My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 1069 Inheritance and overbearing

Quan Yin waved his hand, and handed Chen Fan a gleaming feather coat:

"This seven-star Taoist artifact is a treasure I took out from it. Chen Fan, you saved me, so I will give it to you."

However, Chen Fan was not polite to him, and immediately took it over.

Although for him, this level of Taoism is not very useful.

But if you get it for nothing, don’t don’t want it for nothing.

Afterwards, Quan Yin also shared the inheritance obtained here with Chen Fan.

Although there are many inheritances of Kong Mingming, generally a master will only leave a set of systematic magical powers or secret techniques, and the master of the king is the same.

It's just a pity that although this is a set of secret methods of the Dao series, the relevant Dao is not one of the several ways Chen Fan practices, and it is of no use to him.

"Let's go, this place is already very close to the core location."

The two hit the road together.

After that, there were also two relatively well-preserved caves, and there was a lot of harvest.

There are two caves, one from a feudal lord, and the other from a feudal king. Although the inheritance and treasures are not particularly precious, they are not bad.

And the two finally came to the core area of ​​Kongming.

At this point, the concentration of power has reached an extremely exaggerated level.

"Chen Fan, let's separate and act at both ends, which will be more efficient. After we leave, we can share this harvest. One set of magical powers can be exchanged for another... What do you think?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Yes."

Treasures cannot be shared, but inheritance can be.

Of course, if you want to share the supernatural powers of the immortal series, if you don't get the carrier of inheritance, such as jade slips, it will be quite troublesome to pass on to others.

Separated from Quanyin, Chen Fan chose a position at random and kept moving forward.

Soon a magnificent pavilion appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Compared with the surrounding ruins, this pavilion is relatively well preserved.

After all, it is the place where the masters of the immortal series leave inheritance, so the protection is naturally stronger.

It's just that if "Empty Tomorrow" collapses, where these orthodoxy exist, there will be one or the other, and sooner or later they will all be finished!

"Even if the surface is intact, it is impossible to have no damage inside..."

Chen Fan stepped forward and stood in front of the pavilion.

In addition to the strong force, he also felt an unusual "life" breath, but it was very similar to the fountain of life he had mastered.

"Could it be the place where the immortals of the 'Avenue of Life' left their legacy?"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to obtain the inheritance, you need to pass the screening, and often only those who practice the same way can successfully enter it.

If the immortals left this kind of inheritance place when Kong Ming was intact, Chen Fan was not a person who practiced the "Day of Life", and he wouldn't even think about entering it.

It's just that in the state of this time, space and tomorrow, with Chen Fan's strength, it is possible to rush in.

"Whether it works or not, it's okay to try."

With Chen Fan's strength at this time, he didn't feel that there would be dangers that he couldn't resist.

He immediately walked towards the door.

There are no enchantments or formations outside, and it is possible that the formations and formations will become invalid as time goes by.

After entering the pavilion, what appeared in front of Chen Fan was a special corridor.

Chen Fan stepped forward, at the end of the corridor, a stone gate blocked Chen Fan, and on the stone gate, there was also a line of words engraved: "Those who do not practice the 'way of life' are not allowed to enter this gate!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and slightly raised his hand, but found that the stone gate was motionless.

"The Way of Origin should be similar to the Way of Life. I don't know if my Origin Qi can help me get in..."

He raised his eyebrows, but passed the source qi into it along the palm of his hand, but as soon as the source qi entered it, Chen Fan felt a surge of repulsive force coming from it, causing Chen Fan's arm to be pulled from it suddenly. The door popped open.


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but sneered: "I don't believe it. At this moment, the 'Kong Tomorrow' is about to collapse, how much power can this Shimen have!"

However, he directly erupted with a double rage, and then slashed out with a sword of the first level's consummated "Star Reaching".

The turbulent and terrifying sword light rushed straight to the stone gate in an instant.

Amidst the roar, above the stone gate, cracks were directly blasted out.

"Hmph!" Chen Fan sneered, "Sure enough..."

The operation of Kongming's many caves definitely requires strength to maintain.

Kongming is now at the present point, and the vitality of the heaven and earth has been exhausted. These caves have no spiritual energy supply, how can they last for so long.

In fact, the defense of this Shimen is already very exaggerated. Chen Fan has the combat strength of the king-level ranks, and a sword with all his strength can only blast some cracks.

If the sky is intact tomorrow, I am afraid that only immortal masters can break into it here.

Chen Fan slashed thousands of swords at the Shimen in succession before he successfully opened the gate.

Everything behind the door remained largely intact.

Nor was it infected by Chongli.

"As expected of the place left by the immortal..."

Chen Fan was also unceremonious, and collected all the treasures, resources, and inheritances inside.

Actually, normally.

Even if you can break through the immortal test and enter it, after obtaining the inheritance, you can take away at most one or two treasures and resources.

After all, the inheritance is not just passed on to one person, if someone can enter it later, they can also obtain the inheritance.

But in this situation at this time, Kong will fall soon tomorrow, and it is impossible for anyone to come later.

Chen Fan forcibly broke the restriction on the treasures here, and took all the treasures away.

Although he does not practice the "Day of Life", many treasure resources are still useful to him.

Afterwards, Chen Fan forcibly broke the restriction and took away the jade slips which recorded the key inheritance.

"The first immortal level supernatural power has been obtained!"

He may not need this supernatural power himself, but no matter whether he turns it in to the church for rewards or shares it with others, he can get a lot of rewards.

In fact, although he does not cultivate the "way of life" at this time, it may not be the case in the future.

One day, after he breaks through the Demon God King series, with a long lifespan, he may expand the way he has cultivated, and maybe he will cultivate to the top of this "way of life".

Of course, that day is still far away.

After searching everything, Chen Fan did not stop, left, and continued towards the next fairy cave.

But after finally discovering the second fairy cave, he discovered that at this moment, someone outside the cave had already arrived first.

This person is none other than the bear demon Lanqiu who was born in the demon realm. Chen Fan doesn't know the specific race, but this monster is closer to that black Luo from the Dire clan.

This monster is only the strength of the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower. Compared with Chen Fan, there is still a big gap in strength.

At this moment, it is constantly beating and colliding with the crystal aura at the gate of the cave.

When seeing Chen Fan coming, the monster's expression also changed:

"Chen Fan, I came here first, you can't compete with me!"

Chen Fan smiled:

"You haven't even entered yet, so it's useful if you come first?"

Although the core area is large, the number of orthodoxy left by the immortals is quite limited.

The total sum is not much, why should Chen Fan give in!

Not to mention that Lan Qiu is still close to Hei Luo of the Dire Clan, but Chen Fan won't give in!

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