The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, his hands moved forward, but there was an extra long knife in his hand.

He held the long knife with both hands, and the same suffocating breath surged from his body, and the long knife in his hand suddenly fell forward.

Accompanied by the torrential roar, the sky burst into air endlessly.

At the same time, the terrifying impact surged in all directions as the two masters clashed.

Looking at the traces of the two masters fighting, Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows and rushed to the sky. The sword light in his hand was shining, but it defeated the remaining momentum scattered in the sky, so that the confrontation between the two masters would not affect Jianzong.

"This guy is indeed a king..." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but he was already staring at the sky.

At this moment, the expression of the middle-aged man is also unusually subtle:

"It seems that Blood Sword Marquis should be called 'Blood Sword King'... I didn't expect, I didn't expect that a mere Sky Splitting Sword Sect would be able to play a role like you."

But He Gu shook his head and looked at the Blood Drinking Sword in his hand: "It's no different than Luo Tianmen, who can send out a king at will..."

The middle-aged man shook his head, but put away the knife in his hand: "Since your Excellency is a master of the king, then take what I said before as farting."

What the person said was quite vulgar and direct.

"Master!" Behind him, Wu Shen's expression changed slightly.

The middle-aged man glanced at him: "Do you want to question my decision?"

Wu Shen's face changed in shock: "The disciple dare not!"

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, but turned his head to look at He Gu again: "Since your Excellency already has the strength to become a king, you are qualified to possess the 'elixir', so I won't keep any more—"

He Gu's expression was also extremely subtle: "Your Excellency, please feel free."

The middle-aged man smiled, and then turned into aura, wrapping Wu Shen behind him, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan floated upwards, and soon came to He Gu: "Master, this person..."

Before Chen Fan could finish his sentence, a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out from He Gu's mouth.

"Master?!" Chen Fan's face changed slightly.

He Gu waved his hand: "It's okay, it's just a slight fluctuation in Qi and blood."

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "The reason why this person gave up fighting me is probably not just because I already have the strength to become a king..."

Chen Fan frowned.

He Gu continued:

"It's true that the elixir in my body has not been fully refined. As long as I don't get instantly killed by a single move, I can continuously recover from my injuries... The person should be aware of this. If I can't be instantly killed, I can continue to recover from my injuries. "

"Hmph, to be able to achieve this level of strength, you are really decisive in your actions, without delaying the water at all, you only have to fight one move and then retreat..."

"In any case, this matter is over, and he should not be able to attract stronger people in the future!"

The immortals of Luotianmen can't come out, and the king is the highest combat power.

The elixir is precious, but the probability of attracting immortal-level masters is not too high after all.

Although elixir is also useful for immortal masters, the effect of an elixir that has been taken by others will naturally be greatly reduced.

Chen Fan nodded his head, but he was not happy in his heart, instead a touch of irritability emerged.

Although the matter was resolved, he was not happy in his heart.

Just because the breath of an elixir was leaked, the entire Sword Sect was almost destroyed, Chen Fan couldn't be happier.

Obviously the enemy threatened the entire Sword Sect, but in the end, Chen Fan still could only watch him leave without hesitation.

Fire and anger build up in my heart.

"My strength is still not enough..."

His talent and fame have indeed made most of the sect sects in the hidden world want to sell his face, but facing the masters of the king and Luo Tianmen, there are still some shortcomings.

He clenched his fists.


The matter of Jianzong was settled, but Chen Fan also planned to leave the Central Region and return to the Chaos Sea.

I have been delayed long enough in Jianzong.

As for the master and servant of Yuanli, Chen Fan also directly let them join Jianzong.

Forget about ape power, it's just an ordinary tenth level.

His servant is a great demon with five layers of longevity, even in Jianzong, he is one of the best masters.

For Jianzong, it is also a big help.

Chen Fan also left a clone in Jianzong, which is convenient for handling matters on the mainland, and when the ten-year period agreed with Zha Luo arrives, Chen Fan doesn't have to come back from the Chaos Sea, just let him It's enough to go to the Southern Region to deal with related matters separately.

Forget about ape power, after all, it is a monster, and its monster is destined not to accept Chen Fan's mantle, but Zarao is different, the other party also has the sword intent, and has a lot of fate with Chen Fan, so maybe he can really become Chen Fan's mantle. Fan's true disciple.

Of course, Chen Fan himself didn't have too much expectation.

It's best if you can succeed, but it doesn't matter if you don't.

But when the relevant matters were dealt with and they were about to leave, an unexpected person visited Chen Fan on his own initiative.

"Heh." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the person who came: "Senior Brother Zhan, why are you in the mood to see me?"

The person who came was none other than Zhan Jianming, the number one disciple of the true biography of Jianzong.

It's just that at this moment, he has already left the list of true disciples, entered the Jiange, and became an elder of the Jiange.

In fact, with Chen Fan's strength and talent at this time, there was an endless stream of people visiting him every day.

Especially after Wu Shen and others made a big fuss about Jianzong.

There are limited people who can tell that Chen Fan has strength, but they can always tell that Chen Fan's strength is extremely strong at this time.

"Cough." Zhan Jianming cleared his throat, with a smile on his face: "If it weren't for the presence of Junior Brother Chen Fan, how could the Jianzong remain intact? This time, I made a special trip to represent thousands of disciples of my Jianzong. Thank you, brother!"

Chen Fan smiled: "That's because Patriarch is great... If Senior Brother Zhan just wanted to say these words, then please come back after Senior Brother has finished speaking."

Although Zhan Jianming admitted his mistake and apologized to Chen Fan early on, and the conflict between the two had already been resolved, it didn't mean that the relationship between the two was really good, and Chen Fan naturally wouldn't give him face.

Zhan Jianming smiled awkwardly, then flipped his hands and took out a porcelain bottle, and handed it to Chen Fan: "The patriarch is important, but the key is also your shot. These little things are my thank you, brother." Come on."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and took Zhan Jianming's porcelain vase, and when he noticed what was inside, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Brother, didn't you say that there is no stock of this 'Towering Essence'? What is going on here?" from?"

Zhan Jianming turned his face straight: "Junior Brother, don't misunderstand me. I did give you all the 'Shentian Essence' in stock during the Meihui, but these were obtained later."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

It's also subtle.

This Zhan Jianming is also a person who has a chance.

No wonder it took only a few decades to reach the second level of longevity after breaking through the longevity, and he not only practiced one way.

"This thing is indeed useful to me, so I won't be polite." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and shook his head, and put the things away directly.

For him, the help of the towering spiritual essence is far more useful than other people.

The improvement of his own thinking speed is second. The key is that the skill in the hang-up field can be improved at the same time, which is an exaggeration.

"Senior Brother, I'm not here just to give me this gift for nothing, right? If you have any request, just say it—"

The towering spiritual marrow sent by Zhan Jianming was just a stepping stone, and he obviously had another purpose.

Zhan Jianming also smiled: "Junior brother is smart, so I'll just say it straight..."

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