My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1060 Suppression

King Yehua looked at Chen Fan in astonishment and surprise.

She had thought that Chen Fan might have another powerful hole card, and might even have another helper, but it was hard for her to believe that Chen Fan himself actually deciphered his own moves head-on.

And feeling Chen Fan's surging sword energy, she also had a feeling of scalp numbness.

"I can't resist!"

Black light lingered around King Ye Hua's body, and surging power rushed towards the surging sword energy, slightly blocking the approach of the sword light, but the next moment, accompanied by a ripple in space, he suddenly disappeared in front of Chen Fan. in front of!

The remaining might of the sword qi swept out, turning the cave into dust, and a white sky full of dense fog appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Although Chen Fan's moves are extremely powerful at this time, it's not that Chen Fan's real power can suppress King Ye Hua.

But King Yehua never thought that Chen Fan was so strong, but he was a little too hasty to handle this move, so he needed to enter the world of mind to avoid it.

"King Yehua's control over the power of mind is not easy..." Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He had activated the "Space Secret Code" to block the surrounding space, but he couldn't stop King Yehua from returning to her world of mind.

For this alone, King Ye Hua is already stronger than Taoist Ming Xu.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes flashed sharply, and then he licked his lips, but his body also disappeared in the same place in an instant...


In a world of darkness.

King Yehua looked at the figure that suddenly appeared not far away in astonishment: "How dare you?"

That's right, Chen Fan took the initiative to follow King Yehua into her world of mind!

Chen Fan squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the fairly stable spatial fluctuations, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

As far as he is concerned, the spatial barriers of King Yehua's mind world are very stable, and his control over the power of mind is far superior to that of Taoist Mingxu. Even Chen Fan cannot prevent him from returning to the world of mind.

But if Chen Fan is willing, it is not particularly difficult to leave here through the "Secret Code of Space".

The reason why he dared to come in was because he had this confidence!

Of course, facing King Ye Hua, Chen Fan would naturally not tell him where his confidence came from.

He has already cut out with another sword.

The tenfold "Hongmeng Sword" rushed towards King Yehua with an unstoppable force.

King Yehua's face was ferocious, and he was extremely angry:

"I want you to know the price of arrogance!"

Her whole body was surrounded by black light, but her whole body swelled suddenly. Countless black air lingered between her hands to form a huge long spear. With one shot, the lingering black light accompanied the spear in her hand and smashed the sword light that Chen Fan had slashed. !

Chen Fan's strength at this time is not afraid of King Yehua, but only not afraid.

Even in the outside world, it is not easy for Chen Fan to defeat King Ye Hua one-on-one, but breaking into the other party's mental world, one goes up and down the other, naturally it is even more difficult to block King Ye Hua's moves .

Amidst the black air, Chen Fan also kept retreating, bleeding all over his body.

Even with Baihuangjia's resistance, Chen Fan was still powerless against King Yehua.

Of course, Chen Fan recovered from this slight injury in seconds with the power of the source pearl.

"Come again!" Chen Fan raised his sword forward excitedly, and at the same time, a phantom light flashed across his body, and he suddenly turned into three people.

The three figures exuded an unusually powerful aura.

It's just that the three of them got together and hid together under the coverage of Baihuangjia!

Although Chen Fan's defense was strong, if he didn't have the protection of the White Emperor Armor, it would be difficult for him to withstand King Yehua's moves.

The injuries suffered by his avatar will all be fed back to his real body, and he will not be stupid, leaving the protection of the White Emperor Jia and smashing King Yehua to death.

Chen Fan's three avatars each exuded a tyrannical aura, each holding a dao sword, and slashed at King Yehua.

The turbulent and manic power surged together in an instant!

When King Ye Hua saw Chen Fan split into three people, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, and then it turned into a deep anger. The black light around his body was even stronger, and the black gun in his hand surged towards Chen Fan again with even more manic power!

In the roar.

The black light continued to collapse.

King Yehua's body couldn't help but retreat.

King Yehua's strength is much stronger than Taoist Mingxu's, and in the world of his heart and mind, his strength is stronger, but in the case of Chen Fanying's pearl, one is turned into three, how can he be Can still hold back.

"Although my avatars are not as strong as my main body, and the increase of the White Emperor Armor can't be increased, each avatar has at least 70% of my strength..."

On the other side, King Yehua was bleeding all over his body, with a look of shock and astonishment.

Being able to divide into three, each one has such terrifying strength, but it doubled the pressure on King Yehua, but he was suppressed at a disadvantage.

You know, this is her mental world.

"If it's outside, I'm afraid I might really lose my life..."

King Yehua couldn't accept it.

How many years have passed since the last time we met?

One or two hundred years, not even enough for her to simply retreat once, Chen Fan has grown from an ant to a level that he can't even compare to?

King Yehua was able to become a king, lived for more than one era, and had a lot of experience. I have seen many geniuses and masters who surpassed her, but I have never seen it in a short period of time. Strength, to grow to a person of king-level combat power!

Although she could also guess that Chen Fan had the advantage in defending treasures, but strength is strength, and treasures and supernatural powers are all part of one's own strength!

"Chen Fan, I have to admit that your strength is indeed no worse than mine. But you made a fatal mistake today, that is, you took the initiative to enter my mental world."

King Yehua's eyes were cold, and the weakness on his body was swept away:

"In my world, my power is endless. I don't believe that you, Chen Fan, can keep fighting with all your strength. I also don't believe that your treasure can be activated without limit...Chen Fan, let's compare Let's compare, who can last longer."

Under the dark sky, his body and aura swelled again, and as the Dao Dao rhyme flowed, waves of manic power rushed towards Chen Fan's body!

The three Chen Fans all looked solemn, and each raised their weapons and began to fight back!

Chen Fan himself no longer hides any means.

Even the "power of the abyss" at the bottom of the box has been used.

His "Blood Fusion Technique" has broken through the ninth level, and he is also more proficient in using the blood against the gods and the "power of the heavenly abyss".

It's just that the higher his "Blood Fusion Technique" progressed, the more he could feel the incompatibility between the "Power of Heaven and Abyss" and this world.

It is too difficult to forcibly contain and use the "Power of Heavenly Abyss".

However, it has to be said that the "Power of Heavenly Abyss" also added an extremely terrifying "erosion" power to Chen Fan's attack. This kind of power made the king-level King Yehua not help but devote a lot of effort to it. Resist this "corrosion".

In the battle between the two, Chen Fan had a certain advantage, but he did not reach the level of crushing.

But in King Yehua's mind world, his stamina is really exaggerated.

And his mental world is too stable, even if Chen Fan uses all means to fight against King Yehua, it will not hurt his mental world at all, and he will not be able to tear it apart by force.

The battle between the two lasted for several days, and the result was still unclear.

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