My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1067 Departure and the sea

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head regretfully.

In fact, he was thinking too much.

Although there are many inheritances left by many people in Xiaoqingxu, the level limit of inheritance is not high, and ordinary longevity masters can leave inheritances.

Naturally, it can't be a place like Xiantian.

However, it may not be a coincidence that Xiao Qingxu got the name.

The Qingxu Temple in the Eastern Territory is definitely related to Qingxu Heaven and Qingxu Immortal.

However, Qingxu Temple was able to contact outsiders at will before the great change of the world, but it shows that Qingxu Temple should not be a hermit sect left over from the last era.

It may be a genius of this era who was lucky enough to be inherited by the Qingxu Immortal, so he established the Qingxu Temple and Xiaoqingxu.

Chen Fan restrained his daydreams, and couldn't help asking: "Senior Fu Ling, do you know what precious treasures and resources are in 'Kong Ming'?"

Fu Ling shook his head: "Not to mention that Immortal Pengxuan never went to 'Kong Tomorrow' back then, even if he did, it's been a long time, I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, everything is naturally impossible to be the same..."

"Not to mention, since the 'Empty Tomorrow' is about to collapse, even if there is, I'm afraid there won't be much left. I suggest you don't have too much hope."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows: "I'm lucky, I don't deliberately pursue anything."

In fact, although there is no shortage of inheritance and resources in his hands, who would think too much.

Different immortals have different specialties. For example, immortal Pengxuan has a powerful unique magical power such as "picking stars", and other immortals may not have it.

If you can enter the fairyland, you may be able to learn the unique inheritance of the immortal master, which is naturally a great thing.

However, it is acceptable for Chen Fan even if he does not gain much.

"Senior, isn't Kong's fall to this point also related to 'Tian Yuan' and the Great Tribulation?"

Fu Ling shook his head: "Perhaps, how would I know. Immortal Pengxuan has been dead for too long, and none of my subsequent masters has reached the immortal level. I haven't heard about the immortal level for a long time. It's..."

"Okay." Chen Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard that.

In any case, there is definitely a reason for the once mighty Xiantian to be reduced to the point where it is about to collapse.

Even if it is not related to Tianyuan, it is definitely related to the power of the immortal.

"I can first deduce the danger with the help of the 'sun cover mirror'... and then decide whether I want to go there..."

With the improvement of his cultivation base and comprehension, the strength of his clone is also rising.

At this moment, he can easily kill opponents at the sixth level of longevity with any demon-killing avatar. If he allocates appropriate and powerful weapons, he can easily defeat Fenghou.

He still has a lot of high-level star tools in his hand.

Apart from the two cores of Leng Fengjian and Baihuangjia, it is not difficult to find a set of eight-star Taoist artifacts. If you distribute them to clones, they will not be weaker than other geniuses!

After returning, he also immediately took out the sun-shading mirror, arranged the ceremony and sacrifices, and started the deduction.

It's just that the deduction failed directly.

There are too few conditions.

He just knew that he was going to Xiantian, and he knew the name "Kong Tomorrow".

Other than that, neither the location nor the information within it is known.

Just relying on a name, even if he is the "son of destiny", it is impossible to deduce any results.

"Wait until you are outside the fairyland, and then deduce..."


Time passed.

A month passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was the day of departure.

Chen Fan came to the place agreed by Xing Jun again.

When Chen Fan arrived, many geniuses had already arrived.

But it also included Hei Luo from the "Night Dire" clan.

At this moment, Hei Luo was standing with the half-human, half-bear alien race.

This bear monster is a monster genius from the monster realm, named Lanqiu. It is a bear monster. Chen Fan doesn't know the specific race.

Looking at the relationship between the two, it is quite close.

Seeing Chen Fan arrive, Hei Luo snorted coldly:

"Chen Fan, you really dare to come, then you should pray, don't meet me again in the sky..."

Chen Fan sneered: "I will return this sentence to you."

In fact, on the surface, Hei Luo is only the strength of the ten-story Tongtian Tower.

Dare to say that, there must be a reason.

Either there is something in his own strength that has not been revealed.

Or there are other hole cards of the Dire family.

Hearing what Chen Fan said, Hei Luo snorted coldly, and was about to say something when ripples like water suddenly flashed around him.

"Xing Jun" appeared in front of everyone.

"Is everyone here?"

As soon as he waved his hand, everyone entered a dreamlike world.

In front of him is a huge and magnificent teleportation formation.

Under the instruction of "Xingjun", everyone entered the teleportation array.

The aura surged, and the stars moved, but when everyone reappeared, they were in ruins.


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling the chaotic vitality of heaven and earth in the air, as well as the restless Dao Law, he also frowned slightly.

This place should still be within the sea of ​​chaos, but the vitality of the world and the law of the great way are more chaotic and restless than other places.

At the same time, the surrounding space is also extremely unstable.

Chen Fan frowned and looked towards the distant sky.

When the black arcs intersected, the other side was pitch black.

But just looking at the darkness, Chen Fan felt a feeling of trepidation.

All the geniuses looked at the darkness in the distance with different expressions.

"This is the edge of the Chaos Sea, and there is the 'Outer Sea'." Xingjun also explained for everyone.

"It turns out that this is the outer sea."

Some people may have heard of the sea, with a look of regret.

Chen Fan's eyes also flashed:

"Outer sea..."

His eyes were dim, but his heart was full of curiosity and anticipation.

A brief introduction.

"Xing Jun" waved his hand, and his palm seemed to be a pocket-sized palace model, but it suddenly magnified.

It turned into a huge floating palace in the air.

"Xing Jun" said lightly: "Everyone, please enter my flying palace, we still have to walk for a while to get there."

Everyone went to the flying palace one after another, and the palace also turned into a phantom light and headed for the distance, but instead of heading towards the dark "outer sea", they moved forward along the edge of the "outer sea" .

Needless to say, the speed is extremely fast, even Xiaodie can't match it at all!

And some spatial turbulence and spatial cracks in the surrounding area will not affect the flying palace at all.

After all, it is a fairy treasure.

It's not a fairy artifact, but at least a ninety-nine artifact, so there's no need to say much about its quality.

Through the flying palace, Chen Fan looked at the dark "outer sea" in the distance, his eyes flickered.

"When I improve my strength, break through in the way of swordsmanship, or master the second level of "Reaching for the Stars", I can try to go to the outer sea—"

He already had a lot of expectations in his heart.

Whether it is the existence of the source fragments, or the traitors who also hold the "power of the abyss", Chen Fan has great expectations in his heart.

But before flying far, the Flying Palace stopped abruptly.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows to look at the outside world, and also narrowed his eyes.

Under "The Secret Code of Space and Space", he could clearly feel the anomalies in the outer space.

In fact, he can also see the abnormal scene outside with his naked eyes.

What appeared in front of him was a huge black crack that spread across the sky.

But it is very similar to when the Emerald Palace was opened.

It's just that this space crack is much more exaggerated in terms of size and momentum.

"Here is Empty Tomorrow..."

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