My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1036: Marquis Against the Sword

The fierce battle between Chen Fan and Chuanjiu lasted for three days, and ended when Chuanjiu suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Seeing Chuanjiu suddenly stop, Chen Fan also frowned and retracted his sword, dissipating the blood from his body.

Kawajiu in front of him had sharp eyes, and his usually indifferent and calm face was now full of joy.

"Brother, you..." Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows, looking at Chuan Jiu in surprise.

Kawahisa smiled and said:

"Chen Fan, your level of swordsmanship is still a bit far behind, but your swordsmanship is incomparably miraculous. This time, fighting with you has benefited me a lot, and finally allowed me to make another breakthrough in swordsmanship, and my strength has improved..."

Chen Fan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

"With the strength of senior brother, make another breakthrough... Could it be..."

Chuanjiu smiled slightly: "When I return to the holy hall, I will try to break into the twelfth floor of Tongtian Tower."

When Chen Fan heard this, a look of complexity flashed across his face: "Congratulations, senior brother, congratulations, senior brother."

Although in the outside world, he is not allowed to be a master of the king by relying on "picking the stars", but at this time, he has no possibility of breaking through the twelfth floor of the Tongtian Tower...

He shook his head, put away all the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind, and then his eyes flickered: "Brother, you have made a breakthrough in swordsmanship, I wonder if I will have a chance to see your breakthrough swordsmanship?"

Seeing Chen Fan's appearance, Chuan Jiu was also very pleased, and then nodded: "I will restrain my own strength, Junior Brother, take care."

The sword in his hand suddenly fell forward.

Thousands of black lights flickered and stirred.

A look of astonishment flashed across Chen Fan's face.

In the sky, there seemed to be black rain falling, and each drop of this rain contained the power of the Supreme Sword.

Kawajiu's moves were not aimed at Chen Fan.

It's just that there are swaying raindrops flying towards him.

Even so, the White Emperor Armor on Chen Fan's body was shaking and flickering, and the surging power was constantly impacting his body through the White Emperor Armor!

Even with his current physical strength, blood spurted wildly under the shock of terror.

"This sword..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered. If there was no White Emperor Armor, all the thousands of black raindrops would concentrate on attacking him. Even with his Ninth Layer "Indestructible Vajra Body", it would be impossible to block this move.

Chuanjiu's sword edge flowed, and with a wave of his hand, thousands of black raindrops disappeared immediately.

Chen Fan also felt the pressure drop suddenly.

Chen Fan also put away the sword in his hand with a complex expression: "Congratulations, brother."

At this time, other people around also rushed forward one by one.

Congratulations to Kawahisa one by one.

Kawahisa shook his head:

"I'm just a breakthrough in swordsmanship. I can think of a way to attack the twelve-story tower, but it's still a long way from the real enlightenment."

Strictly speaking, Feng Hou and Feng Wang still belong to the category of Longevity Sixfold.

Conferring Marquis and Conferring King are just divisions of levels of strength, not divisions of realms of cultivation!

A master of the king is the highest combat power below the demon king, but not every king is necessarily the person who is closest to the demon king.

In fact, the reason why many masters become kings is not because of their strong comprehension of the Tao, but because of special magical powers or moves.

People with strong combat effectiveness may not be able to break through the avenue quickly.

Of course, those who have a high enough understanding of the Dao will definitely not be weak!

Everyone congratulated Kawahisa.

Yong Guan also turned to Chen Fan with a subtle expression: "By the way, Chen Fan, you have already broken through the ten-story Tongtian Tower, and you already have the strength to be a Marquis. You can think about the title in advance."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

He already had an idea in his mind.

He can have the current strength, there are two very critical factors, one is the blood of the God-defying blood that is constantly liberated, and the other is his own swordsmanship, and other ways have to stand aside.

As for the Immortal King Kong Body and Reaching the Stars, they are also very important, but it is impossible for him to give too long titles, and it is not easy to add more words.

He smiled and looked at Yong Guan:

"I'll take 'Reverse Sword' as my title."

Yong Guan nodded slightly:

"Ni Jian, Ni Jianhou, what a good name!"


A group of people returned to the holy hall, but they came straight to Tongtian Tower again.

Chuanjiu's breakthrough in swordsmanship, and his confidence in being able to break through the twelve-story Tongtian Tower, is naturally no small matter.

Chen Fan and others also followed him.

"Chen Fan! It's Chen Fan, here he comes again!"

"Hei Luo just broke through the tower and left, and Chen Fan came again. If it's a coincidence, I don't believe it!"

"I'm afraid he got the news and came here to confirm."

Hearing the whispers of the people around, Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

That Hei Luo is the genius of the "Night Dire Clan".

He entered the holy hall decades later than Chen Fan, but he showed an extremely terrifying speed of strength improvement. He successfully broke through the nine-story tower within a few decades of entering the holy hall.

Not inferior to Chen Fan.

The two are often compared by others.

From what these people said, it seemed that Hei Luo had just left Tongtian Tower.

"Chen Fan, look!" Feng Jiaojiao beside her raised her finger and pointed to a certain position on the tenth floor of Tongtian Tower.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and raised his head, but his eyes flashed: "Hei Luo..."

He couldn't help but his eyes twinkled.

"This guy has already broken through the ten-story tower...has the strength to be a Marquis?"

Chen Fan had never met Hei Luo before, but it was not the first time he had heard the boy's name.

This kid's improvement speed is faster than the reincarnated wise monk, but it is a bit exaggerated...

No wonder people around you say that...

Feng Jiaojiao approached Chen Fan: "The talent of the 'Dream' clan's kid is indeed strong, but there is still no help from a few clans to achieve such an exaggerated increase in strength. The 'Night Dire' clan has a full three Demon God Kings. Masters, they are all ranked among the most powerful races in the world..."

Chen Fan smiled and shook his head: "There are many powerful groups under the Holy Church, but how many of them can progress at the speed of this 'Black Luo'?"

Not to mention others, Feng Jiaojiao is also the heir of the Demon God Prince, who is highly valued by the Demon God King, and I am afraid that she has entered the secret realm of time to practice, and she is still not a ten-story Tongtian Pagoda.

In fact, in the Holy Church, geniuses with the background of the Demon God King are not uncommon, but it is rare to have such an exaggerated speed of progress.

Feng Jiaojiao "tsk" twice, then laughed and said: "We thought you would be unbalanced if you were chased by others."

Chen Fan smiled and shook his head.

If he is really only at the level of a ten-story pagoda, he will definitely feel unbalanced in his heart.

The problem is, he's not.

With the blessings of various foreign objects, and with "Picking the Stars" in hand, he even has the confidence to face the master of the king. He really doesn't have much pressure on a genius who has just broken through the ten-story pagoda.

He smiled and turned to look at Tongtian Tower.

"Brother Kawajiu has started to break into the tower!"

Feng Jiaojiao also turned her head around, and sighed: "Unfortunately, the scene of the Tongtian Tower's actual struggle cannot be seen, we can only see his name change..."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but he also took out his disciple's nameplate.

"I'm going to try the opponent in the eleven-story tower!"

In order to fight Ba Jianhou back then, Chen Fan sought to break through the tower quickly, and stopped after breaking through the ten-story tower. He hadn't fought against opponents in the eleven-story tower yet.

It's just that when he broke into the tower this time, he set a limit for himself, and he couldn't use "Star Reaching"!

The strength has reached the realm of Chen Fan.

It is meaningless to just pursue some false names.

His "Reaching for the Stars" is too perverted, if he uses it, the chances of breaking through the eleven-story tower may not be low.

But doing so would be rather boring.

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