My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1057 The Jackdaw

Bai Zhi also said: "The Chaos Sea is huge, and there are many demon kings and immortals. According to Xiao Zu, there are many similar teleportation arrays in the Chaos Sea!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and then asked, "I wonder if I can be with you?"

It is impossible for Chen Fan himself to take so many people with the "So Close to the End of the World", and he also wants to experience this level of space teleportation formation.

Bai Zhi hadn't spoken yet, but Luo Fangyan laughed again: "Ni Jianhou wants to join us, of course it couldn't be better."

Bai Zhi also nodded: "Of course."

Chen Fan is not just the son-in-law of Ziyuezong, he has a lot of relationship with Lan Ruo, and all the daughters of Ziyuezong know about it. A teleportation formation is not a big secret, so if you tell it, you will tell it.

In fact, being able to have a master of Fenghou personally escort them will ensure their safety more.

Everyone set off immediately.

Even without deliberately rushing.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles was still successfully reached in less than half an hour.

In a sea of ​​fog.

Bai Zhi led the crowd through numerous formations, but they came to a magnificent cave.

Bai Zhi introduced: "Xiaozu said that this place was once a cave left by a master of the human race called 'Donghua Immortal'... It's just that the immortal has fallen..."

Another fallen fairy.

Chen Fan also sighed slightly.

Even the immortal can't avoid going to the end. I don't know if the death of this immortal is also related to the invasion of Tianyuan.

As Bai Zhi said, she stepped forward and walked towards the gate of the cave.

Chen Fan suddenly stopped Bai Zhi: "Wait!"

"Huh?" Bai Zhi was also taken aback, looking at Chen Fan in surprise, not knowing what he meant.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled: "The immortal has passed away, and his cave seems to have been occupied by others."

As he spoke, he flew forward, squinting his eyes and looking at the cave in front of him:

"Did you come out on your own initiative, or should I ask you to come out?"

As Chen Fan's figure fell, there was a cold snort.

As the aura flashed, a figure gathered in front of Chen Fan.

This is a human race.

He looked at Chen Fan with a delicate expression:

"It's really a coincidence that I ran into you again."

Chen Fan smiled: "It's really a coincidence."

Chen Fan knew this person.

When he hunted and killed Jindan masters everywhere in order to condense the mind world in advance, he had killed a chaotic primordial demon by mistake.

But that chaotic primordial demon is the phantom body of a master.

His person is the deity of that chaotic primordial demon.

The man looked at Chen Fan with a strange expression, shook his head, and said:

"It's not easy for you to get out of this cave through the formation outside, but it's unfortunate that you have come here. I have already occupied this cave... I don't want to pursue it for your sake. You have committed a crime, where did you come from, where do you go back."

After his words fell, Bai Zhi, Luo Fangyan and other women naturally looked at each other in blank dismay. .

Then Qi Qi looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan looked at that person indifferently: "We didn't come here for the treasures in this cave, but to use the teleportation formation in the cave..."

"What?" The man was also taken aback for a moment, and then his face showed surprise: "There is a teleportation formation in this cave, and I haven't found it after living in it for so long... It seems that you really know a lot of secrets in this cave!"

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his hand.

The power of heaven and earth gathered, but combined into a huge palm, the terrifying palm pressed down on everyone.

The turbulent pressure came in an instant.

The complexions of the surrounding women changed drastically, and their beauty paled.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene.

This person obviously just shot at will, but it can be compared with the general longevity six.

This person's real strength may have reached the level of feudal marquis, and he is not the first-time feudal marquis.

After all, its original incarnation possessed the ordinary sixth-layer strength of longevity, so it goes without saying that its true self is powerful.

"Speak well, why do you need to do it?"

Chen Fan still had a slight smile on his face, and he moved forward with empty hands, and a long sword like a red crystal appeared in his hand.

The sword in his hand swung down violently.

"Seventh form!"

The sharp sword light cut out horizontally.


It easily cut the huge palm in half.

What Chen Fan is here is just a clone.

Although there is nothing special in physique and strength, and there is no White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian.

But as a master of swordsmanship at the fifth level of longevity, and has practiced swordsmanship handed down by immortals, and has the blessing of high-star Taoism, although Chen Fan's avatar is not as powerful as Fenghou, it is still stronger than ordinary sixth-level longevity.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Boy, back then when you killed me, I thought you were a disciple of the Immortal. If you spare your life, you still don't know what to do. Today, I will teach you a lesson on behalf of that senior!"

The person said it nicely, but in fact he still wanted to get the secret of this cave from Chen Fan and the others.

However, he just shot at will, but he didn't show his true strength at all.

It's not like he was just an avatar back then. His true self was present at this time. Maybe he was afraid of the people behind Chen Fan and didn't dare to kill him, but he still dared to take down Chen Fan and others and press for information!

As he spoke, he raised his hand, but a black sword appeared in his hand.

At the same time, a domineering and sharp momentum swept across the surroundings.

"Little devil, remember my appearance as 'Jackdawhou', next time you see me, you must stay away!"

The big black knife in his hand slammed forward.


A suffocating terrifying momentum suddenly descended.

Chen Fan only felt that the earth was shaking, as if the world was going to be split by this knife.

"I can't stop it..." Facing the raging knife light, Chen Fan also raised his eyebrows.

As a mere avatar, I can deal with the ordinary sixth level of longevity, but when I meet a master of Fenghou, especially a Hou of the jackdaw who is not an ordinary level, there is still a big gap in hard power.

It's just that there is not much fear and fear on his face.

At the moment when the turbulent knife light fell, a ripple flashed in the void, but a figure appeared in front of everyone.

It is Chen Fan's true self.

In this retreat, Chen Fan's "Secret Code of Space and Space" failed to break through the seventh stage.

There is no way, but the higher the level of supernatural power, the harder it is to break through.

It's just that even if it's still in the sixth level, it's far better than ordinary king masters' grasp of space.

Only some masters of space magic, or demon kings and immortal masters, can surpass Chen Fan in the use of space.

Even within the Chaos Sea, it is not too difficult for Chen Fan to move 200,000 to 300,000 miles at a time, and the number of times he can move is several times more than before.

It is only tens of thousands of kilometers away from the church.

Chen Fan himself has been paying attention to the situation of the avatar, and when he encounters danger, he will naturally send it over immediately.

Accompanied by the tyrannical aura, the blood on his body surged, and the cold front sword in his hand fell suddenly.

"Seventh form!"

The same seventh form shows the difference between heaven and earth.

The sharp sword light instantly cut through the raging sword energy in the sky.

Chi la!

A large amount of blood was splashed, and the horrified Jackdaw Hou was cut in half!


And the next moment, the illusory wings flickered behind Chen Fan, and he himself shortened the distance by hundreds of feet in an instant, and appeared in front of the upper body of Jackdaw Hou in the blink of an eye.

"Jackdawhou...have you not been in contact with the outside world for a long time? You don't even know me?"

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