My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1042 The Death of King Haoyan

Accompanied by the magic sound filling the ears, someone broke down again and wanted to jump into the weak water of the yellow spring.

It's just different from before.

This time, Song Qianxue was not far away from him. She seemed to want to stop him, but she hadn't taken any action yet, her complexion changed in shock, and then her eyes flashed with struggle and bewilderment, but she was dumbfounded. He froze in place.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and realized that there should be special rules and restrictions here, and he cannot interfere with other people's behavior!

Without Song Qianxue's interference, that warrior quickly killed himself.

"Although everyone has different degrees of influence due to their different cultivation levels, people with higher cultivation levels generally have better moods, so they naturally have a special advantage in this round!" Chen Fan shook his head.

There is no absolute fairness in the world.

But as time passed, soon, there was another martial artist with a nine-fold series who chose to jump into Huangquan Weakwater.

Among the crowd, there were only five people below the tenth level, and besides the young man who had just broken through, there was only one person who was at the peak of the ninth level and who obviously had signs of a foreign race was still alive.

And this alien race is also a ninth level peak.

Chen Fan couldn't help but take another look at the human youth who only had the seventh level.

Although his eyes were red and he was crying all the time, he was still not desperate enough to kill himself.

As the sound of the guzheng became more and more intense, soon, a ten-level transformed monster couldn't resist, and jumped into the weak water.

The cultivation of the monster race improves the blood, and there is no will and state of mind requirements for the cultivation of the human race, and the resistance to this magic sound is weak.

Accompanied by this demon, he jumped into the weak water of Huangquan.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the sound of the guzheng stopped abruptly after reaching a high point.

As the magic sound stopped, Chen Fan also heaved a sigh of relief.

No matter how good his will and state of mind are, there are limits. If the magic sounds don't stop, he doesn't have the confidence to resist them forever.

With the stop of the magic sound, the surrounding crying also stopped quickly.

Everyone's complexion is extremely complicated, and they are also extremely fortunate.

Chen Fan also looked at the seventh-fold boy with red eyes with a subtle expression.

He also didn't expect that someone who couldn't even hold the tenth weight could sustain it.

"This kid is young, has little experience, and has a purer mind. In terms of mood, he may have an advantage..."

Both unexpected and reasonable.

Everyone didn't move forward immediately, but took a rest and adjusted their status before continuing to act.

Moving forward along the long corridor, it didn't take long to walk into another wide hall.

The layout of this hall is the same as that of the previous hall, but at this moment, there is a giant beast like a mountain lying in the center of the hall.

The whole body of the giant beast is golden in color, with a golden horn growing on its head, and sharp thorns everywhere on its huge body.

Its body is thousands of feet long, and each of the thorns is at least a hundred feet tall, but it looks like there are peaks growing on top of mountains!


At this moment, he was motionless, and blood accumulated under his body like a lake.

The blood also exudes an extremely strong evil spirit.

But the moment he saw this giant beast, Taoist Mingxu's expression changed suddenly, and he rushed forward immediately, looking at this giant beast with astonishment.

Chen Fan also squinted his eyes, his consciousness was agitated, and he raised his eyebrows to look at the giant beast.

It is even more exaggerated than the prototype size of the molten core.

Among the creatures that Chen Fan had seen, only Ba Snake, who had just entered the Chaos Sea, was bigger than this guy.

A powerful ferocious beast does not necessarily have to be big, but a big ferocious beast must be powerful.

It's just that this ferocious beast did not act as an obstacle for everyone to break through, but died instead.

"Did King Haoyan do it?" Chen Fan raised his brows slightly, walked up to Taoist Mingxu, and guessed.

Taoist Mingxu showed a strange and apprehensive look on his face, pointing at the corpse of this mountain-like giant beast:

" King Haoyan!"

As soon as Taoist Mingxu's words came out, Chen Fan was stunned for an instant, and then his face changed drastically.

His consciousness was agitated, his eyes scattered, and he looked around cautiously.

A master at King Haoyan's level has reached the limit of the longevity series.

And the prototype is so terrifying, the vitality must be extremely tenacious.

Everyone started not too long after him, and the person who could kill him so quickly could only be a fairy or a demon king!

Although King Haoyan is a strong king, but to the immortals, there is no essential difference between being a king or a person who has just practiced martial arts.

The cave here is the cave of Haofang Immortal, but it is possible that it is also in this cave.

But if an immortal makes a move, who can stop it? Can anyone pass this level of assessment?

According to Fu Ling, this Immortal Haofang was once a loving Immortal who "sweeped the floor and feared harming the lives of ants"...

Even if his personality changes over time, will it change so completely?

It's too outrageous for even the king-sealing masters to fail the assessment and be instantly killed.

"If even the king-conferring master dies so casually, then it will be obviously different from the absolutely safe secret result I deduced..."

Chen Fan frowned deeply.

After breaking through the fifth level of longevity, he has the confidence to confront the king head-on.

But head-on confrontation is head-on confrontation, and it is very difficult for him to kill an opponent of this level.

The existence that can easily kill Haoyan King can definitely easily kill himself!

"There must be a reason, did King Haoyan violate some taboo in the hall here..."

Chen Fan looked around, but he didn't find any difference between the main hall here and the previous one.

"Could it be that there will be a special assessment in a hall, and only those who arrive first need to undergo the assessment?"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

But at this moment, Taoist Mingxu rolled his eyes, raised his brows, and put away King Haoyan's corpse in a flash of inspiration!

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan sneered in his heart, but he didn't take any action.

Needless to say the value of King Haoyan's corpse.

Although Chen Fan was also confident that he could compete with him, he didn't make a move.

For him, there is no need to tear face with Taoist Ming Xu for this kind of thing.

He has no shortage of resources and treasures.

In fact, Chen Fan had anticipated this situation when they decided to act together.

It was precisely because of this that he didn't have much resentment in his heart.

The people around naturally did not dare to speak too much.

Everyone looked around in the hall several times, but they didn't find any assessment or abnormalities.

Then it regrouped.

"What should we do now?" Song Qianxue also looked at Chen Fan and Taoist Ming Xu in a daze.

Chen Fan shook his head: "It seems that we can only continue to choose a corridor to move forward..."

"No, we can't go any further, who knows what we will encounter in the next hall!" The one who spoke was a warrior with only ten weights.

"Then... shall we stay here and wait to die?" Song Qianxue shook her head.

If you stay where you are, no one knows what will happen. Even if nothing happens, do you want to stay here forever?

The tenth level martial artist laughed miserably:

"There is enough vitality in the world here. Even if you stay here for a lifetime, it is better than facing unpredictable dangers. With my strength, I might die in the next corridor. I don't want to die..."

"Besides, who said that we will be trapped here for a lifetime, maybe after the assessment is over, we may be directly sent out..."

There are some details in the previous chapters, such as small bugs such as numbers and time, which have been slightly modified.

Some are because of my brain twitching, and some are because when I write an article, I often go back and revise it after I finish writing, which will lead to this kind of problem that the front is changed, but the relevant parts are not changed later...

Let me say it again, similar to the problem in the main text, I will change it if I see it and it has not been released for a long time.

I haven’t seen it, or it’s been too long, it will be very troublesome to modify it (the author does not have permission to modify the text of the VIP beyond a certain period of time, so I have to find an editor)

Therefore, if some details that do not affect the main content or individual typos and the like cannot be corrected after a long time, I may just let it go even if I see it. ...

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