My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1010 Obtained and Abnormal

What Li Ben said naturally moved Chen Fan's heart.

I am very happy.

Not to mention giving up the right of first choice for the elixir, even if he was asked to give up the elixir, he would be willing to get this gourd.

It's just that he thought so in his heart, and it was naturally impossible to show it on the surface.

He frowned, pretending to be unwilling.

Li Ben added:

"You can rest assured that even if you give up the right of priority, you can still choose two pills. We will choose one by one, and you can choose the third one!"

"This gourd can be used to hold elixir. It must not be an ordinary item, and the value must be very high. You will never suffer from 'Fan Chen'!"

Chen Fan was thoughtful when he heard the words. Li Ben said this, because he knew the value and function of a certain pill, and he was afraid of being chosen by Chen Fan first, so he wanted to choose this pill first.

From his point of view, he may feel that choosing the elixir first is far more important than a gourd container with more than one function.

Chen Fan raised his head, his eyes swept across the dense spiritual light...

He didn't recognize any of them.

Not to mention that he has never seen elixir at all, even if he has, the elixir of the Dragon Elephant Clan will naturally be different from ordinary elixir.

Chen Fan communicated with Fu Ling again: "Senior Fu Ling, do you know which one of these five pills is special?"

Fu Ling's indifferent voice sounded:

"There is nothing special about them, but there are slight differences in their effects. Two of them are healing pills, and the remaining three are cultivation pills."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan looked up at Li Ben: "I promise you!"

Hearing this, Li Ben also had an unabashed look of joy on his face.

The person wanted to know the effect of the elixir, and Po Yue might have sent a favor for Li Ben.

The three immediately made an oath of heaven.

Li Ben immediately chose one of the five elixirs, a elixir that shone with a blue light.

He took out a certain ice jade box, and carefully put the elixir into it, with an unusually excited and excited face.

After that, Po Yue looked at the four elixirs, unable to make up his mind, he turned to look at Li Ben: "I don't know if Brother Li Ben has any suggestions, which elixir is most useful to me? "

Po Yue had helped him a bit just now, Li Ben naturally had to speak, and he pointed to a pill with the least breath: "You will use this pill the most against Po Yue right now!"

Po Yue smiled, and flew up decisively, taking the pill.

Then came Chen Fan.

Among the three elixirs, he looked around and questioned Fu Ling in his heart, what were these elixirs.

In the end, among the three pills, he chose the only one that could help his cultivation.

In fact, the pills of the Dragon Elephant Clan are not completely suitable for humans to use, but with Chen Fan's physique, they cannot be treated as ordinary humans, and it is not a loss to take them away.

And this kind of elixir, not only can help complete the accumulation of energy, but also can assist the comprehension of the Dao, but it is quite useful.

And the remaining two elixirs are healing elixirs.

Li Ben chose another one, and Chen Fan had no choice in the end.

"Unfortunately, I have source beads, no matter how good the healing elixir is, it won't be of much use to me..." He raised his eyebrows and took the elixir.

Fu Ling's voice sounded in his ears again:

"For you, this healing elixir is indeed no more useful than Yuanzhu at this time..."

"But I remember that the founder of your Tiantian Sword Sect was corroded by the power of the Demon God King. With this pill, it is more than enough to help him get rid of that erosion!"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan was also moved in his heart.

"However, I want to remind you..." Fu Ling's voice sounded again:

"The real value of the elixir is very high. The source beads are enough to help you recover from some of your injuries at this time, but if you face the Demon God King directly, or face the erosion of the power of Tianyuan during the catastrophe, the source beads are not enough. "

"You have to think about it..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and Fu Ling replied in his heart: "I understand."

Anyway, with the two elixir in hand, Chen Fan got the extremely precious innate treasure for nothing, Zijin Immortal Refining Gourd, and he was naturally very happy in his heart.

All three looked at the door on the other side of the hall.

There is still only one way, but the three of them can only continue to move forward hand in hand.

After leaving the alchemy room, the three of them came to another long corridor. After walking for a while, they entered another wide hall.

But this hall has only one door, if the three of them want to leave, they can only go back the same way.

"Could this be the end of the ruins?"

The eyes of the three people intertwined, and then they dispersed, looking at the last room.

In this room, there are huge statues erected in it.

There are a total of nine statues, but they are huge beasts, ferocious and terrifying, exuding a strong evil spirit.

But it was very similar to the ancient dragon that Chen Fan knew.

Eight of them are clustered around a larger statue.

"Are these dragon elephants?"

Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.


The two monsters also showed hesitation.

I don't know how many years the Dragon Elephant Clan has been wiped out, and neither of them has seen a living one, so naturally they don't recognize it.

But soon the eyes of the three of them were all cast at the feet of the statue.

Surrounded by spiritual light, one can only see densely packed magic weapons of all kinds stacked in the hall.

Similar to the previous alchemy room, the magic weapons here are also surrounded by prohibitions.

"It's gone!"

If pills are consumables with limited value, then magic weapons are the real hard currency.

And the alchemy room has elixir, so will the magic room have celestial artifacts?

One person and two monsters, their eyes are extremely hot.

At this moment, Fu Ling's voice sounded in Chen Fan's heart:

"Be careful, Chen Fan, the Dragon Elephant Clan doesn't use weapons, but uses their bodies as the largest weapon... They may have special magic weapons, but it is absolutely impossible to collect so many weapons!"

Fu Ling's words also made Chen Fan stagnate.

Chen Fan is a very greedy person.

For treasures or resources, he is even willing to take a risk.

But I have to say, he is not a fool.

Knowing that there is a problem, he will naturally not take the initiative to take risks.

And he also very insidiously did not remind the second demon of this.

But he followed the two, moving forward slowly, watching the two walk towards the restriction.

Li Ben walked in the front, followed by Po Yue.

Chen Fan followed at the back, separated by a certain distance.

The moment when Li Ben and Po Yue walked in front of the restricted light group.

Everything in the light group suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

On the huge statue next to it, four of the statues lit up, and then the four spiritual lights surged and rushed down from the statue in an instant, but at the same time they went towards the nearest Li Ben and Po Yue.

The speed was so fast that the three Marquis masters all felt sideways.

Li Ben and Po Yue were too close, but they couldn't react in time. They didn't have time to turn around, and they were immediately hit by a stream of light.

The bodies of the two froze for a moment and froze in place.

But the other two auras didn't have time, but they went towards Chen Fan in the distance.

Chen Fan turned his head and ran away in an instant. He was the farthest away from the two demons, and he rushed out of the hall in an instant.

But the two streamers chasing Chen Fan saw that Chen Fan rushed out of the main hall and could not catch up, but they paused, returned to the main hall again, and flew back in front of the two of them.

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