Some things should naturally be said first.

The power of his White Emperor A is very important, and the second demon is also very aware of this.

The two demons had obviously communicated in advance, and Po Yue said directly:

"If the three of us discover treasures together, then we will share them equally. Brother Fan Chen, you have the priority to choose... supernatural powers, secret methods, etc., then the three of us will share them, and no one can practice in advance."

"And if we separate, then whoever gets the treasure will belong to each other."

Chen Fan nodded, but there was no objection.

He immediately sat down cross-legged and began to adjust his breath.

Although his injuries were not serious, and he didn't even need to activate the power of the source beads, it was better to be more cautious.

After a cup of tea, Chen Fan stood up again: "Let's go!"

"You are all in human form, don't be more than ten feet away from me!" Chen Fan said to the two demons.

The two demons also nodded one by one.

The smaller the body, the smaller the attack surface, and the White Emperor Armor can save a lot of power.

As soon as Chen Fan moved his mind, an illusory white armor began to enlarge around his body, enveloping the two demons in human form.

First rehearsed outside, agreed on the speed of progress, and then one man and two monsters stepped into the corridor.

Then, the light in the sky rushed towards the three of them.

One after another roar continued to explode.

Although the White Emperor Armor is powerful, its disadvantage is that it cannot completely isolate the impact of the outside world.

One person and two demons were also full of energy and blood, and their faces were solemn.

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

Entering it this time, the number of light spot attacks suffered was obviously much higher than Chen Fan's previous two attempts.

"It seems that it is because of the number of people..."

Chen Fan frowned.

In this case, to protect the three of them, Baihuangjia would have to bear more light spot impacts, so naturally the energy consumption would go without saying.

Every moment, a large amount of Yuanjing is being burned.

However, Chen Fan had made an agreement with the two demons long ago, and the two demons would also share Chen Fan's own consumption.

But he didn't feel distressed at all.

The further they walked in, the more exaggerated the number of shocks the three suffered.

However, with the weakening of the White Emperor Armor, no amount of impact would cause serious injuries to the three of them.

One man and two demons quickly passed through the corridor.

"Finally here! Hahaha!"

The two demons also showed ecstasy on their faces.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and smiled without saying a word.

The energy consumed by Baihuangjia's defense is all the primordial crystals infused in advance, but his own source energy is not consumed too much.

He looked up and looked around.

After passing through this long corridor, several people entered a grand hall.

Huge and towering columns on both sides stand all around.

In the hall, apart from the long corridor where Chen Fan and others came in, there was only one huge golden door, which was tightly closed.

After confirming that there are no other gates or passages, one person and two monsters also stepped forward to the gate.

There are no restrictions or formations on the gate, but it took a lot of effort from the three of them to finally push the gate open.

Behind the door is another closed room.

The room was huge, but in the empty room, there were high platforms and shelves, on which the aura flashed, but inside the aura were densely packed gourds.

The gourds and the aura are placed in a ladder shape, with a total of three floors. The closer to the middle, the more dense the aura.

It's just that there are fewer gourds in it, and there are thousands of gourds in the outermost layer, all of which are in the shape of sapphire.

The second layer of blue, only a few dozen.

On the last layer, there is only one purple-gold gourd, and the aura around it is also the deepest.

"It's a ban!"

The eyes of the three people intertwined. Needless to say, they all knew that this should be the treasure hidden in the palace here.

"You two, don't act rashly, wait for me to check it first..." Li Ben spoke first, and then walked to the high platform.

Po Yue also turned his head to look at Chen Fan: "Li Ben has a lot of research on restraints and formations..."

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, and followed the two to the back of Li Ben.

In fact, he also knows a thing or two about the formation, although he doesn't know much.

Chen Fan couldn't see at all what kind of restrictions were set in it.

But you can stare at it and make some small moves on defense.

Li Ben cautiously changed his position back and forth to observe the restriction, his eyes were burning, but he had been observing for a long time before he wiped the sweat from his head, and then pointed to a certain position.

"Listen to my instructions, we will attack this position together later."

Constrained by the oath of the Dao of Heaven, Chen Fan was not afraid of Li Ben's deceiving himself, and started to attack according to Li Ben's instructions.

This prohibition level is ridiculously high.

There are three steps in total.

The three of them attacked continuously for three days before they finally forcibly broke through the outermost layer of fluorescent restrictions on it.

Li Ben breathed a sigh of relief, and also said:

"This is the prohibition of the demon god series. If it hadn't been for the loss of most of the power over time, the three of us wouldn't even be able to break through the first layer in a hundred years..."

The first layer of restriction was broken.

Thousands of gourds on the outermost layer are also exposed.

Of course, the little gourd is bigger than Chen Fan's whole body.

Each of these gourds is as tall as Lin Lei alone, and thousands of gourds densely placed here are also quite spectacular.

After all, it is a treasure left by the Dragon Elephant Clan, so it is naturally impossible to match the size of the Human Clan.

Chen Fan stepped forward and picked up a bottle of gourd.

There is a stopper on the gourd.

Chen Fan opened it, and suddenly there was a scent of fragrance coming out of it, and at the same time, dazzling spiritual lights emanated from it.

The vision suddenly rose!

"Is this... pill?"

Chen Fan looked at the densely packed pills in the gourd in astonishment.

Although the size and breath are different from the human pills that Chen Fan has taken in the past, and the overall size is much larger, but these things are indeed pills!

There are hundreds of pills in this gourd.

Each one can trigger a vision, which also shows that each one is above the level of a virtual saint!

Chen Fan took out a pill.

Although the shape and breath are slightly different from the general pills, they should be of the same type.

Judging from the energy aura contained in it, this should only be a elixir of the Void Saint level.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered.

If these thousands of gourds are like this, the value of them is quite good.

Although the elixir of the Void Saint would not be of much help to Chen Fan's strength at this time, it is a very important resource whether it is trading with others or leaving it to future generations.

The point is still many, so many pills, the total price is quite exaggerated.

"It seems that we are lucky, this is the alchemy room of the Dragon Elephant Clan..." Po Yue smiled, and also opened a gourd.

Li Ben's eyes were gloomy, and he missed the thousand gourds on the outer layer, but looked at the restriction on the inner layer: "Quickly divide these, let's continue to attack the next layer."

Because there are enough gourds, and the value of each gourd is limited, it is very easy for the three to share.

Chen Fan chose first, Li Ben second, and Po Yue last.

In the end, Po Yue had one gourd less pill than Chen Fan and Li Ben, but he didn't care.

For experts with the strength of the three of them, these virtual saint-level pills can only be called okay, not too precious at all.

What they look forward to more is the gourd on the second floor!

The outermost layer is the holy-level elixir, and the inner elixir will naturally be of higher quality!

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