, it is quite different from the previous goat general.

As a master of Fenghou, his body is not as big as Chen Fan imagined, and it is even far inferior to the previous sheep demon.

The previous goat demon was tens of feet tall, but it was as tall as dozens of floors, which is quite exaggerated.

And the sheep demon in front of him is only four or five feet tall.

I don't know if it's because of the supernatural powers he cultivated, or because of the special race of the goat demon.

Of course, although the body is small, the aura is quite exaggerated, and the whole body is full of evil spirits, with streaks of black energy spreading from the sheep demon.

Chen Fan also felt great pressure.

Facing such a master, Chen Fan's face was full of excitement instead of fear.

In Daqian, under the pressure of the Demon Emperor, Chen Fan sneaked up on him twice, but he didn't have a hearty battle with him at all.

Afterwards, the ancestor of the Sword Sect has also sparred many times, but sparring is sparing after all, and it is naturally different from actual life-and-death battles.

Chen Fan also felt quite sorry.

Facing this terrifying sheep demon, Chen Fan was able to fight heartily with all his might.

He raised the cold front sword in his hand.

The sharp sword energy pierced the sky, and instantly slashed at the sheep demon.

Facing Chen Fan's turbulent sword energy, the goat demon was surrounded by black energy, condensing into a sheep-shaped phantom similar to his own body, and rushed forward with two giant horns coiled up.

Boom boom boom!

After the fiery roar, Chen Fan's figure fluttered and swayed with the strong wind.

Chen Fan's whole body's Qi and blood fluctuated, and blood overflowed from seven orifices.

There was also a solemn look on his face.

The sheep demon on the opposite side was unscathed.

He didn't urge "Picking the Stars", but with his strength at this time, he was much stronger than the average Fenghou. The one who could easily block his extreme moves was not the Fengwang, but the Fenghou Peak.

After the solemnity passed, a blush flashed across his face, but his heart became even more excited.

The sword in his hand didn't stop.

With the blessings of the double berserk and the Immortal Vajra Body, all kinds of moves are thrown out one after another.

The more the goat demon fought, the more frightened he became.

For the sheep demon, the power of Chen Fan's moves is not too strong, he can easily resist, but the problem is that his own moves can't have much effect on Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's White Emperor Armor defense is too perverted.

Even with the strength of this sheep demon, the attack will be weakened by more than 90%.

The remaining 10% could not cause much harm to Chen Fan.

After another roar.

"No more fights! No more fights!" The goat demon suddenly shrunk down again, his eyes gleaming with faint brilliance.

Chen Fan sneered, but also put away the sword in his hand.

Although the fight was hearty and hearty, and he didn't suffer many injuries, he knew that it was almost impossible for him to win.

He didn't have the determination to fight this big monster to the death, so naturally he didn't need to use "Star Reaching".

But the sheep demon didn't see the momentum just now, and said: "I didn't expect that since I, Yinwu Mountain, came here, you and other masters... Since they are my subordinates, they deserve your death if they kill your juniors first."

Chen Fan looked at the big monster, but he sneered in his heart.

Just now he was beating life and death, but now he is so kind, Chen Fan can't believe that he is so easy to talk.

The sheep demon continued: "I don't know if you would like to visit my house..."

"Then there's no need." Chen Fan sneered and waved his hands, feeling very strange in his heart.

What did the sheep demon eat, and his mind turned so strangely.

He is not a fool, how could he go to the house of someone who beat him to death just a moment ago.

After all, he also turned around and turned into a streamer and left.

But the goat demon immediately said: "Your Excellency, go slowly—"

"Huh?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and turned his head, his eyes flickering: "Hit you and don't hit you, and you don't let me go, what exactly do you want?"

With "The Secret Code of the Universe" and Xiao Die around, if he wanted to leave, the goat demon couldn't stop him.

It's just that he wondered what purpose this guy had.

The sheep demon shook his head: "Although your strength is strong, you are no more than an ordinary feudal lord, slightly worse than me, but I have nothing to do with you. If my guess is should have a nine-star suit on you." A level defensive weapon, right?"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes: "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

Although the White Emperor Armor has just returned to the eight-star level, it is definitely no worse than the general nine-star Taoist artifact!

It is reasonable to say that it is a nine-star defensive weapon.

Seeing Chen Fan's attitude, the sheep demon's eyes became brighter: "You may as well tell your Excellency, I have been looking for a master like you for a long time..."

"Huh?" Chen Fan frowned deeply: "What do you mean?"

But the sheep demon said: "Some things are not convenient for me to say directly, but I need your strength... If you are willing to make an oath of heaven and promise not to leak it in any way, then I can tell you."

Chen Fan sneered: "You don't want to talk about falling down. I don't care about it."

He turned around again and turned into a streamer.

call out!

The goat demon chased after him again: "Wait."

His face is also full of helplessness:

"I can only tell you a little bit of information... This matter involves the secrets of the ancient dragon and elephant clan in my demon realm, and it will be of great benefit to you...I can't tell you too much."

"Dragon Elephant Clan?" Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Chen Fan has checked a lot of ancient materials in the church.

But he also knows some secrets of the Dragon Elephant Clan.

It is said that the Dragon Elephant Clan is one of the four great clans of the Demon Territory and one of the founders of the Demon Territory. It is said that they are descendants of the ancient dragon's bloodline. It is impossible to verify whether it is true or not.

After all, too much time has passed.

In Chen Fan's opinion, the possibility that the Four Great Divine Courts will allow the descendants of the Gu Long clan to stay is not too high.

Judging from those intelligence contents, the patriarch of the Dragon Elephant Clan is an ultimate existence.

It's just that he and the Dragon Elephant Clan were destroyed in the dust of history later, and Chen Fan didn't know the specific reason for their destruction.

What this goat demon said immediately attracted Chen Fan.

Even with the hang-up talent, Chen Fan's goal is the ultimate, even above the ultimate, but it has to be said that he is still quite far from the ultimate.

Chen Fan really couldn't ignore things about the ultimate existence.

He intertwined the eyes of the sheep demon, then nodded and said: "I am willing to make an oath to heaven, you can tell..."

Thank you Zhou Yushou, readers 1459325342246236160, and Yongtian 666 for their rewards

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