My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1047: The Sword Defeats the King

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he was watching Taoist Mingxu in front of him. His body began to swell, and his body grew rapidly from a guy with a normal human body to a height of hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

And its entire body also turned brown, and at the same time, two other arms extended from its back.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no dome in the main hall here, it might not be enough to carry his people.

"Is this guy not a human race?"

Chen Fan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Some alien races retain some alien traits after being transformed into human form, but this Taoist Mingxu's humanoid form has none of them.

Of course, it is also possible that the person has the blood of some special monsters or divine beasts, so it can have the effect of transformation.

In fact, if Chen Fan hadn't suppressed his blood and activated the "transfiguration", his real body would never be smaller than that of Taoist Mingxu at this time.

It's just that a big body has a big advantage, and a small body has a small advantage. Chen Fan is used to fighting with a normal body size, so he rarely uses his own body to fight!

But when the person grew bigger, the black ruler in his hand also continued to expand, becoming hundreds of feet taller in the blink of an eye.

Its four arms waved forward, the power of the avenue circulated, and thousands of streamers rippling in all directions.

"This guy has murderous intentions..."

Chen Fan licked his lips, but his heart became more excited and excited.

He raised his sword again and flew towards the sky.

It is still the sixth form!

It was as if the sword energy that pierced the sky and the thousands of streamers bombarded together, and the roar that resounded through the sky continued to stir.

And even after retreating a long way, Fei Enjun and the other four still had serious expressions on their faces.

If it wasn't for Song Qianxue and the other Shizhong being blessed behind Fei Enjun, they might have died in the impact of the battle between Chen Fan and Taoist Mingxu.

The impact of the battle of the master of the king is really too terrifying.

And this time.

Facing Taoist Mingxu after the transformation, Chen Fan's sword could not suppress the opponent at all, but was suppressed by the opponent...

After the roar.

Chen Fan's body was thrown backwards with the terrifying impact.

At the same time, his whole body was bleeding violently, and his eyes were also full of light.

With the addition of the White Emperor Jia and his exaggerated physical strength, he still suffered such injuries. Although it was not particularly serious for him, it was still quite a big deal!

In fact, if he didn't have "Origin Qi" and source beads, the impact would have been even greater.

"It's really not that simple to be a master of the king...Since that's the case..."

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, but he decisively summoned the Shadow Orb and activated the power of the Shadow Orb.

The strength that the Shadow Orb can achieve has an upper limit, and it cannot perfectly carry and exert Chen Fan's full power, but the clone made by the Shadow Orb is extremely peculiar. It is not so much a clone as an extension of Chen Fan's real body.

The two avatars can also stimulate the power of Chen Fan's "God-Defying Bloodline" and "Star Reaching", although the load on Chen Fan himself will directly increase by three times, and the injury will also be fed back to the main body.

But there is no doubt that the two clones summoned by the Shadow Pearl can greatly increase Chen Fan's individual strength.

The three avatars were controlled by Chen Fan alone. Needless to say, the three of them confronted Taoist Mingxu with different weapons.

Chen Fan himself is holding the Lengfeng Sword, one clone is holding the Blood Drinking Sword, and the other clone is holding the nine-star Taoist weapon gun that he obtained in the ruins of the Dragon Elephant Clan in Yaoyu.

Although Chen Fan also has other nine-star Taoist artifacts, the only pure nine-star Taoist artifact is this flame gun.

Chen Fan also used this spear to chop swordsmanship, so the power could not be maximized, but after all, it is a nine-star Taoist artifact, and the effect is even better than the blood-drinking sword.

The three Chen Fans erupted into double rage at the same time, urging them to pick up the stars.

Also cut out the sixth form of Beiming.

The three are combined into one, but the power of his moves is also extremely powerful!

Although Taoist Mingxu is strong, he should not have a powerful defensive weapon, but Chen Fan is confident that he can defeat him.

Accompanied by Chen Fan's three swords at the same time.

The raging sword lights crisscrossed and flew towards Taoist Mingxu.

His face was also full of horror, and his four arms waved forward at the same time.

Thousands of spiritual lights intertwined, black air lingered, and intersected with sword lights constantly.

However, even if he strikes with all his strength, it can only offset the power of one and a half of Chen Fan's swords, and the remaining one and a half swords have successfully slashed on his huge body.

Immediately, blood and light intersected, and its huge body flew upside down with Chen Fan's terrifying sword light, and fell heavily to the ground.

Amidst the roar, Chen Fan was relentless, and the three bodies chased after him one by one.

Although Taoist Mingxu is strong after his transformation, his own flexibility is greatly restricted, and his attack surface has also become extremely large.

Chen Fan had three bodies, but Jian Guang could eat them all.

After a few strikes, his body was in a mess, and there was no good meat left.

"Mingxu Taoist, I said that I will not kill you, but you have to return the tokens of other people!" Chen Fan suddenly put away the sword light in his hand.

On the other side, Taoist Mingxu also took this opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief, the flesh and blood on his body continued to squirm and recover, and then his body suddenly began to shrink, and he became a human again in the blink of an eye.

His eyes were full of resentment and he looked at Chen Fan: "You will definitely regret it!"

As the man said, there was a stream of light on his body, but there was a sudden fluctuation of the power of space.

This guy wants to enter his own mind world!

Chen Fan frowned, but looked at this scene with a sneer.

But Taoist Mingxu's body changed, blurred for an instant, but stayed in the same place again, but he couldn't even enter his own mental world.

He raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Chen Fan with puzzlement: "'s you..."

Chen Fan shook his head.

The last time Chen Fan went out of retreat, he had already practiced the "Secret Code of Space and Space" to the fourth level.

However, a thousand years later, his person has advanced the "Secret Code of Space" by two levels, and now he has reached the sixth level!

If it is said that at the fourth level, his use of the power of space is not inferior to ordinary kings.

At this moment, his use of the power of space has already surpassed the average king by a lot!

Of course, there is still a gap from the level of the Demon God King.

Because of the existence of the mind world, a master of the Demon God King, even if he does not understand the supernatural powers of space, must be a master of space utilization.

Under Chen Fan's lock, unless there are some masters who also practice space supernatural powers, or some kings whose mind world is close to perfection, the general kings will be restricted by his "Secrets of Space and Space"!

If you want to return to your own mind world, you need Chen Fan to unblock it!

This is Chen Fan's confidence in defeating Taoist Mingxu.

If King Feng chooses to hide in his own mind world, Chen Fan has no chance of winning at all!

Chen Fan still had the same attitude as before:

"Mingxu Taoist, don't struggle anymore. I won't kill you, but it doesn't mean I can't take the token from you. Don't force me to do it too ugly!"

The corner of Taoist Ming Xu's mouth twitched, but his eyes glanced at the other four people. He took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, but nodded heavily: "I...promise you..."

Speaking of the fierce aura on his body, there was no trace left, but looking at this scene, Chen Fan always had a smile on his face.

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