My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1044 Door and Gathering

"The Power of the Abyss" is a terrifying force with extremely distorted special power, which will have a great impact on the body and emotions.

With the release of the "Power of Heavenly Abyss", Chen Fan only felt that all kinds of negative emotions surged up in his heart.

Sadness, despair, pain...

All kinds of negative emotions erupted together, crowding out all of Chen Fan's senses.

Under the influence of various emotions, it was the anger that Chen Fan could not bear originally, but it was not so exaggerated in comparison.

And the phantom of Bai Fengyu in front of him also disappeared instantly.

Chen Fan let out a long sigh of relief...

And at this moment, Taoist Ming Xu, who was sitting not far from Chen Fan, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in Chen Fan's direction with a face full of horror.

"how come……"

When the corners of his mouth twitched, his complexion suddenly changed, and a blush flashed in his eyes, and his emotions were a little out of control.

"Not good!" He immediately retracted his gaze and closed his eyes tightly.

Several other people were also suffering from anger, but they didn't notice that Chen Fan's state was wrong.

And soon, another one rushed out of the corridor clutching his hands and drinking heavily.

The magic sound stopped abruptly.

Soon, everyone's heavy breathing sounded one after another.

This time in the corridor, many immortals lost their lives.

On the contrary, some of the weaker ones, only the tenth weight, and those under the tenth weight may still be alive.

Everyone around was sweating coldly.

You must know that Chen Fan and others are all immortals, unless they are in extremely exaggerated situations, they will not sweat under normal circumstances.

"This devilish sound that provokes anger is much stronger than the one in the previous corridor..."

Chen Fan was also terrified.

If it wasn't for the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" that distracted Chen Fan's attention so that he finally regained his sanity, it would be difficult for him to hold back.

"This level doesn't seem to have much influence on willpower, but depends on their past experiences and personalities of different people..."

Long Duo, who was the weakest in cultivation, was even a seventh-level warrior, but he was obviously not affected much, and he didn't even have the effort of the last round of resistance.

Chen Fan's face was also extremely ugly.

But he began to doubt the result of his deduction.

He almost lost control because of his anger. If he didn't have such a powerful weapon as the "Power of Heavenly Abyss", he probably would have jumped into Huangquan Weak Water. At that time, even with Bai Huangjia's help, he would be completely dead. No confidence can stop it.

It's called no danger?

His face was unusually gloomy, but his thoughts kept turning.


Everyone adjusted a bit, then continued to set off, and quickly left the corridor.

After that, everyone naturally went to the same hall again, but this time there was nothing abnormal in this hall.

Several people look at me and I look at you.

Taoist Mingxu shook his head and said, "If someone wants to stay, then let's stay..."

In the end, there were two or three people left behind.

And until this moment, Na Longduo still did not choose to give up, but continued to move forward.

In the next corridor, there was another round of magic sounds.

This round of magic sounds provoked the "joy" mood of everyone.

But this round went all the way to the end, but two more people lost control and jumped into Huangquan Weakwater.

So far, among the nearly twenty people who acted together, only Chen Fan, Taoist Ming Xu, Fei Enjun, Song Qianxue, and Long Duo remained.

Others either chose to stay, or fell into the underworld!

Forget about the others.

Among them, Long Duo was able to come here alive, but it made Chen Fan extremely complicated!

Even the king master died on the way, and Chen Fan naturally felt complicated in his heart that a young man who had just broken through the seventh level could go so far.

Just think about it carefully, although this young man is weak, but he has a pure heart, no miscellaneous thoughts, and little experience, but it is difficult to be affected by the emotional changes in it, and it is actually quite normal to come here.

And after passing through another round of corridors, in front of everyone, it is completely different from the previous hall.

The crowd entered a rather vast hall.

The magnificent palace is quite desolate.

The dilapidated and deserted steps are densely packed.

But between these steps, there are huge arches.

Most of the arches and half of the arches were shining with dim light, but most of the arches did not flash, and there was nothing unusual about them.

"Have you noticed that there are thirty-one portals in total, corresponding to the number of people we entered!" Song Qianxue was the first to discover this.

"The number of tokens corresponds to the arches. It shouldn't be a simple coincidence..." Chen Fan also tried to check these special portals, but found that although the portals were shining with spiritual light, he couldn't enter them at all.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and took out his golden sword, but nothing abnormal happened.

"It stands to reason that portals exist, so they should be accessible. These glowing portals should also lead to a special place...but why..."

Chen Fan frowned deeply.

"Is it because the time is not up? Or is it because everyone is not here?"

He turned around, but a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

It was only then that Chen Fan realized that the corridor they came here had also disappeared.

He swallowed, and looked at several people actively:

"Have you noticed... the corridor we came from is gone!"

When everyone heard Chen Fan's voice, they turned their heads one by one, and they were either surprised or surprised.


There is no other access to the hall here, that is to say, everyone can only stay in the hall.

Taoist Mingxu raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was relatively calm.

"Wait for a while..."

Everyone looked around in this hall, but they didn't find anything special.

"Hey, have you noticed that this portal has suddenly disappeared?" Song Qianxue suddenly pointed to a nearby portal.

"I noticed that too." Chen Fan nodded.

After coming to the hall, his spiritual sense has been paying close attention to everything in the hall.

There is definitely a reason for the sudden disillusionment of such a spiritual light on the portal.

If so, this portal corresponds to the two entered tokens and the challenger.

The portal is off... Does it mean that someone died?

It's just that Chen Fan is not sure.

Because there are too few open portals now.

A total of thirty-one portals.

There are only seven left that are lit.

Five of Chen Fan and others came here, and many people stayed in the two halls on the way.

Even if the other people who left the big team died, it wouldn't be right...


Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Unless the people who stayed in the hall died.

And those who left the team, in the end only two people were left alive...

Chen Fan shook his head, while his thoughts were turning, he suddenly raised his head.

On the side of the hall, suddenly an illusory long corridor formed from the shadow, and then a figure walked out from the long corridor.

This person was the old nun who had been separated from Chen Fan and the others before.

His face was pale, and after he walked out of the corridor, he looked at everyone present in astonishment.

The location where Lao Ni left at the beginning was completely different from that of Chen Fan and the others, and they ended up meeting in the same place!

Not long after the old nun arrived, another tenth-level martial artist came here from another corridor.

when the person arrives.

The tokens in everyone's hands rose with a dazzling golden light.

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