My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1017 Make a move!

Chen Tianqian returned to Jiange immediately, and went straight to a certain building.

In my heart, I was extremely anxious.

What he just said was just an excuse, when Wu Ming was released and he saw Wu Shen, he would naturally tell the latter the real reason why he was trapped here.

Chen Fan and the Patriarch were not around, and it was impossible for Chen Tian to stop him alone.

Between the worries in my heart.

Ripples like water flashed across the sky above Jiange, and Chen Fan and the founder of Jianzong appeared in the outside world together.

When he saw the two of them, Chen Tiangan's face was also happy.

"Chen Fan, Patriarch!"

Both Chen Fan and the ancestor of Jianzong nodded, and then looked up at the figure above Jianzong's head in the sky.

Sensing his terrifying aura, Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

From the perspective of momentum alone, this person has at least the strength of Fenghou.

The real combat power can only be determined by fighting.

And Wu Shen on the top of his head couldn't help but frowned when he saw Chen Fan and the ancestor of Jianzong, and glanced at Chen Fan, but his eyes were focused on the ancestor of Jianzong:

"I didn't expect that there was only a Heaven-Splitting Sword Sect, and there were masters above the sixth level of longevity... Oh, I have indeed heard that there was a master named 'Blood Sword Marquis' in the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect, so it should be easy Is it you?"

The ancestor of Jianzong narrowed his eyes, nodded with a smile on his face:

"Under Hegu, I was indeed called a 'Blood Sword' by some friends. I don't know if your Excellency is..."

He Gu.

Chen Fan also looked at Patriarch.

This was also the first time Chen Fan heard the name of the Patriarch.

Wu Shen raised his eyebrows: "Luotian Gate, Flying Eagle Hou Wu Shen!"

Hearing his identity, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Since he is only a feudal lord, it is impossible to stir up any disturbances in Jianzong.

As Wu Shen spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly:

"I've heard that Blood Sword Marquis of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect was seriously injured and dying, fell into a deep sleep, and wouldn't wake up unless it was absolutely necessary...Your Excellency just popped up like this, don't you think I really want to do something to you, the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect? Bar?"

Although the tone sounds polite, the content is not polite at all.

However, He Gu smiled lightly: "A master of Marquis came to our Sword Sect so aggressively, naturally I still have to be cautious."

Wu Shen snorted, "You should have heard what I said before. I'm just here to find my grandson's whereabouts. If you really didn't do anything to him, everything is easy to say. But if you really did What, don't blame me for being rude..."

With a smile on He Gu's face, he turned his head to look at Chen Tianqian: "Tianqian, why don't you bring that guest out soon..."

Chen Tianqian nodded immediately, then turned around and left.

Soon his person came out with Wu Ming.

"Grandpa!" Wu Ming was also overjoyed when he saw Wu Shen, but turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky.

Wu Ming looks old, but Wu Shen, who is a human being, looks young. This pair of grandparents is also surprising.

Wu Shen saw that his grandson was indeed fine, and a slight surprise flashed across his face.

"My dear grandson, tell grandpa, did the people from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect make things difficult for you?" Wu Shen asked directly.

Wu Ming's face was livid, his eyes flickered, but he stepped forward immediately: "Grandpa, I sensed the breath of elixir in the Heaven Splitting Sword Sect! They are afraid that I will reveal the news, so they deliberately put me under house arrest!"

As soon as these words came out, both Chen Fan and He Gu frowned.

This Wu Ming was indeed attracted by the breath of the elixir!

As soon as the words came out, Wu Shen's eyes lit up: "Is this true?"

Wu Ming also knew that he would not be able to get the elixir again, but he would not hide anything:

"Grandpa, do you remember the elixir that the patriarch took out at the Wanwen meeting of our Luotianmen 20,000 years ago... I still remember it vividly. There is a huge difference in that one, but it is definitely an elixir-level pill!"

Wu Shen's eyes flickered, but his eyes became extremely bright, and the momentum of his whole body exploded suddenly.

The power of heaven and earth surged wildly.

Dao Dao Rhyme flows around, and the surging and terrifying momentum presses down horizontally.

But He Gu shook his head, looked up at Wu Shen, with a calm expression on his face: "You are a step late, Feiyinghou, I have already taken that elixir to restore the injury, even if you try again, it will be useless .”

Hearing He Gu's blunt words, Wu Shen gave a cold "hum":

"Who do you think I am, Wu Shen? The elixir is precious, but it has nothing to do with me, but I want justice from you for insulting and putting my grandson under house arrest!"

Chen Fan sneered, but rushed forward: "If you want the elixir, you can say it bluntly, why use other excuses to cover it up, are the masters of Luotianmen so hypocritical?"

The change of his attitude, just after Wu Ming told him about the elixir, fools can see his real purpose.

In fact, with He Gu's cultivation and strength, even if he took the elixir, it was impossible to completely refine the power of the elixir.

A considerable part of the medicinal power of the elixir will inevitably remain in the person's body, even if the person has eaten the elixir, as long as the person is taken down, part of the medicinal power can be refined.

Chen Fan's blunt words made Wu Shen furious: "You're looking for death! Chen Fan, do you think I won't dare to attack you once you enter the church?"

He slammed towards where Chen Fan was, and punched him through the air.

The violent power of heaven and earth surged, and the air wave rushed towards Chen Fan.

Wu Shen naturally knew that Chen Fan was such a person, but he didn't know what Chen Fan did in the southeast region. He never thought that a junior like Chen Fan already had the strength of a feudal lord.

"Looking for death!" Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

He didn't hold back his hand in this move. If a terrifying master of the Fenghou ranks makes a move at will, it will cause great damage to Jianzong.

Jianzong's general longevity-level masters will lose their lives if they are affected, let alone some weak and low-level masters.

When He Gu saw this scene, his eyes were also cold, and he moved forward with empty hands, and a sword appeared in his hand.

"Patriarch, leave this person to me!" Chen Fan's body was filled with blood, and a suffocating violent breath erupted, and his body had already rushed forward.

He moved forward with empty hands, and the cold front sword pierced the air.

Chi la!

The sharp sword light instantly smashed Wu Shen's fist into pieces.

Afterwards, the mighty sword energy rushed to the sky with violent power, and went straight towards Wu Shen's grandson.

A look of astonishment flashed across Wu Shen's face, and Wu Ming next to him showed even more panic.

In the outside world, Chen Fan has the White Emperor Armor and the Leng Feng Sword, and when facing the enemy, he unceremoniously urged "Zhaixing", the moves are naturally very powerful.

In the past few years, although his avenue has not improved much, "Reaching for the Stars" has become more and more perfect, which has also greatly increased his strength.

"Picking the Stars" is in hand.

He asked himself that below the title of king, he had no rivals!

The turbulent sword energy surged.

The sky was splashed with blood, but the black clouds were smashed into pieces in the blink of an eye.

The sword energy spread to Wu Shen's disciple and grandson in the blink of an eye!

"Grandpa, save me!" Wu Ming wailed in despair.

His grandfather, Wu Shen, was bloodshot all over his body, his face was ugly, but he couldn't take care of himself, so he couldn't find the strength to help him.

Amidst the roar, Wu Ming's body was completely devoured by the terrifying sword energy in the blink of an eye, and turned into powder, with no residue left.

And Wu Shen's face was extremely ugly, and his body was like a small boat in a stormy sea. The fluorescent lights all over his body were scattered, the blood in his body was soaring, and his breath weakened instantly!

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